IT'S AN ASK US ANYTHING KIND OF DAY At 2pm I'm going to try and let you guys Ask Us Anything, but you have to participate for this work. Get your questions about ANYTHING ready because it will be an hour of silence otherwise.
HELP HUNGRY HOMELESS VETERANS BY GETTING OFF YOUR REAR END I've got the Executive Director of the Colorado Veterans Project Shane Johnson on today to talk about their Memorial Day weekend event to gather food for homeless veterans. Find out more and sign up here. he joins me at 1. Find out more about Colorado Veterans Project here.
WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO CHERRY CREEK SCHOOLS? First they do away with the valedictorian, now they seem to be allowing boys accused of really serious and bad behavior to remain on campus to the detriment of the girls they have tormented and even attacked. After one girl told her story and students at Grandview High School walked out because a boy who has been charged with sexual assault has been allowed to remain at school, seeing his victim daily. This would be untenable for an adult to deal with, but for a kid in Cherry Creek it's a-okay. Parents are coming forward with similar stories including a horrifying one about a seven year old girl being consistently sexually harassed by a boy who obviously in my view has been sexually abused himself.
WE COULD BE HEADED FOR ANOTHER VOLCKER SHOCK AND YOU SHOULD BE READY The Fed has to bring inflation under control and the only way to do that is to get money out of circulation which means raising interest rates. Fed Chair Jerome Powell said yesterday that aggressive interest rate increases are ahead, with another half point rise coming in two weeks. This part of the story caught my eye:
Powell said “there’s something in the idea of front-end loading” moves if appropriate, “so that points in the direction of 50 basis points being on the table.” He declined to comment on market pricing but did note that minutes of the Fed’s March meeting showed that many officials backed one or more half-point rate increases to cool prices.
The "something" he's talking about is a financial shock from rapidly rising interest rates that throws us into a sharp recession but one that we recover from quickly as we did under Reagan. It would be nice if Congress weren't so stupid as to not recognize their spending is a bit part of the problem. One thing to note is that the Volcker Shock brought on the worst recession since the Great Depression but it was a sharp V recession and didn't last very long. Once the money supply was brought to heel the economy started growing again and the Booming 80s became a thing. Get ready for a recession. We don't know what that looks like, but get your financial ducks in a row. This is a pretty good explainer of what happened and why. I'll take a sharp recession over hyperinflation any day. It leads back to growth.
DO NOT THROW ANYTHING ON FIRE OUT OF YOUR CAR TODAY, SMOKERS Or light anything else that can catch anything else on fire because we are in a bad way today between the high winds and dry conditions. We are in a period of super high fire danger so please don't do anything stupid.
THIS IS THE BEST THING ON THE INTERNET TODAY AND YOU'RE WELCOME A guy has food races with his dog and it's magic.
NO, DENVER CHARTER SCHOOLS DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' UNION And the New American School which agitated hard for changes that would have allowed the teachers to unionize the charter school formed by our current Governor has now rejected the union in a vote by the Board. They are creating a program to insure that teacher and student voices are heard and taken into consideration instead. I wonder how many teachers at these schools show up at the School Accountability Committee meetings now? Just curious.
CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT HOLDERS ARE NOT COMMITTING CRIMES IN DENVER And the recent discussion about banning concealed carry from parks and buildings in Denver has gotten the Independence Institute's Dave Koppel riled up nicely. He broke down the real numbers of who is committing crime in Denver and it ain't CCP holders. Not by a long shot. Read the data here.
WHERE DOES OUR OZONE PROBLEM COME FROM? We have been named one of the places with the worst air quality in the country, and I don't dispute that we have air quality issues, but I'd like to know more about the science behind ozone and where our problems truly come from. I understand from old timers that ozone has always been an issue here, even before we had tons of cars, so there has to be a geographic component. As literally everything has been on fire for the last three summers that has to play into it, but is that really our fault? The EPA is going to make everything far more expensive here because of it, so I'd like to know the answers to these questions.
AS PEOPLE WORRY ABOUT LIBRARY CONTENT THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION TAPS A MARXIST TO LEAD She's also a lesbian but that doesn't concern me as much as the Marxist part. If she believes in Marxism I think that shows her intellect is not high enough to lead any organization, especially one that gives awards to books that then lead to school libraries buying them. Well done, Library Association.
DISNEY'S SPECIAL DISTRICT PRIVILEGES ARE OVER And it remains to be seen what this means for Orange and Osceola counties, but I would imagine the State is going to come through with cash to help them make the transition. What's going to be super fun for Disney is that they now get to deal with bureaucracy that slows everything down and they will pay far more taxes into the coffers of the counties that they reside in. The biggest sticking point to this is a big one though. According to Florida state law, the landowners IN the special district must VOTE to dissolve the district and that clearly is not going to happen. We'll see what happens next.
OUR PRESIDENT DOESN'T KNOW WHERE HE IS He answered a question about Title 42, which is about illegals being banned from staying here because of health concerns, and he responded with an answer about mask mandates.
IF THIS IS TRUE I'M GOING TO LIVE FOREVER If you walk fast you will live longer. This is because people who walk fast have better telomeres, which are widely considered to be our best marker for aging. As we age, they get shorter and lose the ability to divide and that leads to age related illnesses. People who walk fast have longer telomeres and a lower metabolic age than slow walkers. However, regardless of speed, people who walk daily are healthier than those who don't. So go for a walk.
I HAVE MIKE TYSON'S BACK ON THIS I know, I know, it's not okay to hit someone even if they are supremely annoying, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a jury that could watch this video of a drunk guy jabbering incessantly at Mike Tyson that would convict. Let's be real, Tyson wasn't trying to hurt the guy, just make him shut up.
OLD PEOPLE ARE NICER BECAUSE THEY HAVE MORE OF THE LOVE HORMONE That hormone is oxytocin and your body makes MORE of it as you age. Could this be why older people volunteer more and give more of their income to charity? Or is it CAUSED by doing things like volunteering and giving money to charity? We don't really know.
NO, I'M NOT JEALOUS OF BIDEN'S LOAN FORGIVENESS PLAN I'm incensed by the notion that adults who signed up for huge loans and then used that money for worthless degrees now think they don't have to pay it back. This liberal author moron thinks it's jealousy, but it's distress at the fundamental notion that some people can borrow money and not pay it back. Especially when they are like this entitled millennial who makes over 300k a year and still whines about having to pay back the loans she got. Child please. Grow up, pay your debts like a decent human and STFU.
AND NOW, ALL 46 PRESIDENT SING THE MACARENA I love it when people have too much time on their hands.
18 THINGS THAT LASTED LONGER THAN CNN+ And yes, this is from The Babylon Bee but these are real things and this is very funny.
EARTH DAY HAS COST US FAR TOO MUCH And you can read here to see the real numbers and they are HUGE.
COLLEGES EMBRACE SEGREGATION And in this case, we're talking segregated graduation events to prevent any white people from having to be around people not like them. Oh wait, my bad, it's so black and brown and gay and lesbian and Asian and whatever don't have to be around white people. That is SO MUCH BETTER. Read about this travesty here.