Thurs Blogcast: Biden's gasoline gambit; Sorry, there wasn't massive fraud

Just One Thing: You wouldn't let your friend make a decision this bad

It's so bad, it has to be Biden...

If a friend asked your opinion of his plan to drain money from his retirement account because prices of everything have gone up and he’s not willing to buy less stuff, you’d say “don’t be an idiot, that’s for your future. Just find a way to buy a little less now.” On Tuesday, the Biden Administration announced that they would sell a million barrels of gasoline, not oil, from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve. Not because there’s any disruption of supply but explicitly to lower the price for summer travelers. First of all, they’re planning on selling a total of a million barrels into a market that uses 9 million barrels a day. Second, and more importantly, this is NOT what a strategic reserve is for. Not only is this a disgusting effort at vote buying, but it won’t even work.

Biden to sell off 1M barrels of gasoline held in reserve to keep prices low before election (


Normally I would put a video at the end, but this is just too good: Hunter Got High

"Biden never used to start with Buy"

By the way, this is from the real dude, not someone else parodying Afroman's song

Today's Guests

Rocky LaPorte is an old-school comedian...meaning he's funny without being dirty. Great Brooklyn accent, and he also worked as a truck driver in Chicago. You can imagine the material.

He's playing Thursday through Sunday evenings at Comedy Works South at the Landmark.

Rocky LaPorte | Live in Denver | Comedy Works


Ken Block is a data analyst hired by the Trump Campaign to search for fraud in the 2020 election. What he found surely did not please Trump and his minions. Ken's new book is Disproven: My Unbiased Search for Voter Fraud for the Trump Campaign, the Data that Shows Why He Lost, and How We Can Improve Our Elections

Ken Block


Other Stuff

Nikki's voting for Trump. She didn't really have a choice, both on a policy and political basis. I mean, if she didn't at least say she was voting for Trump she'd have almost no path to run for president in the future. And, really, as much as she doesn't dig Trump, on a policy basis Biden is worse by almost every measure.


This is intense and philosophical but important: Polylogism Is the Root Problem


So which is it?

Consumers have given up on saving for the American Dream and are spending money instead | Fortune

Retirement account balances hit highest level since 2021 | Fox Business


I owe you a few things from yesterday:

This is exactly what a bad parent would do: Give an ultimatum and deadline and not enforce it: DU gives Palestine protesters ultimatum to clear encampment (

No wonder criminals are stealing wire: Main facts about the copper market as prices hit record highs | Reuters

A very Denver story: Former marijuana felon aims to be top cannabis delivery driver |

Don’t the Islamofascists have anything better to do? State Department issues worldwide alert, warns of violence against LGBTQ community - CBS News


This is silly but I like it. I can't embed the video so just click on the link and watch: ‘There he is, dead again’: Opossum delights internet by faking death (


It's REALLY important to consider the horrendous impact of inflation on almost everybody, and how the value of some assets we own going up is only offsetting the damage done by Biden's insane "helicopter money" policies enabled by the Fed's out-of-control printing machine.


I don't know if I've ever said this before nor if I will ever say it again, but Harvard got something right:


FOR TECH NERDS: Ernie at Tedium has a way to get your Google searches (if you want to use Google) to look like the searches of old, without all of the AI junk that's been added in recent years. This relates to something I was talking about on the show the other day: how the addition of AI to search will cause search engines to give you summarized "answers" rather than web pages as the result. But if you want web pages as results so you can find stuff yourself and not rely on AI, which can certainly be wrong or just not focus on what you want the focus to be, Ernie has a way:

How I Made Google’s “Web” View My Default Search

He has created a search page: and you can achieve the same by adding &udm=14 to the end of any Google search url


What does "not pursue" mean? For example, if a sheriff's deputy in a jurisdiction that does "not pursue" finds a stolen vehicle being driven somewhere, will they follow it, even if not in a high-speed chase or with lights and sirens?

Do Denver-area police pursue stolen vehicles? | FOX31 (


Today's Video

If you want to see the presentation by Kurt Cambier, Kameron Cambier, and then me, at the Centennial Capital Partners event last month, here it is. I start around 28:30

This is freakin' fantastic

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