Mandy's Tue Blog: You Must Vote for Joe O'Dea, Plus Fire Season is Here Now

JOE O'DEA NEEDS YOUR VOTE Joe O'Dea is the best chance we have to unseat the useless Michael Bennet and you need to support him. I don't care who is on the "top line", O'Dea is the ONLY CHANCE we have to beat Bennet. He's on today at 1 for a lengthy conversation about why he deserves your vote. Find out more about Joe by clicking here.

YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE COLORADO WOMEN'S ALLIANCE Joni Inman joins me at 2 to talk about this cool organization I'm a part of. Find out more here.

THE HEALTH CARE TRANSPARENCY BILL PASSED THE COLORADO HOUSE AND IS NOW ON TO THE SENATE! I got a message from my guest yesterday David Silverstein that it passed the Colorado House 63-1! Now it heads to the Senate so stay tuned. Listen to the interview with David by clicking here.

FIRE SEASON IS GOING TO BE HORRIBLE THIS YEAR And I know I sound like a broken record, but the chances of someone in my listening audience, or even me, losing a home to fire is very, very serious. Snow melt has already started and this is far too early and there is no more snow in the forecast and we are screwed this summer. Totally screwed. Read more here.

CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW USELESS SETTING YOURSELF ON FIRE IS? And my deepest condolences to the man from Boulder who went to DC to set himself on fire in front of the Supreme Court in some sort of climate change protest, but this is such a dumb, dumb way to die for such an unworthy cause. This is what happens when climate change becomes your religion. He was a Buddhist and had been planning this for a year. What did it accomplish? Maybe he believed he'd die a hero and instead he's an odd news story. Very sad.

COLORADO DEMOCRATS ADMIT THEIR FEES AND TAXES ARE TOO MUCH Not enough to actually repeal all the new ways they are going to take our money, but to simply delay their implementation until after the November election. Don't believe me? Read this.

DON'T BELIEVE THE NAKED POLITICAL SPIN ON THAT 400 BUCKS The Colorado Democrats are absolutely SHAMELESS in using TABOR refunds to score political points even as they continuously try to repeal the Taxpayers Bill of Rights because it ties their hands. As they announced a big plan to GIVE YOU YOUR OWN MONEY BACK EARLY that TABOR requires them to give you, they managed to make it seem like they themselves had a bake sale to give us money. Read this:

“Coloradans are up against high rates of inflation and a rising cost of living – and they’re feeling the pinch,” Fenberg, a Boulder Democrat, said. “This year, we’re able to extend much needed support to families and individuals in the form of direct relief to taxpayers. We’re helping Coloradans make ends meet during this challenging time by putting money directly back into their wallets.”
Garnett said the state is "delivering on that promise" to save Coloradans money.

Everything is more expensive in this state because of Colorado Democrats. They know it (see above story), we know it and I'm not going to let them get away with this naked vote buying scheme using YOUR MONEY THEY OWE YOU.

NOW THE WORD MARIJUANA IS RACIST PROVING THERE IS NO REAL RACISM ANYMORE I burst out laughing when I read this today. Washington state has replaced the word "marijuana" in all of its laws that mention the word with "cannabis". Okay, fine. But why though? Read this and laugh along with me:

"The term ‘marijuana’ itself is pejorative and racist," said Democratic state Rep. Melanie Morgan claimed during 2021 testimony regarding House Bill 1210, which she sponsored, according to local CBS affiliate KIRO 7.
"As recreational marijuana use became more popular, it was negatively associated with Mexican immigrants," Morgan explained. "Even though it seems simple because it’s just one word, the reality is we’re healing the wrongs that were committed against Black and Brown people around cannabis."

There you have it. The word is racist. If this is what we're worried about it proves there is no real racism anymore, just stupid crap like this that people make up to make themselves feel morally superior. By the way, a quick check on the internet shows that the word Marijuana first appeared in a Mexican pharmacological journal and is accurately used to describe the hallucinogenic buds from the cannabis plant. Just so you know.

DEMS NEW CAMPAIGN SLOGAN: AT LEAST WE'RE NOT ARGENTINA! Where inflation is double digits every month and people use inflation strategies for paying their bills along with hoarding goods before their cost goes up. Read about the mess down there here.

AND NOW HERE COME THE SUPERBUGS As doctors were using lots of antibiotics to treat people with covid, we seem to have created some new super bacterial bugs that are resistant to antibiotics. This isn't good and one of the reasons you don't need to run and get an antibiotic for every little bug you get. Read more here.

ANTI SEMITISM IS REARING ITS UGLY HEAD IN THE US With more anti-Semitic attacks, including physical attacks, occurring last year than any other according the Anti-Defamation League. From the article:

Incidents (vandalism, harassment, assault) were up sharply last year, the ADL said in its annual summary - a function of pandemic restrictions decreasing, but also backlash to Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in May 2021.
The ADL recorded 416 incidents in New York in 2021, including a record 51 assaults, most of them in Brooklyn. The group reported another 370 total incidents in New Jersey, a record as well.

ABOUT YOUR NEW ARTS AND CRAFTS TIK TOK PROJECT. IT COULD KILL YOU. I don't usually think of art as a potentially deadly sport but there is a new craze on social media that is showing people how to do fractal burning. What is fractal burning? It uses chemicals and two electrical power sources to "burn" wood in such a way that it looks like a fractal like this:

The problem is it's so dangerous that 33 people have DIED doing this since 2016! A couple in Green Bay are added to that death count after electrocuting themselves trying the technique.

HOLLYWOOD CELEBRITY DOES HIS OWN YARDWORK! And was bitten by a rattlesnake for the trouble. The Princess Bride's Cary Elwes had to seek medical attention after being bitten in his yard.

WRESTLING WITH COGNITIVE INEQUALITY WITH JORDAN PETERSON This is a very fascinating conversation you should watch.

FLORIDA SHERIFF SUGGESTS SHOOTING INTRUDERS Really he suggested that people do some gun training so they can defend their homes from intruders as one man did in his district. Technically the homeowner didn't HIT the intruder who was arrested later, but he did say that the Santa Rosa Sheriff's office "prefers" that you shoot someone breaking into your home. It caused quite the kerfuffle.

ONE JUDGE BLOCKS AN INVASION FROM THE SOUTH And thank goodness this guy did it. He says the Biden Administration can't just undo Title 42 which is the only thing stopping a migrant wave from Mexico. The Supreme Court is going to end up weighing in, but no one is asking Biden why it's okay to let millions of people into the country without vetting?

MORE NEWS ANCHORS WHO CAN'T STOP LAUGHING You know I'm a sucker for these.

GILBERT GOTTFRIED'S REAL VOICE From the Howard Stern show years ago.

MUSK BUYING TWITTER IS GREAT FOR FREE SPEECH AND A NIGHTMARE FOR PROGRESSIVES It used to the left who fought hard for free speech and now the tables have turned completely. I have been enjoying the left wing meltdown on Twitter for the last couple of days immensely and this column lays out the myriad of ways this is great for free speech and perhaps the beginning of the Tech-Dem HelL Pact that has been used to silence accurate and true speech progressives find inconvenient.

NO, ALL MASK STUDIES ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL And now that the mask theater portion of covid is over we can talk about the "quality" of the "studies" the CDC used to justify that idiocy. This column goes over all the ways I looked at the RIGHT quality studies vs the crap studies the CDC used.

WHICH HEALTH NUMBERS DO YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO? This is a really cool article where the author asked 20 dieticians what THEY thought was the most important number for you to pay attention to for your health. Spoiler alert: it's not the scale or your BMI.

IS UNIONIZATION IN THE AGE OF AUTOMATION A GOOD THING? This is a very good take on what workers at places like Amazon and Starbucks need to realize before they unionize and make demands: they can be replaced by machines. Right now maybe it isn't cost effective to build an espresso machine that can make beverages quickly and without an attitude but what is the level where it isn't? Read the story here.

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