1/22/25 Blog: Elephants Aren't People, And Citizenship In Court

YEP, STILL IN PUERTO RICO And if you looking for a nice getaway at a clean, comfy hotel on the beach that is still affordable, just click here. They also have these INCREDIBLE Short term rentals not on the beach but super close. Find them here.

PUERTO RICO WANTS BUSINESS And I've got Sebastian Vidal at 1pm today to talk about Parallel 18, an innovation hub to help support entrepreneurs around the world and in Puerto Rico. Find out more here, but I'm gonna say there are worse places to do business than here. My view today.

IT'S WEATHER WEDNESDAY so get your weather questions ready for Fox 31 meteorologist Dave Fraser at 12:30.

NO, ELEPHANTS ARE NOT PEOPLE The Colorado Supreme Court rejected the argument that five elephants at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo were being held in violation of their right to "habeas corpus", a right delineated for human beings. An organization which has filed numerous suits nationwide demanding that zoo animals be treated like humans has lost again, but I fully expect them to try again. They are just honing their argument with every filing. Read more here.

BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP IS HEADED TO THE COURTS And I'm glad this will be settled once and for all to be honest. There has been one case on birthright citizenship but it involved legal immigrants who had a child here and the courts decided that child was a citizen. We've never had a ruling on what happens when people who are here illegally have a child and we are about to. Read more here. I genuinely don't know what the Supreme Court will do here but we're gonna find out.

ARE WE SEEING THE FINAL NAIL IN THE RACIST GRIFT OF DEI? I got this email from a radio industry magazine this morning and I'm here for it. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs are anything but and they are BY FAR the most divisive thing ever embraced by government since Jim Crow laws. Now the Trump admin is going scorched earth, and I bet you that the Democrats will not work to bring them back. Because even if you want to increase diversity in the workplace most people realize that artificial quotas simply cast a negative light on minorities who DESERVE those promotions and hirings without any sort of fake help. Trump also laid off all the federal employees who worked in this "department".

SO WHAT DO WE DO WITH MENTALLY ILL SUSPECTS? I agree with the sentiment of this column. We should not be releasing obviously mentally ill and unstable suspects back into the streets. But our jails have become defacto mental hospitals already and that is solving nothing. We need BIG tax dollars spent on facilities where these people can be both confined and treated properly and that is NOT in jail. Such facilities are very expensive and when Big Pharma said they could "cure" mental illness with drugs states raced to shut down such facilities to redirect that money elsewhere. Now it's time to fix that.

DOUGLAS COUNTY SCHOOLS HAS TO FIX SOME STUFF More details are coming out about the federal investigation into Douglas County Schools and their treatment of kids with disabilities. It started out with some kids saying racist garbage but now includes several families who say their kids with disabilities were secluded and isolated as punishment. I've heard from families unhappy with DougCo schools before when it comes to children with disabilities, so I'm hoping this will lead to changes where every kid is treated well regardless of circumstances. We've yet to hear from the district and I will have them on the show when this is all said and done.

BIG CHANGES COMING TO CIVIC CENTER PARK And I get why the city is doing this, but have we fixed the REST of the problems downtown yet? No? This feels like the cart is being put well before the horse here.

SENATE DEMS ARE INVESTIGATING ONE OF THEIR OWN The saga of Senator  Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont continues as the Senate leadership has moved her ethics investigation to committee. She is accused of abusing her aides and paying them illegally out of campaign funds. Though she has since amended her campaign disclosures apparently she is still a bear to work with so here we are. Will they remove her from office? Maybe because it would do nothing to their majority really. We'll see what happens but it's nice when anyone is held accountable for bad behavior, regardless of party.


NBC NEWS ATTACKS PETE HEGSETH This story is infuriating. NBC News got a tip from Pete Hegseth's former sister-in-law that said he was abusive during their marriage. Then they ask his former wife and she says unequivocally that there was NO physical abuse in the marriage and NBC News runs the story anyway. You don't hate them enough. Read this from Hegseth's attorney:

"Sam has never alleged that there was any abuse, she signed court documents acknowledging that there was no abuse and recently reaffirmed the same during her FBI interview. Belated claims by Danielle Dietrich, an anti-Trump far left Democrat who is divorced from Mr. Hegseth’s brother and never got along with the Hegseth family, do nothing to change that," he said in a statement. 
"After an acrimonious divorce, Ms. Dietrich has had an axe to grind against the entire Hegseth family," he added. "Ms. Dietrich admits that she saw nothing but is now falsely accusing Sam of lying to both the Court and to the FBI because of private, undocumented statements that she allegedly made 10 years ago."

I hope he sues her and NBC News. It's time to stop this abuse of the press.


DENVER'S FEDERAL GRAVY TRAIN MAY END SOON Because Trump says sanctuary cities and states will NOT get federal dollars from now on. Read here about how that will affect Denver and Colorado but it's significant. We'll see how welcoming and compassionate we are when we have to foot the WHOLE bill ourselves. Compassion is cheap and easy on someone else's dime. The city of Denver has announced the ways it WILL cooperate with the Feds and others where they won't. We'll see how this goes.

WE'VE PASSED PEAK BEER IN COLORADO And the numbers are trending in the wrong direction. We saw 41 breweries close in 2024 as beer sales slid 3.2% in Colorado, well above the national average of 2%. So are we done closing breweries? Maybe, maybe not, but young people are not drinking beer like Millennials did.

BAD NEWS FOR MINES FOOTBALL their very good head football coach is leaving for Montana State.

APHRODISIAC HONEY IS JUST FULL OF VIAGRA And this is becoming a big issue in France where they just seized a ton of the laced honey. The issue is that there is no quality control on this stuff and the dosages vary greatly. Just don't. Just get a prescription for the real stuff.

"EFF IT, RELEASE THEM ALL" That was allegedly how Donald Trump decided to release all the J6 defendants. Read more here.


WHY DID WE LEAVE THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION? This is a good explainer of why Trump left WHO. I'm perfectly fine with that, by the way.

DOES CARBONATED WATER HELP WITH WEIGHT LOSS? yes, but not a whole bunch Read more here.

THE HEALTHIEST FAST FOOD ITEMS because even when you're eating healthy sometimes you need a quick fix. Find out the best choices to make here.

BIDEN LEFT TRUMP A NICE NOTE And Trump says he may release it because it is a "positive" for Biden.

JENNA BUSH HAGER CALLS OUT W'S FACES AT THE INAUGURATION And I love seeing inside family stuff like this.

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