Join me at the Broadmoor on Feb 11-12
Please join me and hundreds of other supporters of liberty at the 2022 Leadership Program of the Rockies Annual Retreat. The dinner keynote speaker will be Fox News' Bret Baier. Other speakers including Kennedy, Lawrence Jones, and constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley. It's always a tremendous event. I actually haven't missed an annual retreat since I went through the program in 2004-2005. I hope you'll attend as's at the fantastic Broadmoor hotel in Colorado Springs (and it's your opportunity to get a better rate on a room there than you'll get at any other time.) More here: Leadership Program of the Rockies | Annual Retreat (
Today's Guests
Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Institute is one of the nation's leading experts on election law. He's the co-author, with John Fund, of "Our Broken Elections". We'll talk with Hans about the lies being told by President Biden, VP Harris, and almost every other Democrat, about changes to voting laws in America and the intent of Democrats' so-called "voting rights" legislation.
CO State Senator Paul Lundeen (a fellow graduate of the Leadership Program of the Rockies) will join us monthly to give us an update on what's going on in the state legislature. You might be tempted to wonder what the legislature plans to do for the people of Colorado but I tend to think about it as what they're going to do TO the people.
Yesterday I heard my friend and colleague Mandy Connell talking about the horrendous situation at Denver's Union State with rampant drug use, crime and just overall grossness. I agree with her that the situation is unacceptable. She attributes most of the problem to the prior reduction in the level of criminal offense for drug possession. I'm skeptical that that's a major factor though frankly it's challenging to really sort through all the potential causes. In any case, Mandy and I will debate a bit at the end of today's show.
Oh, you don't say?
When even the shill for big government known as Jon Berman, morning host on CNN, is criticizing the government for confused messaging, the Biden administration must know they have a problem. So now we learn that the head of the CDC, Rochelle Walinsky, is getting training from a media consultant.
CDC director turns to media consultant as Covid-19 messaging frustrations mount - CNNPolitics
My question: Given the fact that the 2020 election was more about COVID and the government’s handling of it than about anything else, why did Biden choose a nominee who needed media training?
Sadly, we now have 2022's Kate Steinle (and it's going to be a big problem for Joe Biden and Dems)
Brianna Kupfer: UCLA student stabbed to death at luxury furniture store in LA | The Independent
Some reasons for the devastation of the Marshall fire could be fixed with rebuilding...but not all
Research engineers investigate Marshall Fire aftermath | FOX31 Denver (
Perhaps Democrats can learn
New York’s governor becomes a ‘juggernaut’ in Cuomo’s wake - POLITICO
And they need to
U.S. Political Party Preferences Shifted Greatly During 2021 (
The Biden administration was warned not to suddenly withdraw from Afghanistan
Before pullout, watchdog warned of Afghan air force collapse | AP News
Today's Video
This definitely falls into the "a picture is worth a thousand words" file.
Here's one article about this insanity: 'It's ugly out there': Rail theft soars on L.A. tracks - Los Angeles Times (