Just One Thing: We're back (and I'm dumb enough to work the very next day)
For the last 10 days I was traveling with show listeners to Egypt. It was a truly remarkable experience with far too many highlights to mention in "Just One Thing." But in addition to the obvious incredible places like the pyramids and the Valley of the Kings, Egypt was fascinating for other reasons. Although the vast majority of the population is Muslim, somewhere between 5% and 10% are Christian and there’s even a small Jewish population still active. When you travel in Europe, usually the oldest stuff you see is Roman. In Egypt’s historical locations, the Roman contribution is the new part. It really puts human history in context. There’s a lot more to say, of course, and I'll say a lot of it during the show, but at this point I’ll just say that if you’ve never been to Egypt, it’s well worth a visit.
And if you've never traveled with me (or with Mandy) on a trip put together by Cruise & Tour, you're missing something special.
p.s. I'm very jet-lagged and probably should have taken one day off after returning home on Sunday night but I'm not smart enough to do that so I'll talk with ya on Monday though I'm not sure how coherent I'll be. I'll probably keep this blog note a little short.
1 of 5 Abu Simbel
2 of 5 Riding camels near the Great Pyramid of Giza
3 of 5 Galabeya night (Ross and Producer Dragon)
4 of 5 Ross and Dragon have a conversation with KOA listeners
5 of 5 And this was just the first day of our trip!
Other Stuff
I hate to start with such heavy news, but this was the biggest story that happened while we were traveling, and it must be mentioned: 4 suspects charged in Moscow terror attack, Russian news agency says (msn.com)
Clearly, Putin/Russia would like to have tried to blame this horrific attack on Ukraine, but it would be stupid for Ukraine to cause a civilian mass-casualty event. I won't get into the various reasons why; I'm sure you already know. Looking at the names of the people who have been arrested, and given that ISIS-K claimed the attack, it's likely that these guys come from a predominantly Muslim part of greater Russia such as Tajikistan or Dagestan or Chechnya.
UPDATE: It's now being reported that the arrested subjects are from Tajikistan.
ISIS-K is arguably the worst terrorist group on the planet. And while the Russian people are being shielded from the knowledge -- and it's not clear that an attack could have been stopped -- the US and UK recently warned Russia of an impending large-scale attack, possibly on a concert venue:
U.S. Warned Russia Before Moscow Attack That Killed at Least 60 - WSJ
Big news for Trump likely coming today: Trump could learn Monday how NY wants to collect $457M owed in his civil fraud case (msn.com)
At some point, CEOs will realize that their job is not to virtue-signal: Hertz CEO Stephen Scherr resigns after EV push goes bust | Fox Business
Hertz CEO resigns amid EV investment setback (msn.com)
I wish I had known about this so I could have turned on every light I could find, as a symbol of reverence at human ingenuity and entrepreneurship: Earth Hour 2024 sees millions unite around the world in support and celebration of our planet, with more than 1.4 million hours given for the planet.
On a related note: Three cheers for oil and gas: World's big oil firm CEOs argue against rapid green energy migration | AFRICA CHINA ECONOMY (africachinapresscentre.org)
I really do like Carville even though he plays for the bad guys: Opinion | James Carville, the Cajun Who Can’t Stop Ragin’ - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
It's the fault of politicians, but perhaps even more of teachers (of all types) and media that young Americans are unhappy and insecure: The U.S. is no longer one of the 20 happiest countries. If you're young, you probably know why. (nbcnews.com)
This is not Oakland or Detroit or Chicago. It's Denver: Credit union shutters Denver branch, cites safety concerns near shelter (msn.com)
Go get 'em: Al-Shifa Hospital raid one of the 'single largest' operations in the war: Sources (msn.com)
I know they're trying to paint these folks as idiot "conservatives" and probably they were, but there are idiots of all stripes who believe all kinds of nonsense. It's tragic when children are the victims of their parents' bad brains: New details emerge about Colorado family that died trying to live off the grid - Axios Denver
Not surprising at all: James Carville no longer teaching at LSU | Local Politics | nola.com
I'm not nearly expert enough to know how much further "construction defect" reform needs to go but it seems to me that getting anything done, especially given Democrat dominance of the legislature, is welcome: Construction-defects reform bill passes out of key committee | The Sum and Substance (tsscolorado.com)
Web page for the bill: Right to Remedy Construction Defects | Colorado General Assembly
One of the riskiest stocks you'll ever see: DWAC Stock Reverses Lower After Shareholders Approve Trump Media Merger | Investor's Business Daily (investors.com)
I love this math: March Madness: Another year without a perfect NCAA men's bracket | AP News
Today's Videos
Here's 80 seconds from and of our river cruise cabin on the Nile:
NBC's Chuck Todd, something of a partisan hack but not nearly the biggest hack on network news, is pissed that his employer hired recently-resigned former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel as a paid contributor. Think about all the leftist partisan hacks such as the raft of former Dem press secretaries who have been paid contributors on various networks. Or George Stephanopoulos, and on and on and on.
I'm not saying I like McDaniel, who went along with far too many Trump lies. But the hypocrisy of the MSM on this is palpable.
And if you're interested, here's the contentious interview that starts with NBC's Kristen Welker offering a huge caveat that she had nothing to do with McDaniel's hiring: Ronna McDaniel says there was ‘tension’ between RNC and Trump campaign over debates: Full interview (youtube.com)
Some of the conversation just before the 8-minute mark is interesting in terms of "if you disagree with Trump about something very important, how could you still vote for him?" McDaniel gives the answer that I think quite a few Americans will also reach...though many will not, which is why Trump is such a terrible choice for the GOP.
And at about 19:20, Welker asks McDaniel while people should trust her.