Just One Thing
In the video immediately below, you'll see a new ad by Apple focusing on protecting your data and your privacy. It's quite a direct assault on those tech companies whose business model involves selling or otherwise monetizing data about you.
Today's Guests
A brief conversation with Shane Thomas, executive director of the Colorado Veterans Project. We'll talk about their tremendous Memorial Day March and Run to Feed Homeless Veterans. Home - Colorado Veterans Project
MEMORIAL DAY RUN & MARCH | To help feed homeless Veterans (memorialdaymarch.com)
Jed Babbin is a former deputy undersecretary of Defense. He's also my former editor at Human Events and is a regular columnist at The American Spectator and The Washington Times. His latest for the Spectator discusses multiple ongoing failures of the Biden administration to protect American interests.
Biden’s World: WHO’s on First - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Bradley Schurman joins the show to talk about his upcoming book "The Super Age" (which is also the name of his company) in which he discusses the critical changes in society and the way businesses will operate based on coming rapid demographic changes.
A brief conversation with Jonathan Payne, VP of operations for Colorado's "home for home loans", American Financing. http://americanfinancing.net
Ari Cohn is Free Speech Counsel at TechFreedom.org. He joins us to talk about the important (and very good, though not perfect) ruling by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals overturning most of Florida's obviously unconstitutional law requiring social media companies to do a bunch of stuff (or not do stuff) that the gov't does not have the power to compel a private enterprise to do (or not do).
Ari Cohn Joins TechFreedom as Free Speech Counsel - TechFreedom
Judges block Florida law that says Facebook and Twitter can’t ban politicians | Ars Technica
Other Stuff
I saw Top Gun: Maverick (in IMAX) last night. Enjoyed it a lot. I'd say it's almost as good as the original and it's fantastically nostalgic for folks who saw the original back in the 1980s. The special effects were tremendous and my kid (who went with me) said "That didn't seem like green screen." Turns out my kid was right! Top Gun: Maverick - One Shot Could Only Be Filmed Once Because the Set Blew Away - IGN (I'm sure SOME stuff was green screen, but not the flight scenes!) See below for a video about "Tom Cruise Boot Camp" that the actors went through for the film.
Some interesting primary races today. In Georgia, let's hope that the Trump endorsees (other than Herschel Walker) lose. Not just because I want Trump to have less influence (though that's true) but because the Trump endorsees are far more likely to lose the general election. After all, David Perdue (who shouldn't have gotten into the governor's race but did because he thought that the Trump endorsement would push him to victory) lost to a Democrat as an incumbent in Georgia. Clearly, the dude is a bad candidate and I trust he will be again today.
I'd also note the cynicism of what Perdue is telling voters: Basically, it's "vote for me because MAGA people are too venal and cynical to turn out for another Republican even if it means getting Stacey "Georgia is the worst" Abrams as governor. He may actually be right about that, but Perdue is also much less likely to win the general election than Kemp is because there are a LOT more non-MAGA Republicans and Republican-leaning independent voters than there are Perdue fans.
Let's also hope that Brad Raffensperger beats the silly candidacy of Congressman Jody Hice who, as far as I can tell, is also in this election for the wrong reasons.
A couple of races to watch in Texas and Alabama as well:
Jessica Cisneros faces a weakened Henry Cuellar in Texas congressional runoff | The Texas Tribune
By the way, the Pennsylvania primary was a week ago and we still don't know the result of the GOP Senate race.
Don't walk along Cherry Creek Trail in Denver tonight or early tomorrow!
Hey, it's just nice to hear they're prosecuting someone for something. By the way, I wonder how many of these folks are illegal aliens and if they are how many will be deported.
Grand Jury Indicts Auto-Theft Ring: Denver DA to Prosecute – Denver DA
This story is sooooo Texas. And from what is apparently the least populous county in the nation.
The top elected official in Loving County, Texas, charged with cattle theft (nbcnews.com)
Maybe why you need that hair replacement treatment
Bride Calls Off Wedding When Bald Groom's Wig Falls Off Mid-Ceremony (msn.com)
Today's Videos
It's so hard to get employees that now Steamboat Springs is apparently hiring young bears as hotel inspectors
Young woman in England sets a new Guinness world record for wall climbing with one hand. Anoushé Husain climbs 374m one-handed: "The impossible is still possible" | Guinness World Records
Great way to start the day...in Lincoln, Nebraska a whole bunch of Joshes fight with pool noodles to retain the name. And they raised $21,000 for a local Children's Hospital.
Tom Cruise Boot Camp for Top Gun: Maverick