Mandy's Fri Blog: Yes, We Have a Crime Wave, Plus Mike at the Movies!

MIKE ROSEN JOINS US TO TALK MOVIES And he's seen the new movie about Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, plus we're talking about Dr. Death, the new series about a horrible doctor.

FORMER DA GEORGE BRAUCHLER JOINS ME AT 1 TO TALK ABOUT OUR CRIME WAVE And yes, we have one in Colorado. He's working with the Common Sense Institute on this new report that breaks down just how bad things are and how much bail reform and early releases because of covid are a problem. Read it here.

ROE V WADE IS ON SHAKY GROUND AS OF TODAY As the Supreme Court declined to issue an injunction to prevent the new Texas law banning abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. The court will allow the suits from providers to move forward although they narrowed who could be sued by removing some defendants from the case. They are also considering a Mississippi abortion ban that should be heard next spring that has the potential to overturn Roe in it's entirety. But with this case being decided 5-4 with Roberts once again siding with the liberal justices, Roe is in peril. This means nothing in Colorado, where we can't even pass ANY limits on killing babies in the womb, let alone ban them.

IS THE SECRETARY OF STATE TARGETING CONSERVATIVE ORGANIZATIONS? Specifically an organization which dropped $4 million supporting conservative causes? Maybe is the answer. It comes down to tax filing status for an organization called Unite for Colorado, which is registered as a "social welfare" organization which means it can't directly advocate for a candidate or spend a majority of it's money on an issue, which it doesn't seem to do. So why did the Sec of State decide to pursue a complaint? Because a progressive policy organization that does the same thing complained about them, saying they were too new to not be suspicious. Sucks when someone uses the same tactics you've been using all along, doesn't it? Read more here.

THE BEST COLUMNIST IN ASPEN WAS FIRED BY THE ASPEN PAPER TWO YEARS AGO And I love the fact that the people of Aspen KEEP VOTING HIM BEST COLUMNIST even after the progressives running the paper fired him. Read more about Glenn Beaton's latest prestigious award here and read his columns on HIS website here.

THE NEW DENVER UNION SUPERMAJORITY SCHOOL BOARD IS ALREADY SHUTTING OUT THE PUBLIC Because they don't care what you think and wish all you parents would just shut up and sit down. Oh, that's not what they said, they said that they wanted to provide a "safe space" for the new members, who must be from the Tay Anderson School of Victimhood and therefore can't be subjected to angry parents demanding better schools. They also declared the pandemic over by saying that retreats weren't live streamed "before the pandemic" which means the pandemic must be over so why are kids wearing masks in schools? You get the government you deserve Denver, and your schools are going to suffer for your party line votes.

BIG TIME SHUFFLING IS HAPPENING AT THE STATE'S MENTAL HEALTH BOARD As the director announced yesterday that he is stepping down after a very critical report about how the department is functioning. This is not the time for a badly functioning department. Read about it here.

RIP DEMARYIUS THOMAS The former Bronco great was found dead at his Georgia home at the age of 33. Apparently there was some sort of medical issue that lead to his death. This is such a sad story.

INFLATION SKYROCKETS TO 6.8% IN NOVEMBER And at the next Federal Reserve meeting that starts TODAY, I'll be shocked if we don't see an interest rate hike. This is the highest rate of inflation since 1982 and if this keeps up, the Dems will lose the House AND the Senate next year. I'd rather keep inflation in check though, wouldn't you?

JUSSIE SMOLLETT'S ATTACKER HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO JUSTICE As he was found guilty of faking a hate crime to get attention. Remember when Kamala and Joe jumped to his defense? I'm waiting for an update to this tweet from the President:

Does anyone know why this guy didn't just take a plea deal? This was just stupid on so many levels. We'll see if he serves jail time, as he may be able to argue that jail is cruel and unusual punishment because he will have to share a cell with his attacker.

ABOUT THAT COURT RULING ON MAINE KEEPING EDUCATION FUNDS FROM PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS Maine had a law that allowed parents to get tax dollars to send their kids to a private school if no local school was available, but NOT to a private religious school. The court has now struck that down for violating the First Amendment rights of the schools. To really understand how much liberals hate poor parents who want to send their kids to private schools, watch this exchange:

Got that? Only RICH LIBERALS should have the choice to send their kids to private school, not idiots in Maine.

AMERICANS AREN'T INTERESTED IN PANDERING BY CORPORATIONS And a new survey shows that DEFINITIVELY, with just 39% saying corporate activism is effective. What is stunning is that 74% of business executives think it IS effective. I sure hope they see this survey.

JULIAN ASSANGE IS ONE STEP CLOSER TO BEING EXTRADITED BACK TO THE US Where he will face a myriad of charges related to his role in Wikileaks. Read more here.

THE EDUCATION BUREAUCRACY IS TRYING TO GET MORE PROGRESSIVES IN TEACHING How are they doing this? By using progressive buzzwords in the application process. They are testing potential new hires' political views by allegedly asking questions about "diversity, equity, inclusion, empathy, and students' social-emotional needs", which we all know is simply CRT language repackaged. Read more about this here, and then find out if such language is being used in your district.

COULD THESE NEW EYE DROPS REPLACE READING GLASSES? That seems to be the outcome when older people use the new eye drops approved for age related blurry vision, the kind that requires reading glasses now. This is cool, read it here.

TROPICAL FORESTS EASILY REGROW IF HUMANS DO THIS ONE THING Things in the jungle grow very quickly because of the abundance of water and sunlight and a deforested patch of forest can regenerate back to 78% in just 20 years if humans just do nothing. We have such ego to think we can do better than Mother Nature.

STOP ACTING LIKES JERKS TO FLIGHT ATTENDANTS! Because they are at the breaking point with nasty passengers who don't want to wear masks properly and act like aholes. The FAA has had more reports of passenger violence and misbehavior in 2021 than EVERY YEAR BEFORE COMBINED. Seriously, stop acting like jerks!

IT'S JUST LIKE WHEN THEY BROKE THE VASE ON THE BRADY BUNCH This is what happens when you break mom's favorite decoration.


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