Thurs Blogcast: Chinese secret police in USA; Bruce Willis' sad diagnosis

Just One Thing

The most important article you'll read about energy policy this month, from Chris Wright of Liberty Energy:

The Denver Gazette (

Today's Guests

Few people know China as well as Helen Raleigh, a fellow graduate of the Leadership Program of the Rockies, Senior contributor at The Federalist and author of “Backlash: How China’s Aggression has Backfired.” Today we're going to talk about Helen's fascinating article about the MSS (Communist China's not-so-secret State Police and how they operate within the United States. Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Helen Raleigh Speaks (


Chris Tang is one of the world's true experts on supply chain and logistics management. Among other things, he is a UCLA Distinguished Professor and the Edward W. Carter Chair in Business Administration. Today we're going to talk about the status of the American supply chain including getting an update on what's going on at our ports as well as discussing the impact of the war in Ukraine on supply chains worldwide. More about Chris here:

Today's Videos

This is on a loop so you really only need to watch until the first "ssshhhh"...

It's a lot rarer to see a panther (aka mountain lion) in Florida than here in Colorado

I'm not sure why but I think this scene is so much more likely in the South. And I mean that as a compliment to the South

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