02-28-25 Interview - Hadley Heath Manning - Brittany Pettersen Taking Her B

SO I POSTED SOMETHING ON X ABOUT BRITTANY PETTERSON TAKING HER BABY TO CONGRESS To say that the responses were less than family friendly was an understatement. Far too many of you showed NO sympathy for a new mom working in Congress, some of you said women of childbearing age should NOT be in Congress, or told your own story of having to go back to work so she should suck it up. It was disheartening to me. I will completely concede that her photo with her baby was a political stunt, but that doesn't change the underlying issue. I thought people on the right, which is probably most of my X feed, were about family values? I thought they were concerned that the country was being run by childless cat ladies, as JD Vance pointed out. I've got Hadley Heath Manning from the Steamboat Institute on today as she reached out after seeing the thread and wants to make the case that the Republican party should LEAD on making it easier for new moms to serve, because they've got a reason more than a childless cat lady to worry about the country they are leaving our children. She joins me at 1pm.

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