DID THE DEMS JUST PASS ANOTHER UNCONSTITUTIONAL GUN BILL? I've got Dave Kopel from the Independence Institute on to discuss at 1 today, as he is the guy who studies this stuff all day long. By the way, Dave Kopel is Research Director of the Independence Institute; an Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute, in Washington; and a Senior Fellow at the University of Wyoming College of Law Firearms Research Center. His website is davekopel.org. He writes frequent for the Volokh Conspiracy law blog, hosted by Reason magazine. So he knows what he's talking about.
THERE'S A WINE WALK COMING UP! And I've got James Blanchard from Blanchard Family Wines on the Dairy Block at 2:30 to talk about the event and what you can expect. Find out more and buy a ticket here.
MORE COVID SHOTS, MORE COVID Hooboy, this is a whopper. New Spanish research confirms other research that shows that the MORE Covid boosters you get, the MORE likely you are to get Covid. Read that again. From the article by Alex Berenson:
They found that people with higher levels of IgG4 antibodies were 80 percent more likely than those with lower levels to become infected with Covid over a six-month period. The association had a lower bound of 1.2 — a fancy way of saying it almost certainly was not due to chance.
“These findings suggest a potential association between IgG4 induction by mRNA vaccination and a higher risk of breakthrough infection,” the researchers wrote, adding that the results “may necessitate reevaluation of vaccine formulations or booster schedules.”
It has to do with the KIND of antibodies produced by the body, and MrNA vaccines are the only ones that induce an IgG43 antibody for some reason they don't understand yet. After they've given a billion people these vaccines. Great. I remain so sorry I ever backed this scheme.
DEMS ACCUSE HEGSETH OF BEING DRUNK Which is SO RICH since they didn't seem to notice Joe Biden was literally incompetent when he was President. Maybe they are paying super close attention now since that all got by them and they renominated him. Watch this bit of nonsense.
CIA Director John Ratcliffe pushed back HARD on the line of questioning but don't expect that to stop Democrats, they FINALLY have an issue to bludgeon the administration with and by GOD they are going to use it. So far, Mike Walz, who created this mess by adding The Atlantic's editor and Trump hater Jeffrey Goldberg to a chat about bombing Yemen, is surviving the storm but we'll see if that sticks. This is a good article on the discipline of this Trump administration compared to the last one when it comes to leaks, giving me the even stronger impression that this was definitely a massive screw up, not some 4D chess move.
FORMER MAYOR WEBB SAYS CU'S CHANCELLORS ARE TOO WHITE And he may have a point, as the university loves to TALK about diversity but when you look at their leadership you don't see much of it. He points out that in CU's 149 year history only TWO Chancellors of color have ever been appointed. Read more here, but we'll see if CU just creates a few new highly paid positions for Democrat political lackies to cover their own behinds. Funny how he doesn't mention THAT lack of diversity in his letter. Oh yeah, they've got ONE fellowship position for a conservative, that's quite enough.
SUICIDE ATTEMPTS DOWN BY 29% IN TEENS AND A SCHOOL PROGRAM IS BEING CREDITED This is a cool story as we see others about how kids are self harming at alarming rates. It's a peer to peer program, which means it's kids helping other kids. You know, like in olden times before everything was structured by adults. Read more here.
ANOTHER PREDATOR USES ROBLOX TO LURE A KID And thank goodness this little girl's mom found the messages and used her own wiles to trap this guy. Unfortunately he is an airman in the US Air Force. He met the girl on TikTok and told her he was a 13 year old boy to lure her over to Roblox where he paid her to send sexually explicit images of herself in exchange for Roblox gift cards and more. She was nine. Please talk to your children. Please don't let them have TikTok. Please monitor their game play online. These parents probably wouldn't let their kids go to the bathroom by themselves but they let online predators have free access. I hope he goes to jail for a long time.
WHY DIDN'T JARED POLIS PARDON THIS SOLDIER? This story is horrible because The United States Army lied to a young man who signed up to serve, served honorably, and then made a horrible mistake and paid for it. The Army was supposed to file his citizenship paperwork and they just...didn't. Not for any reason other than someone overlooked their job to support soldiers. That mistake means he's a felon an ineligible to be a citizen. If Jared Polis had pardoned him he would have been allowed to stay. Now he's being deported to Venezuela. This is awful.
A 25 MILLION DOLLAR CORA REQUEST SHOWS THE ARROGANCE OF GOVERNMENT A woman trying to get information from a library board about their decision made a CORA request about leases. Yes, it was overly broad, but the library board sent a bill for over $25 MILLION dollars to fulfill it. This is beyond absurd and shows just how little these people care about being open and transparent. It's so, so stupid.
COLORADO'S BAN ON CONVERSION THERAPY HEADS TO THE SUPREME COURT And this author says once again, Colorado's overreaching Democrats will likely get their hand's slapped on First Amendment grounds. I hope they get their asses kicked on this.
ANOTHER TEACHER STEALS A KID FROM PARENTS A former math teachers who is married to a man who thinks he's a woman has taken a student who believes they are trans into their home without the parents permission. The parents even got police to go to the home with them and the cops didn't do anything. What if this were a male teachers who "welcomed" a young female student into his home? Would there be a different response? This is in Durango, where recently passerby cheered as a crazy old man verbally attacked a cancer survivor over her hat. What has happened to Durango? They've gone insane
TWO OTTERS ON THE LAM IN WISCONSIN They broke out of the Zoo during a snowstorm and they are on the lam now.
NO, BASEBALL DOESN'T SUCK Today is Opening Day for the 2025 MLB season (though the Rockies don't play until tomorrow) and at The Free Press they had a bit of an argument over whether or not baseball sucks, which you can read here. Other than the pre emptions it causes, baseball DOES NOT SUCK and I wish more people appreciated the magic of a great game on a beautiful day.
NEXT FRIDAY WE'LL BE AT 20TH AND BLAKE FOR OPENING DAY And here is a list of cool stuff happening that day if you want to join us.
STATES ARE BANNING SYNTHETIC DYES IN FOOD We don't buy a lot of cereal anymore because frankly, none of it is very good for you. But this week I worked with some other parents to provide Breakfast for Dinner for a bunch of kids working on a musical and I saw the inside of a box of Fruity Pebbles. Y'all, those colors don't occur naturally in food. Now states are not waiting for MAHA to do its work, they are taking stuff into their own hands. Deep Red West Virginia just banned seven food dyes from their food. WEST VIRGINIA! Other states are moving to do the same things so I fully expect food companies, who use those dyes SOLELY FOR MARKETING. And those dyes have been shown to have an effect on kids behaviors and other stuff. I'm super happy about this and can't wait to see what Fruity Pebbles looks like soon enough.
SIGNAL IS NOT APPROVED ON CITY DEVICES and the Johnston admin was literally warned NOT to use it before they did. Find out more here.
IT'S TIME TO PRIVATIZE THE POST OFFICE Yes, we need to make a system that doesn't cost so much to deliver mail which is mostly junk. I don't want it to go away, but I want it to work better and not suck up so much money. Read a column here about making that happen.
WILL SPENDING 4 BILLION TO RUN MORE BUSES MAKE A DIFFERENCE? We are definitely in a chicken or egg situation with RTD. Many, including me, won't ride it because it's so damn inconvenient, especially at night after an event. But now there is a proposal that would run buses and trains every 15 minutes, no matter what. Will this work? Would it make a difference? The big question is, where does the money come from? We shall discuss, though I know many of you don't want to ride the trains with someone smoking meth.
ANDREW TATE IS COMPLETE SCUMBAG And I'm sick to death of seeing any conservative act like he's anything but. He's now been accused of choking his girlfriend while also perhaps beating her because it's "very good for him" according to text messages she shared. This is not a good man, he is a complete scumbag who deserves derision and scorn.
THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY IS ON ITS WAY TO BEING OVER Because we will have simply moved on. Read this tweet for more.
WHAT THE MANDY SHOW BAND DOES IN THEIR SPARE TIME Watch below or click here. They are all clearly drunk.
DWARF NOT HAPPY WITH THE NEW SNOW WHITE And he's not wrong. Watch below or click here.
I'M CALLING HR About this.
RINO NAMED ONE OF THE COOLEST NEIGHBORHOODS By some website called loveexploring.com. Read it here.
SNOW WHITE BEING CALLED OUT FOR TANKING THE FILM Let's be real, the comments of Rachel Zegler didn't kill it before it even got started, it was the notion that Disney needed to "fix" it in the first place. That being said, her idiotic comments certainly didn't help, and now the producer of the flop's son has spoken on social media in a since deleted post where he said what needed to be said:
“You really want to do this? Yeah, my dad, the producer of enormous piece of Disney IP with hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, had to leave his family to fly across the country to reprimand his 20 year old employee for dragging her personal politics into the middle of promoting the movie for which she signed a multi-million dollar contract to get paid and do publicity for.”
This is called adult responsibility and accountability. And her actions clearly hurt the film’s box office. Free speech does not mean you’re allowed to say whatever you want in your private employment without repercussions. Tens of thousands of people worked on that film and she hijacked the conversation for her own immature desires at the risk of all the colleagues and crew and blue collar workers who depend on that movie to be successful. Narcissism is not something to be coddled or encouraged.”
He's right, of course. I'm sure she will get lots of jobs from woke producers for movies that won't make any money either. The $250 million dollar film made a pathetic $87 million it's opening weekend, and that included the overseas haul. Go woke, go broke. Again.
DO PEOPLE REALLY DO LOYALTY TESTS? I am so glad I am married and not trying to navigate the dating world. This story raised my eyebrows this morning. Apparently some people hire attractive people to hit on their mates to see if the bite. This is a thing now? Who does this and why? And what do you do if you find out one of these tests were done ON YOU?
YOU KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOW THE CREDIT CARD, RIGHT? Good news, Gen Z men are picking up the tab on dates. Bad news, some of them are using their mom's credit cards. At least get on in your dad's name. And you don't have to SHOW the card to your date, that's why they have those little envelope thingies. Just saying. And why are parents paying for DATES??? This is stupid.