08-30-24 Interview - Danielle Jurinsky Was Right

DANIELLE JURINSKY WAS RIGHT When she sounded the alarm about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, and now Mayor Mike Coffman is admitting it. He had this to say:

Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman acknowledged on Thursday that Venezuelan gangs have taken control of several apartment complexes in the northern part of the city in what he called “a nightmare situation.”He also admitted that the city "lost control" of the gang infiltration "and we're working aggressively to get it back." 

He went on to say that the national media giving the impression that Aurora has been taken over by gangs (which is NOT what Jurinsky said) is giving a "black eye" to the city which I think is why he didn't want to admit it in the first place. I'm sure Mr. Accountability Journalism Kyle Clark will lead Next tonight with an apology to Danielle Jurinsky for trying to make her seem crazy for sounding the alarm. That's how we Colorado, amiright? Even Mayor Mike talked tough about the gangs, but it's sort of like Opie talking tough when he does it. The Governor told the press that the problem shown clearly in the video below was a "feature of Danielle Jurinsky's imagination". It's startling how well Clark and Polis work together to try to paint a Republican woman as "crazy", isn't it? It's almost like they chat over lunch about it.

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