Weds Blogcast: Trump v Pence?; Amazon goes big into healthcare

Just One Thing

Yesterday, former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence gave dueling speeches in Washington, DC, perhaps presaging part of the 2024 Republican presidential primary race. (For the record, I just don't think Pence is an appealing enough candidate to have a chance against Trump and I think Pence's hard-core religiosity would make him a weaker candidate than the GOP needs in the general election, so even though I oppose Trump I won't be supporting Pence unless he's the only alternative.)

Both speeches are posted at the end of this note.

Putting aside the unusual situation in 1792 when John Adams kinda sorta challenged George Washington for the presidency when the outcome for Washington was never in doubt, there have only been two times when a current or former vice president challenged the current or former president, with whom he served, for the presidency.

First was in 1800 when VP Thomas Jefferson defeated President John Adams in one of the nastiest elections in American history. It should be noted, however, that Adams and Jefferson were from different political parties. Here's an interesting article about it: The Press, the Propagandists, and the Election of 1800 | The New Yorker

Second was in 1940 when John "Cactus Jack" Garner challenged President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for the Democratic nomination after Garner had served as VP for Roosevelt's first two terms. In part, Garner challenged FDR because the former was upset with the latter's abortive effort to pack the Supreme Court (although that effort did stoke enough fear in the hearts of the justices that they stopped overturning FDR's many unconstitutional programs.) Garner ended up with about 10% of the number of convention delegates that FDR did.

So on the one hand VPs are batting .500 in trying to take on their former presidents but on the other hand, the one victory was when the VP was of a different party than the president. Just based on history, if this were a two-man race, you'd have to think that Trump would be favored. That said, we're living in chaotic, perhaps unique, times and I don't think anything is predictable with any level of confidence these days.

Today's Guest

Todd Furniss is CEO and managing partner at gTC Group, a private equity firm based in Dallas where they invest in, among other things, healthcare. His book is called The 60% Solution: Rethinking Healthcare and his podcast entitled Civil Discourse has over 1.5 million views or listens.

Other Stuff

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Today's Videos

Here are the dueling speeches from Trump and Pence yesterday. (Pence's was first so I'll post it first.) Trump's speech more than twice as long as Pence's...ugh. They're both fairly dull. Trump can be quite dynamic at rallies but he's fairly wooden giving speeches. Pence just ranges from duller wood to shinier wood.

As is always the case, Trump spends some time looking backwards at the 2020 election. Pence carefully but specifically criticized that, talking about how it's important to look forward, not back.

VERY interesting to hear Pence talk about the "Trump-Pence administration" and use the plural "we" talking about those years. He's trying to thread a narrow needle by holding himself close enough to try to try to keep Trump voters at least open to supporting him but not so close as to appear to be trying to be a clone. As I said, that's a tough needle to thread but in a time when so many Republicans are more loyal to Trump than to the party, it's probably the only path forward for a Republican presidential hopeful right now. When it comes to Pence's effort to thread this needle, just watch for a minute start at about 36:06 in the first video below.

The Unamusement Park

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