LAST CHANCE TO JOIN US ON THE MANDY CONNELL ADVENTURE TO JAPAN! I just found out we have a few cabins left for our magnificent trip to South Korea and Japan in June. Find out more here, but if you want to go you better book NOW or you'll have to pay for your own airfare. JUST DO IT!
DAVE FRASER JOINS FOR WEATHER WEDNESDAY And the Fox 31 Chief Meteorologist will answer your weather questions at 12:30.
JEFFCO GASLIGHTS PARENTS And Jimmy Sengenberger writes about it here. This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I talked about yesterday when I told you about how Lotus Academy of Excellence transparently handled a kerfuffle at a basketball game. Read this to understand how dismissive this Board and District were about parent concerns when they chose not to share that the third in command in the district was investigated for child porn. I'm working to get Jimmy on the show.
KYLE CLARK TRIED REALLY HARD HERE To get the Governor to admit he oversees a sanctuary state but the Governor would not budge. Watch this exchange.
At least Jared Polis is consistent. He's been fighting that label since Democrats passed the bills in 2019. The problem is he's working with his own definition and not the one used by everyone else. This is from the Denver Post in 2019:
While there is not a singular definition for a sanctuary city, anti-sanctuary legislation in Congress usually defines it as a city that prohibits police from complying with ICE detainers. By that definition, the state has made virtually every city in Colorado a sanctuary city, vulnerable to losing billions in federal grants if presidential action or legislation were to crack down on sanctuaries.
He can say it all he wants but we are a sanctuary state with sanctuary cities. You can read here more about the package of bills signed by the Governor that interfere with ICE's ability to deport criminals. Now that I'm in the wayback machine I see that Polis expressed concern about some of the very same provisions he signed into law back into 2019 and he's always been anti-sanctuary status but this is a distinction without a difference.
HEIDI GANAHL ISN'T BUYING WHAT THE GOVERNOR SELLING And she's got a great column about it in the Rocky Mountain Voice here. She lays out the various laws which have made us a sanctuary state no matter what the Governor says. Heidi joins me at 2:30 to talk about it.
NO, TRUMP DIDN'T TURN OFF MEDICAID The order about pulling back federal grant programs was VERY specific but the media and bureaucrats desperate to put the Trump admin on the defense didn't care about the facts. The White House issued further clarification yesterday about what was being paused and what wasn't. Read it here.
TAY TAY ANDERSON HAS A NEW JOB And if you've got girls at Manual Middle School tell them to steer clear of the former school board member who was found to be engaging in inappropriate conversations with a sixteen year old when he was on the Denver Public School Board. He's the "Restorative Justice Coordinator" and if you don't know what idiocy restorative justice is it's what has destroyed behavior in schools. It takes out punishment for chats, which need to come AFTER punishment. Read more here.
HAMAS TORTURED HOSTAGES And this woman is sharing about she was hung upside down and beaten while the terrorists talked about how Israeli doctors has cured one daughter's eye cancer. These people are no better than animals.
MAYOR MIKE JOHNSTON TALKS TOUGH ON GANGS And does anyone here believe him when he says they've been "very aggressive on enforcement" in Denver? Considering he went out of his way last fall to DENY that the gang was active in Denver I'm not buying any of this. Considering Denver paid the NGOs to PUT these people into apartments in Aurora he doesn't really have any credibility here. The DEA has been very busy arresting gang members, but I don't recall seeing Denver PD making those sorts of announcements.
PROTESTERS SUCCEED IN SHUTTING DOWN AURORA CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Because they can't be bothered to follow the rules. The protesters are still angry that the shooting of Kilyn Lewis was ruled justified and they want to harass and harangue the City Council into doing something extrajudicial about it. Police were trying to arrest him for attempted murder when he was shot and killed. Now the City Council is going to virtual meetings because Aurora PD is concerned for the board's safety. This is not how you change someone's mind. Mob rule should not work, ever.
iF YOU'RE GONNA STUPID YOU BETTER BE TOUGH, WINDOW EDITION In a free society you have the right to show people how dumb you are by putting a swastika on your window. That doesn't mean that the neighbors will take it. A rock or some other missile was thrown through the window and now the swastika is gone. So it the window but whatever. This is the kind of civil disobedience I can get behind. The kicker here is that Democrats have made it damn near impossible for this person to be kicked out if they are renting.
400 DAYS BEFORE RAPE INVESTIGATIONS CAN EVEN GET GOING Colorado's forensics department is in complete disarray, made much, much worse by the alleged criminal malfeasance by one of their top investigators. Now we know from recent testimony at the Capitol that the department is so behind that it takes 400 days to get a rape kit tested. FOUR HUNDRED DAYS. Over a YEAR. And in that year these mostly women are hung out to dry with no resolution, with their predators still out on the streets. This is criminal in itself and certainly doesn't feed into the narrative that women matter. This is so shameful.
WACKY LEFT WINGER MAKES A BETTER CHOICE This story is interesting because it's another example of a violent left winger who intended to kill political opponents. Luckily he thought better of it and turned himself in instead. Read who his targets were here, and surprise, they aren't Democrats. Weird that I didn't hear about any of these people until this article:
In early January, a man was arrested inside the Capitol Visitor Center with a machete and knives inside his bag. On Election Day, a man was arrested in the Capitol Visitor Center who "smelled like fuel" and possessed a flare gun and torch. In the screening area, police discovered two bottles they believed to contain accelerant, with police saying that the man "had papers with him that he said his intent was to deliver them to Congress."
Why aren't these more widely reported? JK, we know why.
OF COURSE DEMS PUSHED THE HORRIBLE GUN BILL OUT OF COMMITTEE There was never a doubt in my mind that the three Democrats on the committee hearing the horrible gun control bill would ignore the THRONGS of people who showed up to testify against it. Of course.
THE EXECUTIVE ORDERS ARE COMING AT LIGHTNING SPEED And the Rocky Mountain Voice has a running list here if you want to read them all. Now Congress needs to get busy to codify stuff into law.
ONE OF THE BIGGEST BANS MEDICAL CARE FOR TRANS KIDS That would result in permanent changes to their bodies before they can even comprehend what that means. I'm here for this one.
COLORADO REPUBLICANS HAVE A CHOICE And that choice is to continue to allow Dave Williams and his minions to destroy the party here with rules changes designed to cement his control over the party, or to not. Read Joy Overbeck's column on it here.
WHERE YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO GET A SPEEDING TICKET Happens to be that the two most Republican counties top the list.
ABOUT THOSE DRONES OVER NEW JERSEY The new press secretary made this announcement at her first press conference about the drones over New Jersey.
Why didn't the Biden Admin just say that? My guess is they wanted us to be distracted from things like pre emptive pardons.
ABOUT THE NEW PRESS SECRETARY She is badass. Just badass. Watch this for the whole presser yesterday but she make KJP look like a kindergartener.
POT CRUSHES YOUR MEMORY And the effects last long after you stop. Read this for more.
OUR KIDS ARE GETTING WORSE AT READING And this is extremely bad and very concerning and should be a national emergency. Read this from the Wall Street Journal story on the latest National Assessment of Educational Process scores:
The 67% of eighth-graders who scored at a basic or better reading level in 2024 was the lowest share since testing began in 1992, results from a closely watched federal exam show. Only 60% of fourth-graders hit that benchmark, nearing record lows.The declines started before the pandemic, continued during it and have persisted since. While the lowest-achieving students fell further behind everyone else, the slides were broad, affecting students across different states, school types, races and economic backgrounds.
We have to right the ship on reading. Nothing is more important that having a citizenry that can read and comprehend what they are reading.
SAN FRANCISCO'S HARM REDUCTION POLICIES HAVE FAILED And if you click this link you can watch a video from San Fran about the changes that are coming and how the neighbors feel about harm reduction.
HOW DEI TOOK THE MILITARY This is a story worth subscribing to the Free Press if you haven't already. It's about the ideological capture of the military but DEI and race hustling. And we know about it because one black military man was the perfect mole.
THIS IS WHY THE INTERNET IS AWESOME Watch below or click here.
THIS ONLY FANS TREND IS SUPER GROSS And wouldn't it be something if Customs and Border Protection was the thing that kept a stupid young woman from continuing to ruin her life?
TRUMP IS GIVING FEDERAL WORKERS A DEAL TO QUIT He's offering a severance that will pay them until September if they quit by February 5th. Don't let the door hit you.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE LEGENDARY MARSHAWN LYNCH INTERVIEW it's been ten years since this masterpiece. Watch below or click here.
THE WHITE HOUSE WELCOMES NEW MEDIA And this is a sea change from prior admins. Watch below or click here.
DAVE FRASER: AI EDITION This is what Dave mentioned today on Weather Wednesday!