Mandy's Tue Blog: Michelle Zellner Is On To Talk Reflecting on 2021

MICHELLE ZELLNER WANTS YOU TO TAKE A HOT MINUTE And reflect on the prior year. She's out fitness and health guru and today we're talking mental health more than physical health. Find Michelle and buy her amazing books by clicking here!

EVEN THE PROGRESSIVES OF SAN FRANCISCO ARE SICK OF PROGRESSIVE POLICIES The chickens of progressive politics are roosting nicely in San Francisco as the once great city has devolved into crime and open drug markets and human feces on the streets. This story from the AP talks to several people who are either trying to figure out where to go or have already left. And this is the problem. Instead of staying and maybe voting Republican for a change, they ruin the city and then bail. The article also shows what I've been warning about, that people are losing their compassion for the drug addicted mentally ill zombies who rule their streets. Don't let this happen to Denver.

HOMELESSNESS ISN'T JUST A DENVER PROBLEM ANYMORE As sweeps squeeze homeless people out of where they have been camping in open air drug markets, they move into the surrounding communities. This story shows how they are moving into Douglas County. I'm sure similar stories can be written about Littleton, and Golden, and Arvada as well. I sure hope DougCo commissioners are coming up with a plan.

FACEBOOK ADMITS IN COURT FILINGS THAT THEIR SO-CALLED FACT CHECKS ARE SIMPLY OPINION And just like the New York Times had to argue that no one should take its editorials seriously when Sarah Palin sued them, Facebook is being forced to tell the truth when John Stossel sued them. Stossel says Facebook unfairly maligned him when they labelled his videos on global warming "false and misleading" and took action to prevent them from being seen, thusly affecting Mr. Stossel's income greatly. In their defense, Facebook offered this:

Got that? Facebook's fact checks are "protected opinion" and not based in any real sort of actual fact checking. This is what happens when we give anyone power to determine "the truth". This is why any sort of limits on speech should be viewed with a skeptical eye, because who checks the fact checkers?

CHINESE STUDENTS ARE KICKING AMERICAN STUDENT'S BUTTS AND WE MUST FIX THIS Can we all admit that "new math" is a spectacular failure and "teaching kids how to think" is too? The changes that have come to classrooms since 2000 are not good ones based on the latest test scores from the internationally given Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test in 2018. About the test:

The test, administered by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), was given to 600,000 15-year-olds across 79 countries. It’s intended to serve as a global measuring stick for education systems in different parts of the world, and within varying socioeconomic conditions.
The results showed that students from four provinces of China — Beijing, Shanghai, and the eastern provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang — earned the highest level 4 rating across all three categories. Students in the U.S. ranked level 3 in reading and science, and level 2 in math.

WE RANKED LEVEL TWO IN MATH. Click that link and see how many countries were in Level three and four! Considering how much math is needed in today's high tech economy this is HORRIBLE news. This is embarrassing news. And we've spent 20% more on education since the test started for ZERO improvement. Is it time to take curriculum out of the hands of the teachers who have spent years in college learning a pedagogy which obviously isn't working? Time to admit the teachers unions aren't getting it done? Time to ask TEACHERS what works in the classroom instead of shoving things down their throats that obviously don't work? Time to stop worrying about telling kids only their skin color matters maybe?

PLEASE HELP THE PEOPLE IN WESTERN KENTUCKY I spoke with a friend in Kentucky yesterday and if you haven't seen pictures of the devastation it is MASSIVE. There are entire communities that are just gone. GONE. If you want to help, this is a fund set up by the state to help long term. You can always donate to the Red Cross, but they are a more immediate helper and these people are going to need help for a long, long time. Here is the link to donate. Even horrible storms bring out the best in people, check out this guy.

This is what Mayfield, Kentucky looks like now.

Please give what you can, I already made my donation.

REMEMBER THE RACIST ATTACKS IN WISCONSIN? You know, the one where a racist black man drove his car into a Christmas parade to kill white people? He managed to kill six people and wound a bunch more, but oddly the press has dropped the story. Not really oddly, because a racist black man is NOT what they want to focus on. I doubt we will have the wall to wall coverage of his trial like we did Kyle Rittenhouse. He doesn't fit the narrative and therefore not worthy of the media's time. The people in Waukesha are feeling abandoned and betrayed because of it.

POLICE SCOTLAND IS GOING TO HOUSE RAPISTS WITH WOMEN IF THEY SAY THEY ARE WOMEN And this MUST BE PEAK TRANS IDIOCY. The move to count rapes committed by men who say they are women as being committed by women is absolute nonsense and surely they must know this. From the Daily Mail:

Detective Superintendent Fil Capaldi said: 'The sex/ gender identification of individuals who come into contact with the police will be based on how they present or how they self-declare, which is consistent with the values of the organisation.
'Police Scotland requires no evidence or certification as proof of biological sex or gender identity other than a person's self-declaration, unless it is pertinent to any investigation with which they are linked.' 

JK Rowling, who has been at the forefront of calling out trans idiocy like this, has jumped on this story on the web, as have many others. If they accept the simple declaration of a rapist that he is female, then it stands to reason he will be housed with more women he could rape. But I guess those women don't matter as much as the potential hurt feelings of an accused rapist.

HEY LOOK, IT'S DR. JOHN DOUGLAS VIOLATING HIS OWN MASK ORDER And thanks to a secret spy who sent me these photos from a coffee social at Dr. John Douglas's church. The man who forced masks on everyone doesn't seem to want to wear one properly himself. And look how close he is to others!

TABOR WINS! A long running lawsuit from Boulder and some other school districts who don't like their spending curtailed by TABOR has finally gotten resolution in the form of a 7-2 decision from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals that says TABOR can stand.

WHOLESALE PRICES JUMPED ALMOST 10% OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS and it's only a matter of weeks before those increases get to us. Read more here. That's the fastest pace on record, by the way.


THE NEW YORK TIMES WANTS TO DO TO CLIMATE CHANGE WHAT THEY DID TO HISTORY By printing a super scary special report about how climate change is going to kill us all even as natural disaster deaths have dropped by 90%. Read more here.

STILL NO OMICRON DEATHS AND AMERICANS ARE MOVING ON Recent surveys show that we are done with the pandemic. People are visiting family for the holidays and getting along with their lives. Read more here about how we're not buying into the media panic.

IF YOU'RE A COUCH POTATO YOU ARE AT HIGHER RISK OF DEMENTIA But scientists are working on ways, including blood transfusions from active people, to help out the couch potatoes. I must say, I don't feel like giving a lazy person blood so they can reap the benefits of my exercise. Get off the damn couch.

NO ONE WANTS TO PAY SKY HIGH TICKET PRICES FOR WESTSIDE STORY At least that's what is suspected as the opening weekend was a paltry 10.3 million bucks. This story says ticket prices in the high twenty dollar range is to blame, but let's see how Spiderman does this weekend at the same theaters. Just saying. Maybe people heard this new version is all woked up and decided to pass.


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