Mandy Fri Blog: TGIF, Homies. Let's Have a Fun Friday!

MIKE ROSEN THINKS ALL THE MOVIES OUT NOW STINK So I have no clue what we're doing at 2, but he'll be here and I know Dave watched Cyrano so there's that. We will be talking about Sam Elliott and how right he is about a New Zealander woman trying to rewrite the Old West.

THERE'S A COOL SERIES ABOUT COLORADO RESTAURANTS IN THE DENVER GAZETTE And I've got Seth Boster on today to talk about Craving Colorado, which you can find here. He joins me at 1.

THE DOUGCO SCHOOL SUPER INTERVIEWS WENT WELL YESTERDAY With two candidates left both appeared at the School Board meeting yesterday for a public interview and both candidates did well. There is no doubt Danny Winsor loves the district as he spoke eloquently about his passion for Dougco, but Erin Kane did a better job laying our her Executive experience for this job and focused on what she actually accomplished in her role as Interim Superintendent, which was quite a lot. Either way I think DougCo wins, but I want Erin in the role.

THE REAL ESTATE MARKET IS HOT, HOT, HOT With no signs of slowing down. There are so few homes on the market and SO MUCH demand that houses are getting over ask and selling super fast. This article is paywalled (just subscribe to the Denver Gazette already) but worth your time if you follow the market like I do. If you already own a home you are in a really, really good spot.

PLEASE STOP PUTTING PORNOGRAPHY ON DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE ZOOM FORUMS Okay, I admit I did kind of laugh when I saw this, but then I corrected myself because this is just WRONG. A virtual candidate forum of Democrats wanting to unseat Lauren Boebert was taken over by someone on the call who put porn up instead. This is juvenile and not cool and every political party deserves to have their time to do stuff like this without bad actors creating problems. And newsflash, some people are deeply offended by pornography so that's really not cool. Stop it and I promise I will grow up and stop giggling at nonsense like this.

WOULD YOU GIVE UP YOUR GRASS FOR CASH? And I don't mean marijuana I mean actual grass in your yard. There is a new bill in Colorado that would create a program that would pay people to replace grass with native, drought resistant landscaping. This intrigues me, but what about the HOAs that have rules about such things?

A DEMOCRAT POLL SAYS COLORADANS TRUST REPUBLICANS MORE ON CRIME And this is great news as we face a crime tsunami, especially in high profile areas like downtown Denver and other urban corridors. And as much as the news tells us it's not that bad, we can see it with our own eyes. This poll was done by Progress Now, which is literally the most progressive firm out there, so this was definitely designed to make them look good and failed miserably. Read more here. You really should click through and read the entire poll, much of it about abortion in this state. It seems they are going to run a Constitutional amendment to codify abortion into the Colorado Constitution and this polling says it will pass with flying colors.

NOW THE CHINESE ARE TRASHING THE MOON And I mean that literally as a Chinese rocket is set to crash into the moon today and leave a ginormous crater on the surface. I HATE LITTER.

YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. YOU MUST. This is from an Indian tv show and you have to sit through two minutes of cross talk yelling to get to the payoff but it comes. Just wait.

FINALLY SOME GOOD JOBS NEWS! According to the BLS we added over 678,000 jobs in January! That is fantastic! The bad news is that wages were stagnant, which isn't horrible unless inflation is 7.5%, which it is. I'll take the good jobs news anyway.

HOW HIGH WILL GAS PRICES GO? Analysts are saying we should prepare for gas to go over give bucks a gallon if things keep going like they're going. This sucks for us because gas prices make everything else go up in price, but politically this is really bad for Dems, as the GOP can run on Drill, Baby, Drill and win again.

HAVING A GLASS OF WINE WITH DINNER MAY STAVE OFF DIABETES At least according to this study. For the record, wine is good, before it's bad, before it's good, before it's bad. Drink it in moderation and enjoy your life.

THAT'S LIFE...CEREAL THAT IS What cereals were released the decade you were born? This article can tell you and I feel like the 60s and 70s were the glory years for sugary cereal.

THE NEW ACADEMY OF MOVIE APOLOGY MUSEUM IS OPEN And the Academy of Motion Pictures and Arts' new museum does a fantastic job of apologizing for everything that may have been in any film ever that may or may not be offensive in some way to anyone. I'll pass.

AND YOU THOUGHT YOUR KITCHEN SPONGE WAS GROSS You know where else is disgusting? The inside of your car, which is dirtier than the average toilet seat according to this article.

ELON MUSK REMINDED RUSSIA THAT WE HAVE CAPITALISM THAT WORKS When Russian Space Chief said that Russia would stop selling rocket engines to the US and the US could fly to space on broomsticks, the billionaire tweeted out this:

I'm beginning to like Elon Musk.

SENATOR RICK SCOTT DEFENDS MAKING A PLAN And though I think some of the points are more important than others at least to me, I give Senator Scott a lot of credit for putting himself out there knowing he would get creamed from the Left and probably suspecting, rightly so, that he would be creamed from the Establishment Right as well. Now that he has been, he's defending his plan as a necessary first step to get things righted in this country. It worked when Newt Gingrich did it, why not now?

DR. FAUCI APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN SHUT UP And I have to believe this is because polling showed how sick we all are of the little totalitarian troll. He's been relegated to local shows and podcasts now and I'm cool with that. This column shares a Democrat memo telling Dems how to now talk about and deal with covid, and notes correctly that as soon as it came out, Fauci disappeared. Coincidence? Nope. Be sure and listen to the sound bites from Fauci's recent appearances on podcasts that aren't famous. He sounds angry and sad. Good.



HOW MUCH HAS THE COST OF CARS GONE UP? Year over year a LOT. Check out this cool form to find out how much.

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