DOUGCO DITCHES THE MASK MANDATE! I am BEYOND happy with this decision, as it is based on science and what's right for our children both socially and medically. Last night at the board meeting the new board members voted to make mask wearing in schools a matter of personal choice rather than a mandate. I fully expect the same parents who sued with the school districts help to sue again, unless they don't want to foot the bill for expensive lawsuit themselves. If you believe masks work, please send your kid to school in a mask. The rest of us will go about our business.
D-20 IN THE SPRINGS IS LETTING IT'S MASK ORDER EXPIRE And this is GREAT news for kids! Read more here.
HOLY COW, COLORADO, YOU MADE COLORADO GIVES DAY A SMASHING SUCCESS! Yesterday Coloradans opened their wallets and donated to their favorite charities for Colorado Gives Day and we set a new record! A whopping $54,409,297 was donated by us and this is GREAT news for the charities who have been struggling to stay afloat during the pandemic!
A NEW PROPOSED BILL WOULD FORCE TEACHERS UNIONS ON EVERY DISTRICT Whether they wanted them or not. The "Public Employee Collective Bargaining" bill which only has the support of it's sponsor currently, would force all districts to "recognize the exclusive representation as the sole representative of the employee organization upon request of a majority of employees authorizing such representation.” This means districts like Douglas County, who do not negotiate with the teachers unions, would be forced to. As this bill is clearly designed and perhaps written by the teachers unions here's hoping that it gets no traction this year or any other year. We don't need the unions to have any more power than they do already. Read more here.
SOMEONE JUST SHOWED THE GOVERNOR THAT CRIME IS WAY UP And OF COURSE he will talk to Axios because it's a national platform and he's trying to raise his name id for his eventual run for President. I especially love the way he manages to mention that Colorado has a rise in "white supremacy" as well, that makes our state look good. Maybe I'm missing all the news stories about white supremacist crime, because I did the Google and got ONE STORY about white supremacist flyers thrown into people's driveways overnight in Westminster in 2020. THAT'S LITERALLY IT. But way to throw the entire state under the bus, Governor. It's SO consequential that they are throwing a whole million dollars to prevent bias-motivated violence in response to "a noticeable increase in white supremacist activity over the last five years." Other than two serious crimes where a white man stabbed a black man (an act he was sentenced to prison for) and a plot to blow up a synagogue (again, a prison sentence was handed out) I can't find any evidence that white supremacy is taking over our state. I could just hang out with the wrong crowd of non-white supremacists though. I'm sure the Governor knows best.
WE WILL BE GETTING A FULL AUDIT OF CDOT This after questions about how bids have been awarded and the lack of transparency around the processes for large projects. A quick audit showed there were lots of remaining questions so a full audit has now been authorized. It will be interesting to see what it says.
OUR GOVERNOR IS FINALLY ADOPTING GOVERNOR DESANTIS' STRATEGY ON COVID As Florida has the LOWEST case rate per capita in the nation, perhaps it's time we did what they are doing. Our Governor seems to be doing just that by NOT enacting a statewide mask mandate and now pushing monoclodal antibody treatments as an extremely effective means of beating covid BEFORE it puts someone in the hospital. They work and now our hospitals are pushing them too. And here's a fun bit from the article for those eschewing vaccination but embracing monoclodal antibody treatments:
"The irony," he said, "which is almost heartbreaking, is that the same patients who said no to vaccination for whatever reason, mostly around the misinformation around vaccines, are embracing, enthusiastically, monoclonal antibodies. It's the same science, the same pace — even the same cells that were used to develop this."
He's not wrong.
LOS ANGELES SCHOOLS BRIBE KIDS WITH PIZZA TO GET THEM VACCINATED WITHOUT PARENTAL PERMISSION And if this doesn't get your hackles up I'm not sure you have any hackles left. A mom says her 13 year old son came home with a vaccination card indicating that he had gotten the first of two vaccine injections in exchange for free pizza at the school. She is not happy as children of her son's age can not legally consent to a vaccine in California. Expect more of these efforts to come between kids and their parents on vaccines.
CHRIS CUOMO JUST LOST A BOOK DEAL FOR HIS EXTREMELY IRONICALLY NAMED BOOK The book was to be called "Deep Denial" but it wasn't about his brother's failed leadership during covid or the women accusing him of sexual impropriety. No, it was going to be a book about how Trump ruined America. Ha. This one is rich.
A MASSIVE STUDY FROM ISRAEL SHOWS NATURAL IMMUNITY IS BETTER THAN VACCINATED IMMUNITY And it's not even CLOSE. If you read this article you see that those with infection immunity who have also had the vaccine have the MOST protection, but it's not so much more that I would worry about it if I had a prior infection. The vaccines WORK, but natural immunity works BETTER. It's that simple. And honestly I decided to get vaccinated because covid is still a crap shoot in terms of outcomes for some.
BIDEN'S ANTI-CAPITALIST NOMINEE FOR TOP BANKING POST WITHDRAWS HER NAME If you read the national media coverage you would think that Republicans were successful in killing her bid to dismantle banking according to her Marxist beliefs, but if you read WAY further into the article you see this bit:
But her nomination was fraught for other reasons. Senate Republicans were expected to oppose her confirmation unanimously, meaning a single Democratic defection in the evenly divided chamber would have sunk her bid.
A handful of moderate Senate Democrats had expressed concerns about Omarova’s views, and private meetings with her did not appear to have assuaged them.
The real story is that five Democrats said they would not vote for her, it's truly that simple. But good riddance to yet another extreme Biden pick.
DEMOCRAT COLLEGE STUDENTS ARE INTOLERANT AS HELL A new survey on attitudes towards political foes is very revealing when it comes to the intolerance of young Democrats. When asked the question, "College students who would not someone who voted for the opposing presidential candidate", the answers showed who the real haters are. Check this out:
Seems like the party of hate is definitely not the GOP.
MICHAEL BENNET STILL USELESS IN THE US SENATE As he and our other waste of space Senator have yet to actually do ANYTHING good for Colorado. Their recent attempts to get money for outdoor spaces has failed in the US Congress currently controlled BY THEIR OWN PARTY. I didn't realize this but Bennet has gotten ONE piece of legislation passed in his over a decade in DC. ONE. And Hickenlooper, the man who thought he'd be a terrible Senator, is correct in that assumption. They both suck.
PFIZER SAYS THREE DOSES OF VACCINE ARE NEEDED FOR THE VARIANT THAT HAS KILLED NO ONE I am pretty much done getting vaccine shots unless I am required to have one to get into the countries I'm travelling to next year but if you want to make sure you survive the omicron variant that has killed ZERO PEOPLE so far, go right ahead, Pfizer says it works for that one too.
THIS IS MY DREAM! What sort of music would be the soundtrack to your life?
NATIONAL NEWS MEDIA OUTLETS ARE MEETING WITH THE WHITE HOUSE TO BE MORE SUPPORTIVE And this is the most believable story CNN has ever aired. After WaPo columnist and chief whiner Dana Milbank wrote a column on HOW NEGATIVE the coverage of Biden is, meetings were called with major news media outlets, sans CNN, to discuss how the media could be MORE SUPPORTIVE of the President. But I'm sure bias in the media is not a thing. Nope. Remember when Trump had meetings like this one? Trick question. I'm sure CNN wasn't invited because of their reliably slavish reporting.