Tues Blogcast: KT McFarland; Greg Lopez; new gun laws?

Today's Guests

Greg Lopez is a Republican candidate for Governor of Colorado. He's the former mayor of Parker and former Colorado director of the Small Business Association. We'll talk with Greg about a wide range of issues including his proposal to change voting in Colorado and his promise to pardon the likely-to-be-convicted Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters.

Greg Lopez for Governor of Colorado (lopez2022.com)


She really needs no introduction: KT McFarland joins us for her monthly visit. Of course, we'll talk a lot about what's going on in Ukraine. I'm quite interested in the stories about Russia apparently trying to sell huge quantities of stolen Ukrainian grain to poor and hungry African nations.

KT McFarland

Russia Seeks Buyers for Plundered Ukraine Grain, U.S. Warns - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Other Stuff

I didn't get to this yesterday...but will do my best to make it the topic to start today's show: What should we expect to see in terms of new "gun control" legislation out of Congress? And for purposes of this specific conversation I'll include anything related to mental health that ties to preventing someone deemed to pose a risk to himself or to others from acquiring a firearm. The top two links are ones I did not have in yesterday's blog.


NY governor signs law raising age to own semiautomatic rifle | AP News


CBS News poll: Can mass shootings be prevented, and if so, how? (yahoo.com)

Senators say gun deal is within reach, but without Biden’s wish list - The Washington Post

"Red flag" laws put onus on acting at signs of troubling behavior (axios.com)

Police Have a Tool to Take Guns From Potential Shooters, but Many Aren’t Using It - WSJ


"Mainstream" media sucks bigly

The Washington Post, even more than the NY Times, is a shell of its former self and it's now becoming clear for all to see: The Washington Post’s Descent Into Middle School Antics (substack.com)

Meanwhile, the new bosses at CNN are looking at some of their biggest clowns (Jim Acosta, Brian Stelter) to try to figure out if they can become less partisan, per the new (and wise) intended direction for the once-respected brand: CNN evaluating partisan talent as part of push to make coverage more neutral (axios.com)


Unions to Biden: Screw the American consumer; you'd better protect us! Scoop: Labor unions warn Biden not to lift China tariffs (axios.com)


I wonder if the issue isn't really being alone rather than sleeping alone. 0010 Bed Sharing Versus Sleeping Alone Associated with Sleep Health and Mental Health | SLEEP | Oxford Academic (oup.com)


There's always a story like this in finance. The key is to either not be part of it at all or not stick with it too long, but the latter is exceedingly difficult to do: https://www.wsj.com/articles/tiger-global-giant-tech-bet-11654523735?st=824nv02479br31o&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink


I am sticking with my prediction, made months before others were talking about it, of stagflation:

Global Inflation May Have Peaked, Three Key Indicators Show (ndtv.com)

World Bank lowers forecast for global growth - The Washington Post (may require subscription)

Recession will be 'hard to avoid' as stagflation risks rise (yahoo.com)


A slow but important thaw in Israeli-Saudi relations: Israel and Saudi Arabia said in US-brokered talks to improve relations | The Times of Israel

Here's a quote from the WSJ on the same subject: "The Saudi government is making the moves as it sees support growing among its public for ties with Israel. On a recent visit to Washington, Saudi Prince Khalid bin Salman, the son of Saudi King Salman and brother of the kingdom’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, privately told people that recent polling showed a decisive shift, especially among Saudis under 30 years old, in favor of diplomatic relations with Israel, according to people briefed on the talks."


FINALLY, someone had the cojones to tell the Chinese to take a hike when it comes to censoring what can be in American movies: Tom Cruise's 'Top Gun: Maverick' brings back Taiwan flag after controversy - CNN

Today's Video

How broken (or dead) would this guy be without his spotter?

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