Today's Fascinating Guests
Michael Morell twice served as Acting Director of the CIA. We're going to talk about a lot of things, including whether he believes (as Vladimir Putin seems to) that part of the Russian failure to win the war with Ukraine quickly and overwhelmingly is due to intelligence failures: The heads begin to roll in Russia | TheHill How does China play into this story? What lessons is anyone learning other than a nation can be pretty much as aggressive as it wants to be if it has nuclear weapons? Also, does he wish he was serving in government right now and does he have any reflections on being one of the high-ranking former intelligence officials to sign a letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop story was likely Russian misinformation...we now know for certain that it wasn't. Should be a fascinating conversation.
I was listening to one of my never-miss podcasts, the Cato Daily Podcast, and I heard a conversation about something, or maybe it's somewhere, called Próspera. It's an incredibly freedom-oriented entrepreneurship-supporting idea that just reminds me of the possibilities that people who care enough might have to overcome stifiling government regulation. The president of Próspera is a technology entrepreneur and Mississippi state rep named Joel Bomgar and we'll talk to him about this tremendously interesting project. This conversation will really blow you away. About | Próspera (
State Rep Mike Lynch, a Republican from Weld County, has been working with district attorneys on a new bill to address the explosion of fentanyl overdoses and deaths in Colorado. Mike will join us to talk about the process of crafting the bill with so many varying opinions, as well as what's in it and what's not in it. See links below in "other stuff". More about Mike: About |
Other Stuff
At long last, a bill to address fentanyl distribution in Colorado
Be sure it will be the subject of criticism from the left and the right
I didn't know this
Madeleine Albright grew up in Denver before political career |
Oh, the schadenfreude
13 counts of animal cruelty filed against Colorado 'animal activist' | Food Safety News
Don't waste your time waiting in lines! (The concept of opportunity cost)
Why You Should (Almost) Never Wait in Line (
CEOs encourage this sort of behavior by showing weakness
I know we're in a brave new world, but if I were a CEO I'd do my very best to set a corporate policy of staying out of political/cultural issues. Don't know if that works in 2022, though.
Disney employees are walking out to demand more LGBTQ support | Fox Business
Truly incredible neuroscience
A locked-in man has communicated in sentences by thought alone | MIT Technology Review
Today's Videos
And I thought I had a little extra weight to lose...can you imagine the relieve this handsome young man is feeling?!?
And sorta the opposite effect, at least in a weight-loss vs weight-gain sense, a new world record for eating chicken nuggets in one minute