Thurs Blogcast: CO @ SCOTUS; Denver Basic Income; Comic Christopher Titus

Just One Thing: CO Trump ballot access case heard at Supreme Court

At 8 AM today the Supreme Court will (or will have, depending on when you read this) hear(d) oral arguments in the Colorado case in which our terrible State Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump engaged in insurrection and is disqualified from Colorado ballots. I think the ruling sets up this country for years of nasty political shenanigans by partisans of both parties and must not be allowed to stand. Oral arguments will have the plaintiffs (trying to get Trump removed) with 30 minutes to make their case and the defense (Trump's lawyers) with 40 minutes to make theirs.

YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO LISTEN LIVE HERE starting at 8 AM Mountain Time: Live Oral Argument Audio (

And afterwards you should be able to listen to a recording of the arguments here: Argument Audio (

Remember that it's often very difficult to guess a justice's eventual vote from the questions they ask during oral arguments.

I suspect that SCOTUS will aggressively overturn Colorado but without ruling on whether Trump "engaged in insurrection." I sure hope I'm right. Any other answer will be very bad for this country, and I say that as someone who thinks that Trump's behavior on 1/6/21 was disgusting and disqualifying.

Supreme Court to decide whether insurrection provision keeps Trump off ballot - SCOTUSblog

I share the WSJ's view of the right answer(s): The Supreme Court’s Colorado Trump Test - WSJ


Today's Guests

Mark Donovan is the founder of the Denver Basic Income Project which just extended the program with another $7 million.

About — Denver Basic Income Project

Denver Basic Income Project extends cash payments through $7M reinvestment (

Denver Basic Income Project Announces Extension in 2024 💰 (


Comedian Christopher Titus has been making people laugh for 20 years with humor about everything from his own divorce to American politics to Millennials and Gen-Z. He's done NINE 90-minute comedy specials, if you can imagine that. He's playing at Comedy Works South at the Landmark tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 PM and Friday and Saturday nights at 7:15 PM and 9:45 PM. (As of this writing, 7:15 Saturday is already sold out so get your tickets for other shows while you can!)

Christopher Titus | Live in Denver | Comedy Works

Christopher Titus | Comedian


Will Trachman is General Counsel for Mountain States Legal Foundation which has filed a lawsuit against Denver Public Schools for racial discrimination -- against white people.

Home - Mountain States Legal Foundation (

Denver Public Schools accused of racial discrimination against white students (

Denver Public Schools being investigated for racial bias | News |


Other Stuff

Mojo Nixon, RIP: Mojo Nixon, Unabashed Outlaw Cult Hero, Dead at 66 (

Don Henley Must Die - Music - The Austin Chronicle

See video at the end of the blog...because Elvis is Everywhere


Excellent: U.S. Airstrike Kills Iraq Militia Leader Behind Deadly Drone Attack on American Base - WSJ


Terrible: Helicopter Carrying Five U.S. Marines Missing in Southern California | National Review

(I wonder if there will be an inquiry into whether the helicopter should have been flying in/into those conditions.)


There is so so much wrong with this article, deeply morally and economically wrong, that I'm going to spend time going through it in detail on the show. This is the sort of stuff that demands rebutting lest people come to think that the smiley-faced evil it represents take even more hold. Opinion: No more billionaires? Let's be more ambitious. No one needs more than $20 million - Los Angeles Times (

This is nerdy but important: Inventors who change the world only keep (for themselves) about 2½% of the value that their products add to society: Nordhaus on the Sharing of the Benefits of Market-Driven Innovation - Cafe Hayek


I owe you this from yesterday: How You Stream Sports Is About to Be Transformed by a Blockbuster Media Deal - WSJ

ESPN, Fox, Warner Bros. streaming deal: What viewers need to know (


Score one for economic sanity: A Minor Miracle on Steel Tariffs - WSJ


And also this: A fascinating and depressing story: How the Funeral Industry Got the FTC to Hide Bad Actors - WSJ


An unlikely discovery: Wife spots husband in selfie she took years before they met (


Nerdy policy stuff but very important. Also note that numbers generated by the government about likely numbers of lives saved are little better than the output of a random-number generator: Biden admin cracks down on manufacturing industry with latest climate rules | Fox News


I want these (but not to wear them): Churchill's false teeth 'snapped up' for £18,000 (

This was from a prior sale of the dentures:

OK, the reporting doesn't add a lot but I sure do love her accent

Today's Videos

By popular demand, the Allan Sherman "Singulars and Plurals" song

Christopher Titus on "Politics in America"

1) Harley is mad. 2) Don't apologize to Harley

Mojo Nixon, RIP

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