Just One Thing: How much the nation loves the flag, despises the protesters
You wouldn't know this from news coverage, but almost everybody is against the protesters.
Talk is cheap. Money talks much louder.
So here's this: Fundraiser for Susan Ralston by John Noonan : Pi Kappa Phi Men Defended their Flag. Throw 'em a Rager (gofundme.com)
I note that based on the names of some of the young men whom I've seen interviewed, there are a lot of Jewish kids in this frat
One More Thing: Muddleheaded thinking abounds
I read a really dumb column in a local newspaper (Vail Daily) where the writer was theorizing that part of the reason that Gaza is such a spectacularly unsuccessful place and the source of such violence is because it’s a bunch of sand without oil. But Israel is a bunch of sand without oil and it’s very successful, and peaceful except when attacked. And Iran has lots of oil money and it’s far from peaceful. No, what makes Gaza such a hell-hole is bad government that keeps the people angry and ignorant. Perhaps it’s unsurprising then that the college pro-Palestinian protesters are also people who support forms of government – or anarchy – that everywhere and always fail to create freedom, a thriving economy, or peace. There’s a reason that there’s such a big overlap between socialism and anti-Semitism.
If you're interested, there's MUCH more wrong with the column I'm referring to than just that point. You can probably find a lot of the mistakes yourself here: Wissot: Criticism never bothered Netanyahu before, but it should now | VailDaily.com I have written a reply which I hope the paper will publish. If they do, I'll share a link and if they don't I'll share the text. Should know fairly soon.
No young child should ever have to write this
Today's Guests
Alicia Dennis is Senior editor at People Magazine. We'll talk about the series premiere of “People Magazine Investigates - Surviving a Serial Killer”
The six-part series premieres this Sunday at 7 PM MT on Investigation Discovery. People Magazine's Surviving a Serial Killer Episode Guide (showbizjunkies.com)
Comedian Jamie Lissow joins me in studio. You see him frequently on the "Gutfeld" show. Jamie is playing tonight and tomorrow night at Comedy Works South at the Landmark.
Jamie Lissow | Live in Denver | Comedy Works
Great piece by our friend Christian Toto: Jamie Lissow Describes That 'Gutfeld!' Effect (hollywoodintoto.com)
Igor Raykin is a civil rights attorney and ninja. (At least that's what I'm told.) We'll discuss due process rights for students in the context of what's going on at college campuses lately.
Igor Raykin | Kishinevsky & Raykin, Attorneys at Law | Aurora (coloradolawteam.com)
Paul Beale is a professor of physics at CU Boulder and is the show's most frequent guest. We'll discuss, among other things, why stars twinkle and may also tackle this rather intense question raised by Dr Becky in the video below.
Other Stuff
Speaking of unclear thinking: I wonder if these people calling for universities to divest from investments in companies that do business in Israel think that divestment would cost those companies money. I wonder if they think that the flow of funds from buying or selling shares (on the open market, which is where almost all transactions occur) involves money going to or from the companies of the shares involved; but it doesn't. If you buy or sell shares of Coca-Cola or General Dynamics, $0 of the amount you spend or receive goes to or from the companies. The ability of universities to hurt companies by selling their shares is exceptionally limited. Universities, even lots of them acting together, simply aren't big enough to impact a stock price very much or for very long, and even then it's unlikely that companies would care or react to such sales unless they thought it represented the beginning of a more permanent boycott of larger numbers of people buying their shares...which is also very unlikely in this situation. Generally, I think the people calling for divestment are as ignorant about finance as they are about the Middle East.
Biden isn't all wrong, but he's partly wrong and it was a very very dumb thing to say: Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with Russia and China | CNN Politics
I understand the issue but sure feels like the Nanny State to me: No more 12345: devices with weak passwords to be banned in UK | Data and computer security | The Guardian
Arizona total ban on abortion (from 1864) repealed but repeal does not take effect for months meaning it may end up taking effect for a few months unless the State Supreme Court acts to prevent that. Arizona governor signs repeal of 1864 abortion ban (nbcnews.com)
This is NOT a conservative thing to do (and obviously not libertarian): DeSantis Signs Bill Banning Lab-Grown Meat in Florida (reason.com)
By the way, there is no known safety concern about lab-grown meat and the governor does not seem to be claiming a safety-related reason for the ban. There is no other possible legitimate reason for a ban. Instead, this is pure rent-seeking and vote-buying: "We must protect our incredible farmers and the integrity of American agriculture," said the State Agriculture Commissioner. This is paternalistic nonsense: Gov. Ron DeSantis signs lab-grown meat ban in Florida (tallahassee.com)
Important state gov't stuff:
The state comptroller was apparently either incompetent or cheating, and now the state owes money to the taxpayers. Let's see how Dems try to steal it: An error shorted Colorado taxpayers $34M in refunds. Here's why. - The Colorado Sun
Say goodbye to TABOR refunds: Colorado Democrats to cut income taxes, redirect TABOR refunds to low-income families (coloradosun.com)
Colorado's oil and gas industry pays a ransom to state Democrats in order to not be beaten or raped or whatever metaphor you like:
Colorado oil and gas, climate deal includes fees, abandoned bills (denverpost.com)
Gov. Jared Polis goes from instigator to mediator on Colorado oil and gas issues - Axios Denver
Good note by Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Follow the Science’ Leads to Ruin - WSJ (archive.md)
Here's what I think is the most important takeaway:
A new peer-reviewed study of all the scientific estimates of climate-change effects shows the most likely cost of global warming averaged across the century will be about 1% of global gross domestic product, reaching 2% by the end of the century. This is a very long way from global extinction.
Draconian net-zero climate policies, on the other hand, will be prohibitively costly. The latest peer-reviewed climate-economic research shows the total cost will average $27 trillion each year across the century, reaching $60 trillion a year in 2100. Net zero is more than seven times as costly as the climate problem it tries to address.
It will soon be illegal for semi-trailers and other large commercial vehicles to drive in the left lane in certain sections of I-70: Commercial Vehicle Highway Safety Measures | Colorado General Assembly
Bastiat is still right: How politicians killed food delivery in Seattle - Washington Examiner
Seattle council may make U-turn on delivery drivers’ pay as fees increase | The Seattle Times
(Here's the Bastiat I'm referring to: That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen; by Frederic Bastiat It's all good, but for sure read the introduction and Section 1, "The Broken Window"...will take you just a few minutes.)
Because lawyers are never in high-pressure situations or facing impending important deadlines:
Today's Videos
She's got a future as a top-notch interviewer!
I'm not unhappy that none of the rioters/trespassers/vandals who took over Hamilton Hall at Columbia University got hurt...but I'm not happy either.
Expel every student who was there.
End your week with a smile...and learning something you (and I) didn't know about baby raccoons