5/20/24 Blog: Christian Toto Is On To Talk About Steffan's New Documentary

I SAW STEFFAN TUBBS NEW FENTANYL DOCUMENTARY THIS WEEKEND And you need to see it. I am bringing on Christian Toto today to talk about it, he reviewed it here. You can watch it for free on the YouTube channel I've linked to below, and please watch it with every young person you know. Recreational drugs are no longer recreational, they are potentially deadly on the first try. Watch it below. Listen to Christian's great podcast by clicking here.

GAY FOLKS ARE UNHAPPY WITH A BILL BACKED BY OTHER GAY FOLKS We've had Gays Against Groomers (GAG) Rich Guggenheim on the show to talk about two ballot initiatives being supported by GAG that are designed to protect kids. One prevents natal boys from competing in girls sports and the other REQUIRES notification of parents if a student indicates gender incongruence. Both of these are extremely common sense and already a different part of the gay community is painting them as an attack on gay kids. These are nothing of the sort and they know it. What's happening now is an attack on parents and girls sports and need to be fixed. I've got Rich Guggenheim on the show today at 12:30 to talk about the all volunteer effort to gather signatures and how you can help. Visit this website for more.

GENDER AFFIRMING CARE SEEMS TO INCREASE SUICIDE RISK And not by a small amount. A new study shows that those who underwent gender affirming surgery had a 12.12 fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who didn't have surgery. Read the study here but this blows a giant hole in the emotional blackmail being done to parents whose kids are struggling.

WHAT IS THE GRAND BARGAIN COLORADO DEMOCRATS STRUCK WITH OIL AND GAS? I've got American Petroleum Institute President & CEO Mike Sommers today at 2:30 to discuss the onslaught of legislation from both Colorado and the Biden Administration that will dramatically impact oil and gas production.

COLORADO WILL CODIFY ABORTION RIGHTS INTO THE CONSTITUTION THIS YEAR And I'm guessing this will pass in a landslide in a state that can't even ban late term abortion at the ballot box. A constitutional amendment codifying the right to abortion has been approved by the Secretary of State's office here, as well as in several other states, including solidly red states. The Pro Life movement has a lot of hearts and minds to change before abortion will remain illegal or be severely limited.

9NEWS KNOWS WHAT UP WITH THE ZIPPER I am not going to lie, this made me very happy.

You really should read the story here, but if you listen you already know what it says.

THE GOVERNOR VETOED SOME BILLS FRIDAY And they needed to be vetoed but I could put a whole bunch more on his desk that also need to be vetoed. Read what got nixed here.

DEMOCRATS TOOK $2.8 BILLION OF YOUR TABOR REFUNDS Because they decided that YOU don't deserve that money, some other chosen class of Coloradans deserved your money. Where did it go? A total of 101 bills took your TABOR refunds, giving them to others in the form of a tax credit you probably don't qualify for and other stuff the Democratic Legislature thought was more important than you getting your money. Read the report from the Common Sense Institute here. Just how much did they take? They reduced our TABOR refunds by THREE-QUARTERS. They took almost all of it. Greedy bastards, I hope someone sues. This is an editorial about the theft.

IRAN'S PRESIDENT IS LIKELY DEAD And I say good riddance to bad rubbish though I'm sure they will insert a new man who slavishly allows the mullahs to run the country immediately. Read more here about the helicopter crash that probably killed him.

MAYOR MIKE GOT RATIOED ON TWITTER Over his post boasting about how Denver's "Newcome Playbook" should be the model for cities around the country. Twitter did not agree, and Twitter was not kind.

WHAT EXERCISES MAKE YOU LIVE LONGER? Longevity expert Peter Attia explains what to do to live longer.

THE INTERNATIONAL COURT HAS ISSUED ARRESTS WARRANTS For the leadership of Hamas AND Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel isn't a member of the Criminal Court and does not recognize their authority within Israel so this doesn't mean much unless Netanyahu lands in one of the member nations where he could be arrested. Read about it here.

MINNESOTA SENATORS KNOW HOW TO PARTY And yes this is incredibly juvenile but it's Monday so you're welcome.

HARRISON BUTKER'S JERSEY IS FLYING OFF THE SHELVES As people who read his entire speech or listened to it in its entirety are showing support after a bunch of people who DIDN'T listen to his speech are demanding he be fired. His jersey is now a TOP SELLING jersey in the NFL. You really should watch it if you haven't seen it because he's 100% right in what he said. He never said all women should be at home, he celebrated the role a woman can play as a homemaker and mother while tearing up talking about how his wife's support is key to his success. It's a lovely speech that shouldn't be controversial at all and you can hear the audience react positively in the video below.

DU IS ACTUALLY PUNISHING STUDENTS FOR BREAKING RULES AND CAMPING And now the students are howling that the punishment does not fit the crime. Too bad, so sad. The kids say being location restricted and given an interim suspension isn't fair even though it's in the honor code they agreed to follow when they got there. The school is essentially just repeating the honor code for their benefit to the news media. If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough.

DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE THIS WEEKEND As Colorado State Patrol is doing DUI checks all weekend and beyond.

RANKED CHOICE VOTING IS ON THE BALLOT TWO WAYS One that would eliminate the Vacancy Committees that currently pick Legislative members when someone steps down. It's the system that gave us Tim Hernandez. It would require a Special Election using Ranked Choice Voting with an instant runoff instead of a committee. The other ballot measure wants to BAN Ranked Choice Voting outright and I'm guessing it has the backing of both the Democrat and Republican parties. Read about them here.

GOOD GRIEF SKIING IS DANGEROUS As FOURTEEN people died skiing this year alone. From the Colorado Sun:

Six deaths resulted from collisions with trees. All of the deaths from collisions or falls happened on intermediate or beginner slopes. Ten of the fatalities were males, including a 14-year-old boy. Seven of the ski resort visitors who died were not from Colorado. Six of the deaths involved medical events, including a 43-year-old dentist from Kentucky who suffered a brain hemorrhage following an accident that broke his arm at Vail. Four of the deaths from medical events were skiers from out-of-state. 

Another reason I'm good not skiing because I would be on those beginner or intermediate slopes.

TARGET AND WALMART ARE GOING TO PRICE WAR And the consumers are the big winners as Target tries to woo Walmart shoppers to their stores by dropping the prices on 5,000 items. Walmart has seen big gains as even wealthier people are bargain shopping there, and Target is trying to get a chunk of their former shoppers back. I'm here for it.

BIDEN FEAR MONGERS AT A BLACK COLLEGE Because he certainly doesn't have anything of substance to offer black graduates. Here he says that Republicans want to erase black history.


BURRITOS AND TACOS ARE OFFICIALLY SANDWICHES And we needed a zoning law case to set this controversy to rest. It happened in Indiana where a man wanted to start a restaurant but needed a zoning change. He got the change with restrictions on what sort of restaurant could operate there and when a taco place wanted the space it required a judge to declare tacos and burritos "sandwiches" to allow the change to take place. This is a great example of how stupid zoning laws can be.

THE COVID LIES ARE COMING APART As the testimony of Francis Collins shows that the six feet apart social distancing guidelines were just made up and Covid origins could have been from a lab (of course it was).

Read the rest at National Review here.

NOW YOU CAN SEND A MESSAGE FROM THE GRAVE I find this both cool and sort of creepy but here we are. A new app lets you record a message before you die to be delivered AFTER you're dead. This could be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you feel about the recipient.

FRONTIER IS MAKING THEIR PRICING EASIER TO UNDERSTAND and easier to know EXACTLY how much you are going to pay for luggage and picking your seat. I may be tempted to give them a try with this new system. Maybe.



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