Mon Blogcast: Dads; Juneteenth; Pricing the Priceless; Bad gov't

Juneteenth: A holiday still being discovered

Many Americans don't know what Juneteenth is about. Here's a good short intro: Juneteenth Is About the Triumph of American Freedom Over Slavery (

I think it's deserving of being a holiday though I share the concern that we might be adding too many holidays given that they cost taxpayers money. I wouldn't have minded getting rid of Columbus Day, which I still don't think serves much of a purpose. And that's one that has the government closed (and banks, I think) but the rest of us work...while still paying the government salaries and celebrating something that I don't think is particularly important or well understood. I know that Italians seem to think it's special even though Columbus sailed for the Spanish monarchy. So keep it the way we have St Patrick's day.

Anyway, Juneteenth is worth celebrating. The one concern I have about it is whether it is and will be much more of a "Black holiday" than a uniting American holiday. And with things like this, it seems like a reasonable concern: Don't whitewash Juneteenth: Black people shouldn't have to lose identity to promote holiday (

And if you forget even a little what slavery was really about, read this: A Grad Student Found the Largest Known Slave Auction in the U.S. — ProPublica


Just One Thing: Tell me a story about your father

On this day after Father’s Day, I want to talk about dads for a minute. I have a great dad. We’re better friends now than ever before, actually. A few things I learned from my dad: the importance of telling the truth, the fun of target shooting and fishing, including deep-sea fishing, and how to drive stick-shift. We also went to the same college, which is kinda cool. So I’d like to hear from you and maybe I’ll share a story or two on the show soon. Please send me an email telling me something that you remember fondly about your relationship with your dad, and a thing or two you learned from him. You can reach me at I’m looking forward to reading your stories.

And for those dads who are a little overwhelmed, apparently there is some pharmaceutical help. (Since it's targeted to adults, there is some language in the ad that is not appropriate for children or other sensitive folks.)

Today's Guests

Paula DiPerna is a pioneer and leader at the forefront of finance and climate policy, from the Oval Office to Antarctica, coral reefs to carbon markets. She served as President of CCX International, the world’s first expansive emissions trading system to address global warming; President of the Joyce Foundation; and writer for underwater hero, Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

Paula DiPerna - CDP

Pricing the Priceless: The Financial Transformation to Value the Planet, Solve the Climate Crisis, and Protect Our Most Precious Assets: DiPerna, Paula

I note here that it's likely that Ms. DiPerna and I will disagree on some fundamental things. Interestingly, she starts her book with an approving reference to Rachel Carson whose campaigning caused the end of the use of DDT and who generally warned against the use of chemicals. But Carson was arguably as much wrong as right and it's likely or at least possible that she caused as much harm as good. I suspect that much of the current spate of climate alarmism will eventually be looked up on similarly.

She also says that extreme weather events are increasing but that's either minimally true or not true, and certainly not true to anything like the degree that folks like Ms. DiPerna believe or need us to believe to go along with their projects. Here's a recent chart from the UN IPCC on changes in certain extreme weather categories. Note that white means no change or no evidence, yellow means decreasing and blue means increasing. The vast majority of items are white. Also note that while air temperature is up, cold spells are down. Declining cold saves a LOT more lives than increasing heat costs us.


Nick Gillespie is Editor at Large for Reason Magazine, the preeminent libertarian publication on this planet, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe on other planets too.

We'll talk about current events and about the MAPS Psychedlic Science Conference happening here in Denver this week: Psychedelic Science 2023 | Denver, CO | June 19-23Psychedelic Science 2023

Nick Gillespie, Author at


Nathaniel Glover was the first Black Sheriff in Florida in over a century (elected 1995) & Author of "Striving for Justice: A Black Sheriff in the Deep South"

He was, among other things, Jacksonville’s first hostage negotiator and named Police Officer of the Year four times by four different organizations and later served as the president of his college. 100% of the proceeds from his book go to the Where Will They Shine Scholarship Fund” to help students go to college based on need.

Striving for Justice | Book by Nat Glover | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster (


Other Stuff

Daniel Ellsberg, RIP: Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked Pentagon Papers on Vietnam War, dies at 92 - The Washington Post

Deceit even within the story of getting the Pentagon Papers published: The Deceit and Conflict Behind the Leak of the Pentagon Papers | The New Yorker

The kind of behavior (lying to the public about how a war is going) is inevitable. It is the nature of government and rare will be the leadership and bureaucracy that chooses a different path. The Afghanistan Papers: Documents reveal U.S. officials knew the war had become unwinnable - Washington Post

It's not just about war either: Indict Trump Aide Nauta? Why Not Liars Comey, McCabe, Clinton First? (

This (the link just above) is exactly how many or most Trump supporters feel. And they're not wrong as far as this goes. Which is not to say that Trump didn't commit a serious unforced error and multiple crimes in the current situation, as Bill Barr reminds: Bill Barr: Trump Is ‘Consummate Narcissist’ Who Will Put ‘His Own Ego Above Everything Else’ (


Still not enough bad gov't for you? Lina Khan’s Recusal Coverup - WSJ

This is even worse: The IRS Makes Another House Call - WSJ

And even when it's not a scandal, there's more of government working oh so well for you: TSA struggles with Colorado IDs as summer air travel ramps up (


Read this: (46) Stuck in the Middle With You - Doomberg ( (Blows up the left's contention that internal combustion engines and gasoline and oil usage are soon to vanish.)


Pretty intense coming from a liberal: If Jared Polis is saving me money, why am I paying more than ever? (


My video-game playing son told me about this. Now video game maker Activision is getting in on the wokeness and some of their customers are pushing back. My question is whether this "boycott" will be big enough to impact the stock price: Boycott starts as Call of Duty removes Nickmercs skin for anti-Pride comment | VentureBeat

'Call of Duty' Boycott Calls as Activision Wades into LGBTQ+ Culture War (


The Food Expiration Dates You Should Actually Follow – Productivity Hub (original at NY Times)


Today's Videos

Because orangutans are fantastic

Slightly dumb in Denver but all's well that ends well I guess


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