CU Boulder Student Researcher Alex Bradley on Air Pollution in Denver

Alex Bradley is a Ph.D. student researcher at CU Boulder and CIRES (pronounced like “series”). We'll discuss his new research that shows significantly worse air pollution in the parts of Denver in which high percentages of the population are "black and brown" people. It's being called "air pollution inequality". And for the record, I believe the findings. But the economic questions may not be what the policy makers want us to think. For the record, I'm not having Alex on for a policy discussion...he's a science researcher and I'm not going to ask him the questions I might ask a politician or bureaucrat.

de Gouw Lab - Alex Bradley (

CU study finds communities of color most impacted by pollution |

Air Pollution Inequality in the Denver Metroplex and its Relationship to Historical Redlining | Environmental Science & Technology (

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