Thurs Blogcast: Russian struggles; the personal side of Ukraine

The "thumbnail" picture for this blog is a "territorial defense" unit in Kyiv.

Even though many, perhaps most, of the Russians involved in this horrible invasion don't even support it, I must hope that the Ukrainians kill as many Russians as possible until the Russians go home.

Today's Guests

ADM James Stavridis served as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander among other roles in an incredibly distinguished career. He is a best-selling author of both fiction and non-fiction and I recommend all of his writing. I cannot thing of a single better guest to help us digest the current strategic and tactical situation in and around Ukraine. More about the admiral here: Admiral James Stavridis – ( and his books here:

Bob Schaffer represented Colorado's 4th Congressional District for six years before honoring his term limit pledge to return to life as a private citizen. He previously served as chairman of the Colorado State Board of Education. He now has his best job ever as headmaster of arguably the best public (charter) school in the state, Liberty Common School. One side of Bob's family (I think it's his mom but I could be wrong) is from Ukraine. Bob started the Ukrainian Caucus while in Congress, he's visited the country several times, and he'll have a lot to say about the current invasion of Ukraine by the Russian dictator.

Other stuff

Russian oligarch will sell major soccer team...and give the money to help Ukrainians

Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich decides to sell Chelsea, donate proceeds to help Ukraine war victims | Fox Business

Chelsea Is for Sale as Pressure on Roman Abramovich Mounts - The New York Times (

Florida Gov Ron DeSantis annoys the left by telling students the truth

Democratic politicians who are desperate to get traction against Republicans like Florida Gov DeSantis and Senator Marco Rubio jumped on this scene, calling DeSantis a "bully". I don't see it that way. First, the students are almost certainly either uninformed or misinformed about the usefulness of masking. Second, so many high-school students have become woke virtue-signaling bullies that it's good for them to be reminded that they're not in charge and that actual adults aren't afraid of their foot-stomping (not that these particular kids were doing that.)

Today's Videos

First: Here's the description right from the YouTube page of the Metropolitan Opera: "Before the opening night performance of Verdi's Don Carlos, the audience observed a moment of silence, followed by the Ukrainian national anthem, performed by the Met Orchestra and Chorus and conducted by Music Director Yannick NĂŠzet-SĂŠguin."

Second: A dude sets a new world record of 23 pullups from a moving helicopter's landing skids

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