Mandy's Thu Blog: Baby Goats and Stuff Today!

WHY ARE BABY GOATS COMING TO THE STUDIO? The real question is why baby goats have not been to the studio ALREADY. Kelly Maher is my friend and the genius behind Real Best Life and the Homegrown Year and her milking goats just had babies and I want to make Dave hold one so here we are. She's on at 1. She writes a fantastic Substack about raising goats and kids and living life on her urban farm here. It's the best goat content on the interwebs!

BASEBALL AT 2 TODAY So we've got another short show.

A SCHOOL BOARD SHUTS DOWN A WOMAN WHO READ FROM A BOOK IN A LIBRARY This is rich. A mom was shut down by a school board after she was reading an actual excerpt from a book with very questionable content. Why? Because the school board members were concerned that children could be watching the live stream and hear the content. I couldn't make this up if I tried. Watch this.

This is why parents are taking back control of our children's education. This right here.

A JUDGE SHUTS DOWN BIDEN'S LAX IMMIGRATION MEMOS You can't make sweeping changes to America's immigration policies via memo. That is the ruling from an Ohio judge who just threw out the Biden Admin's loosy goosy sliding scale of deportations given via memo to Border Patrol. This as Biden is now saying they will make processing illegal immigrants for asylum faster at a max of 90 days. Now I would have no issue with this normally because the answers should be no for most illegal immigrants, but this feels like a back door to give these people access to the country with no vetting from this Admin.

GEORGE SOROS ELECTED PROGRESSIVE DAs ARE MAKING THE COUNTRY LESS SAFE And I have to say I feel like our own DAs office in Denver falls into this category. This article shows how crime has increased everywhere a lax DA has decided to simply not do his or her job to jail criminals to keep the streets safe. It's all in the name of a more just society, but it's likely black and brown people who are bearing the brunt of high crime so that's garbage. Read the rest here and maybe elect DAs that want to enforce the law next time.


OUR FUTURE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE CAN'T TELL YOU WHAT A WOMAN IS And this sort of stuff is so ridiculous but here we are. When asked directly by Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn what a woman is, the nominee hedged. And then hedged again. This is just stupid that we are at a point where the definition of woman is challenging. The Babylon Bee was the only brave source to report the follow up story about the hearings being delayed with Kentanji Brown Jackson couldn't find her bathroom.

COLORADO DEMOCRAT'S GHOULISH ABORTION BILL IS HEADED TO THE GOVERNOR'S DESK Where he will sign it because he knows that Colorado believes in abortion rights, even up the moment of birth when a baby is partially born so it's spinal cord can be snipped and the dead baby can be pulled out of its mother. That's what Colorado Democrats support. That's what they just did.

AS THE SAME DEMOCRATS CODDLE DRUG DEALERS AND DO NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE ON FENTANYL The Democratic "fix" to the legislative disaster they created in 2019 in their rush to make life easier for criminals is garbage. Here two District Attorneys lay out how bad it is, and how little it accomplishes. This isn't surprising as the Democrats in Colorado, as evidenced by the story above, are the party that embraces death anyway, why not death for addicts or people doing coke in Commerce City?

IF ONLY THIS 71 YEAR OLD MAN HAD FENTANYL INSTEAD OF A SHARPIE Then maybe he wouldn't be facing FELONY CHARGES because he marked out a pickleball court on a city owned basketball court with a sharpie. I poop you not, this is actually happening.

WHY PEOPLE ARE BURIED WITHOUT SHOES I found this oddly interesting.

STEALTH COVID IS SO SNEAKY IT'S NOT IN COLORADO WASTEWATER AT ALL If you want to see some covid fear porn, just check out #CovidIsNotOver on Twitter, where a small handful of people are FREAKING OUT because they aren't able to force everyone to do what they want to them to do using the force of government anymore. Now we know that the new "stealth" covid variant we were all supposed to be terrified of when it hit Colorado a few weeks ago is...gone. At least according to wastewater samples from around the state.

BUH-BYE TO AURORA POLICE CHIEF VANESSA WILSON As it seems the beleaguered chief is going to resign in a few weeks. This is hopefully good news for the cops who have been forced to suffer under her leadership which never seemed to stick up for the men and women on the force as she bowed and scraped to every complainer in the city and state. The minute she refused to push back on AG Weiser's BS report about the Aurora PD I knew she was incapable of leading as she should. I will not miss her and I'm guessing many of the Aurora PD will not either. Hopefully the City Manager doesn't screw up the next pick.

YOUR CHOLESTEROL AND BLOOD SUGAR AT 35 COULD SHOW A RISK FOR ALZHEIMERS As we are beginning to understand that Alzheimers is a disease linked to inflammation, this makes total sense. And it's not just high cholesterol, it's low HDL cholesterol, which is the good kind. Read more here.

WHY DID THE OUTDOOR RETAIL SHOW REALLY LEAVE? Denver stole this show away from its longtime home in Salt Lake City a few years ago with lots of incentives and promises, but then covid hit. Now the show is headed back to Salt Lake even with threats of boycotts from some prominent retailers. Why did they really leave? They say it's because of their longtime relationship with Salt Lake but I truly wonder if it isn't more than that.

WANT TO SOUND SMART TO THE SOMMELIER? DON'T ASK THESE QUESTIONS I hope after hearing The Wine Yogi for so long you would be able to avoid some of these, but here are seven questions that you may want to approach differently next time.

SCHOOL CLOSURES WERE A DISASTER And a new study shows that to be true around the world. We did them so wrong during covid.

A VICTORY LAP ON LOCKDOWN FAILURES From The Federalist, who took the positions I took so I'll let them say we were right.

RAND PAUL IS TRYING TO HOLD BIG SPENDERS ACCOUNTABLE And he's got a plan, which is more than I can say for all the other Republicans who only care about deficit spending in an election year. Read his plan here.

A NORTH CAROLINA TEACHER HIT HIS LIMIT AND IS OUT OF A JOB After a spectacular breakdown in his classroom that was recorded by a student. There are some serious bad words in this video so you've been warned. He's been fired.

DOES ANYONE THINK MALE CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS ARE GOING TO WORK? A new birth control pill for men is about to be tested on humans but I don't expect this to be a thing because currently men are not held to account for their children so why would they be bothered to take a pill EVERY DAY to stop getting women pregnant? I'm being 100% serious here.

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