Just One Thing: Thank you to the Denver City Council
Please read my rather long tweet:
One More Thing: Are Biden's team really trying to help him?
Every once in a while Team Biden does something that makes you think Team Biden is not the A-Team. Letting him do an angry press conference after the special counsel’s report, even though that report was brutal, gave President Biden a chance to make a mistake, and grabbed that chance like a 7-year old grabbing the cotton candy, saying he talked to the resident of Mexico about aid in Gaza, when he meant the president of Egypt. The same B-Team had Biden, who skipped the almost traditional Super Bowl interview for the second year in a row, put out a video instead. The dude can barely speak intelligibly, but here goes...
As a friend put it, is Biden’s team TRYING to sabotage him? It's almost enough to allow one to believe a conspiracy theory that Biden's own team wants to get him replaced. More on that line here: Biden's Bizarre 'Shrinkflation' Nonsense (reason.com)
Related: Biden on TikTok
A little over a year ago: Biden signs TikTok ban for government devices amid security concerns (nbcnews.com)
Biden on Sunday on TikTok:
Today's Guests
Taylor Rhodes is Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. We'll spend a few minutes talking about the anti-gun bills that may come to/through the state legislature this session.
BillWatch | Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (rmgo.org)
Here's a bill that will add requirements including "live fire" training in order to get a concealed carry permit: Concealed Carry Permits & Training | Colorado General Assembly
I struggle with this one in the sense that anybody who is carrying a gun should know how to use it BUT government's shouldn't generally be able to add conditions which a citizen must satisfy simply in order to exercise a constitutional right.
Krista Kafer is a friend of mine and a plaintiff in the Colorado case now before the Supreme Court of the United States that aims to bar former President Trump from the ballot(s) in Colorado, and which at least one state has already relied on to make the same maneuver there. I expect that the Supreme Court will overturn Colorado's somewhat surprising ruling in favor of Krista and the other plaintiffs...and I think SCOTUS will do so unanimously or maybe 8-1.
This is from the best website for SCOTUS coverage: Supreme Court appears unlikely to kick Trump off Colorado ballot - SCOTUSblog
I asked Krista if she'd be willing to have a conversation on the air about whether she regrets being involved or whether she would do it the same way again and she agreed so that's much of what we'll discuss.
Lindsay Datko is the founder of Jeffco Kids First. She wants us to know about a bill in front of the state legislature: Non-Legal Name Changes | Colorado General Assembly
From the legislature's website, the bill would:
- Require public schools and institute charter schools (school) to use a student's preferred name, if a preferred name is requested by the student; and
- Deem a school's refusal to use a student's preferred name a form of discrimination.
The bill calls for the creation of a task force to determine, among other things, rules about parental notification.
In a sense this is an interesting bill because it's not about "pronouns" though of course that will be coming next time.
Other Stuff
Some stuff I didn't get to yesterday that's important:
There's a lot wrong with a "Black National Anthem" and insisting on people standing for it: Democratic congressman hits Super Bowl fans for not standing for 'Negro National Anthem' (msn.com)
My wife will be back in Delhi in about 10 days. I hope this isn't a problem: Delhi on alert as farmers' protest pressures Modi ahead of elections - Nikkei Asia
Right now, Larry Hogan is likely the ONLY Republican with any chance at all to win a Senate seat in Maryland.
CNN declares Larry Hogan's entry into Maryland Senate race 'Chuck Schumer's nightmare' | Fox News
My thought to the reaction of one prominent media conservative loudmouth:
An absolute political sin by at least a generation of "leaders" and an utter failure of Republicans, especially Trump, to make the situation less terrible for our children and grandchildren.
Check out the chart just a little bit after the beginning of the article: Interest Costs Will Leapfrog Medicare and Defense This Year-2024-02-08 (crfb.org)
Let's see what happens in the MAGA-dominated House of Representatives: Senate passes a $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel, but fate in the House is uncertain (msn.com)
CO legislature will continue to attack landlords (and all other property owners) because that's what socialists do:
Colorado legislators' pro-tenant bills include for-cause eviction (denverpost.com)
Cause Required for Eviction of Residential Tenant | Colorado General Assembly
Donald Trump pressured RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to leave her role and now Trump is proposing new leadership. The co-chairs would be a "stolen election" dude from North Carolina and Trump's daughter-in-law, Lara. Banana republic, anyone?
Here's the Trump statement: djt.nucleusemail.com/amplify/v/aVKGzsXH4G?hids=ZXNxfpE7&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ncl_amplify&utm_campaign=240212-statement_by_donald_j_trump_45th_president_of_the_united_states&utm_content=ncl-YwTFuRmVGp&_nlid=YwTFuRmVGp&_nhids=ZXNxfpE7
Remarkable reporting showing the dysfunction inside an obviously dysfunctional administration on what is now the biggest election issue: How infighting, turmoil fueled Biden's border struggle (axios.com)
How did she get pregnant? Stingray will have 'miraculous birth' with no mate as aquarium staff believe that a SHARK may have impregnated it | Daily Mail Online
This is just weird, including the last part of the article: Bizarre reason farmer uses sexy lingerie on their watermelons despite online ridicule - Daily Star
Robert F Kennedy Jr's main super-PAC ran a campaign commercial during the Superbowl that mimics a 1960 ad from his uncle, John F Kenndy. His family was furious and RFK apologized but at least for now has not taken down the ad.
Much of the funding for this super-PAC is coming from a wealthy guy who is a big-time Trump supporter. Apparently, MAGA wants to keep Kennedy's flagging campaign alive because they believe he will take more votes from Biden than from Trump.
RFK Jr. apologizes to family after Super Bowl ad (axios.com)
Here's the original:
You might call it efficient and you might call it lazy, but the result is likely to hurt people unfairly (and maybe help some people unfairly too)
People are using ChatGPT to write performance reviews (axios.com)
I don't know if Denver can find enough change in the couch cushions without furloughing people and cutting salary expenses:
Today's Videos
A video report about the sophisticated networking and computer equipment found below UNRWA headquarters in Gaza.
UNRWA must be completely disbanded. And preferably not replaced. At least not by anything related to the UN.
Subsidizing Nickelback