Tues Blogcast: I can feel that!; Vaccinate your kids; Charter schools yes!

Milton Friedman schools Phil Donahue (RIP) about capitalism and "greed"

Just One Thing: Hey, I can feel that!

Here’s a cringe-worthy story starring Florida man: 84-year-old Dr Iswari Prasad of Tampa did two colonoscopy procedures on June 5th of last year. Because of those, he’s been placed on probation by the Florida Board of Medicine. In the first procedure, the doctor told a surgical tech to do things…and I trust you know what sort of things are done during a colonoscopy…that the tech was not trained to do. And in the second, the doctor started inserting the scope before the patient was fully sedated, and the patient yelled in pain. If that’s not enough, Dr Prasad wasn’t wearing his hearing aids and didn’t hear the patient so he didn’t stop. This is the medical equivalent of why, at some point, you take grandpa’s car keys away. Except this is worse.

Florida doc, 84, couldn't hear colonoscopy patient screaming in agony because he wasn't wearing his hearing aids: complaint (nypost.com)

Adam Andrzejewski, RIP

Adam, a repeat guest on the show whom I had the chance to meet at a political event, passed away suddenly at the age of 55. He was one of the good guys, working daily at his organization, OpenTheBooks.com, to bring transparency to the operations, and especially the costs, of government.

Here's his last article, co-authored with Senator Joni Ernst: Feds are still sending 'mad scientist' millions to China — and keeping it from Congress (nypost.com)

Transparent Government Spending | Open The Books

Press release about his passing: Statement on the Loss of Founder, CEO Adam Andrzejewski - News - News | Open The Books

One More Thing: Read this

It's mostly about Europe but think of the US as on the European path, especially if we elect Kamala Harris

How to save Britain from a doom loop of decay, decline – and default (telegraph.co.uk)


Joe Biden gave a long (52 min...shorter than Trump but still WAY too long), angry, boring speech last night. Clearly he didn't get the memo that the evening wasn't supposed to be about his "legacy" but rather about the future. It was hard to listen to because even though Biden was better than usual at not tripping over the words, he's still a bad orator, still has "marbles in his mouth" frequently and, particularly last night, delivered the address as one long bout of yelling. Even when he was trying to communicate happy and hopeful ideas, he sounded angry.

I mentioned on yesterday's show that it was interesting that they were sorta hiding him by putting him late on the first night. Well, it turned out to be MUCH later than planned, past prime time on the East Coast, starting at 11:27 PM ET (9:27 PM here in Colorado) and going until about 12:20 AM ET/10:20 PM MT. Ugh. There wasn't enough bourbon poured in the Kaminsky house to get me through it comfortably but somehow I made it. I sure won't miss his saying things like "I'm not joking", "Not a joke, folks", "That's not hyperbole", and "I mean it literally" (for things he almost always means figuratively.) Boy the man is tiresome.

But the Dems in the room loved him, at least for the first 20 minutes. Much like with Trump's ridiculous RNC speech, Biden could have cut out most of the middle of his speech and it would have been much better.

Biden's DNC speech delayed, pushed past prime-time coverage (newsnationnow.com)

If you want to get a sense of the yelling, just drop in at any point in this video after the very long initial standing ovation and chants of things like "We love Joe."

I think he had one good line near the end, quoting a poem, though if this was his best, it's hard to wonder what his mediocre would have been:

I find it disorienting to hear Biden say that he supports freedom. As I noted on Twitter yesterday, the only freedoms Dems support are the freedom to have an abortion, take drugs, and marry someone of the same gender. And, for the record, I support those freedoms even though I'll never do any of those things. But what about freedom from excessive taxation, excessive regulation, censorship, and every petty tyranny of the administrative state that grows ever larger under "progressive" government? No, Dems always oppose the freedoms I care about most.

I still can't hear Hillary Clinton without feeling like my ears are going to start bleeding:

I could have used more chaos than this:

Today's Guests

Georgina Peacock is Director of CDC’s Immunization Services Division within the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD). We'll talk about the importance of vaccinating kids, including separating out typical childhood vaccines from COVID vaccination, as there has been a slight downtick in the percentage of kids getting vaccinated. We'll also talk about real and perceived risks of vaccination.

Georgina Peacock - NCICP

Far Fewer in U.S. Regard Childhood Vaccinations as Important (gallup.com)

Bob Schaffer is Chairman of the Leadership Program of the Rockies, a former Republican Congressman from Colorado's 4th Congressional District who honored his pledge to self-term limit to 3 terms, and now has the best job of his life as Headmaster of the Liberty Common Charter School (K-12) in Fort Collins.

Leadership Program of the Rockies - Leadership Program of the Rockies (Learn more and consider applying!)

  1. Recent string of charter school studies is interesting – the notion that charters are not monolithic could be the point standing in contrast to the reality that nearly all government-owned schools in Colorado (maybe America) are becoming monolithic if they aren’t there already.  Capitalism and markets applied to public schools seems to correspond – albeit generally – to higher quality. Other than Milton Friedman, who’d have guessed?


  1. There is an interesting positive new trend in public schools banning cellphones and smart devices – or trying. This includes many large Colorado districts this year. 

 Managing Cellphones in Classrooms: Tips From Teachers (edweek.org)



Other Stuff

Denver voters will decide on massive $100 million/year sales tax hike. As Denver City Councilman Kevin Flynn noted, "I think we have to stop talking about making Denver affordable by raising the cost of living here." We'll see in November if Denverites remain as committed to fiscal masochism as they historically have been.

Denver voters will see 0.5% Affordable Denver sales tax on 2024 ballots (denverpost.com)

Denver City Council sends $100 million sales tax hike to November ballot | News | denvergazette.com

Flynn's comment puts this in context: Denver ranks as one of most expensive cities to raise kids (kdvr.com)

Moron anti-Semite feels the sting of his previously demonstrated idiocy. And karma: D.C. Councilman Trayon White Arrested on Bribery Charge | National Review

Speaking of moron anti-Semites, Candace Owens has utterly lost her mind:

Candace Owens: From Israel did 9/11 to Stalin was a Jew: Candace Owens’ craziest conspiracy theories | World News - Times of India (indiatimes.com)

At this Point, Candace Owens Should Grow Out the Rest of Her Mustache – PJ Media

Candace Owens' father-in-law distances himself from her comments about Israel (nypost.com)

Here's what has "broken the Internet"...maybe Candace is laughing all the way to the bank but I hope it costs her dearly. It's a sad statement about America that you can make a living by basically being a black Nazi. Then a couple of reactions.

Seriously, THAT company was doing DEI? Harley-Davidson Changes DEI Policy Following Activist Pressure - WSJ

Degrading Hezbollah: Israel eliminates commander of Hezbollah missile unit in Lebanon (msn.com)

Don't stop killing Hamas: Bodies of 6 hostages recovered from southern Gaza (ABC News)

There's a TON of legal stuff I didn't get to yesterday. Here are all the links:

Montana Supreme Court strikes down parental notification for abortion: https://x.com/blairmiller/status/1823774165989777754

To me the interesting aspect of these stories is how/whether they'll impact businesses' future behavior should we ever have a similar situation: Former insurance employee gets damages in religious beliefs vaccine case | Insurance Business America (insurancebusinessmag.com)

Two similar cases, one state and one federal:

Police should return defendant's cash, appeals court says | Colorado Politics | gazette.com

Federal Court Rules Police Cannot Seize Property Indefinitely After an Arrest (reason.com)

Court blocks Biden's pro-transgender rewrite of Title IX: Supreme Court Upholds Injunctions Blocking Title IX Rewrite (dailysignal.com)

Obviously: 9th Circuit allows Californians to buy more guns in 30 days (sandiegouniontribune.com)

Ugh: George Santos Pleads Guilty To Wire Fraud And Identity Theft, Avoiding Trial—Here’s What To Know (msn.com)

Truly remarkable, Kamala shoots the moon - The Spectator World (May require subscription)

In that context, check out the swing state poll resuits in Section 1: Kamala’s show | Semafor

Offered without comment: Sicily yacht sinking: Divers search Bayesian for missing tech tycoon Mike Lynch, Morgan Stanley boss (nbcnews.com)

I think she won't come close to giving them this: "Several of the delegates said they hoped to convince fellow Democrats to sign a letter demanding Ms Harris and the party support a ceasefire and arms embargo against Israel."

Gaza divides threaten Democrat unity at Chicago convention (bbc.com)

I was going to ask when anti-Semitism became trendy again, but under the surface it never wasn't trendy. And by "never", I mean for several thousand years.

Reminds me of when I took my wife, on her first trip across the US, to a Shoney's restaurant (that had a buffet) in West Virginia: Applebee's 'All You Can Eat' deal dispute leads to woman's arrest (indystar.com)

I guess this is good politically for Trump, and it's refreshing to see the Post being honest, but frankly this represents a failure of Trump, that is in not proposing more significant reforms to the entitlement programs that are going to bankrupt this country: No, every Trump budget did not seek to cut Social Security and Medicare - The Washington Post

Seems like a lot...but it's possibly one month of income for them, depending on just who the buyer is. Broncos owners, Walton family planning Denver’s most expensive mansion (denverpost.com)

And going back further: Polo Club mansion in Denver sells for $17.7M to buyer of Bill Gates’ Florida estate (denverpost.com) (may require subscription)

I'm always amazed these days by VERY large private companies, like M&M Mars: Mars agrees to buy Cheez-It maker for $36 billion (axios.com)

Today's Videos

Pups born to wolves reintroduced to Colorado

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