MIKE AT THE MOVIES AT 2 And he and Dave saw the new West Side Story so they've got a review.\
PHIL REBOLI IS ON AT 1 He's the Senior Policy Advisor for Gun Owners of America and he's written this great column on how gun control just prevents people from being able to defend themselves when they need to, you should read it here. He's on at 1 to discuss.
DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAS A READING CRISIS ON ITS HANDS And we can all blame the teachers unions for keeping kids out of school unnecessarily. The latest test scores are downright horrifying, with a startling number of Black kids MULTIPLE years behind in reading. From the Boardhawk article:
For the 2021-2022 school year DPS set goals for K-3 students: to make sure at least 58% of Black students, 64% of Hispanic students, 63% of multi language learning students and 68% of all students are reading “at or above” grade level.
But after the district’s state-law-required year of heightened teacher training and student testing, these are the results as of fall 2021: more than 60% of Black, Hispanic and multi language-learning students, 80% of students with disabilities and 52% of all students are reading “below or significantly below” grade level.
The reading tests are administered three times throughout the school year — fall, winter and spring. These results also show significant drops positive from the spring 2021 test results. For example, in the spring, 43% of Black students were reading at or above grade level. As of this fall that number’s fallen to 34%.
The percentage of K-3 DPS students reading “significantly below grade level” had remained steady between 21% and 23% in the past five years. This year, that number jumped up to 31%.
"Significantly below" means YEARS behind, and these are third graders! This while the useless board is focused on shutting down charter schools that are likely doing a better job than the garbage neighborhood schools. It's time to return to the basics with reading, so these kids can learn to read the same we learned to read when I was a kid, because we actually learned how to read then.
THE LIBERAL MAG THE WEEK IS OVER COVID At least this guy is, and he wrote a column about it. In the column, he points out that NONE OF THE NON-MEDICAL interventions have done ANYTHING and we all need to get on with our lives. Read it, and recognize that if liberal media is posting this, the pandemic is over.
GREAT NEWS OUT OF SOUTH AFRICA ABOUT OMICRON Hospitalizations are plunging and cases are too as omicron seems to burn through very, very quickly. Aside from people who are very old or already very sick, this is a no big deal thing. How do we know? Read the next story.
THE PROOF IS IN THE POOP In Orlando that is. Fecal sampling has been going on since the beginning of the pandemic in Orlando which is home to so many theme parks it's not even funny and the latest tests show SO MUCH OMICRON variant present. Where Omicron is NOT showing up? The hospitals. This seems to indicate that this variant is so mild most people don't even know they have it. GOOD NEWS!!
A PC CANCEL LIST OF CHRISTMAS CAROLS And though I find this list very funny in its absurdity, I also don't want to give the SJWs any ideas. Read it here.
AIRLINE CEOS TOLD THE TRUTH SO IT MUST BE WALKED BACK NOW The truth they told was that masks on airline don't do much and the air on a plane is circulated in such a way and filtered in such a way as to make masks unnecessary. Of course everyone in power lost their damn minds and now the airline spokespeople are running around trying to take it back.
We've been talking about the decline of theaters for a long time and in this Peggy Noonan column she makes the case that streaming has killed the movie theater because why else would people not go see the remake of West Side Story? We'll see how her theory holds after this weekend Spiderman opening.
THESE ANIMALS WILL KILL YOU That's it, that's the story, these things will kill you.
COULD mRNA TECH CURE CANCER? That is the question being answered by a Phase 2 clinical trial of a new colon cancer mRNA vaccine designed to keep the cancer from coming back. This is where the mRNA tech will hopefully shine, because if this works it can be adapted to any sort of cancer. How much you want to bet that vaccine sceptics diagnosed with cancer will change their tune?
MEDIA BIAS IS CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED BY WHAT THEY DON'T COVER And the major news networks no longer think the border is an important issue, as coverage dropped to ZERO in November even as 173,600 people were encountered trying to break into the country. Read all the details of this media malpractice here.
WE DON'T WANT TO BE THE NEXT PORTLAND This article is very, very depressing. Portland, which used to be the cool, funky city that loved to crow about how tolerant it was, is now being run by the criminals and business owners are just giving up. Read it here.
THE GOVERNMENT WASTED YOUR MONEY ON A STUDY ON FAT SLOW TURKEYS And I wish there was some hidden meaning to that headline, but no. A grant of $1.7 million was given so researchers could study why turkeys farmed for meat aren't as fast as their wild kin. Why do we need to know this? And why did it cost $1.7 million? Because the money was there.
BUT THEY WON'T BE GIVING IT TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS SEPARATED FROM THEIR FAMILIES In a moment of clarity President Joe Biden put the official kibosh on the idiotic idea of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to the families separated at the border when they tried to break in. This is a good move and he must have seen the polling and utter disgust over this move in the first place.
NOW A DEEP DIVE ON SOMEWHERE FROM WEST SIDE STORY If you love this music you will love this.