Mandy's Mon Blog: A Crytocurrency Conversation and a Small Biz Check In!

BRANDON BERGASON IS A CRYPTO GURU AND SERIAL ENTREPRENEUR And I recorded a really, really long interview with him last week, which I am going to play most of today. Get in line for his Mobie app by signing up to be a beta tester by clicking this link. Listen to the entire interview as a podcast, I'll update that with a link after the show here. Here is the link to the Nakamoto white paper Brandon references and it's very helpful.

LET'S CHECK IN WITH A COOL SMALL BUSINESS FOR A MINUTE As shopping season is upon us, let's check in with Mika Shreeve from the super fun gifty store Aspen Lane, which you can find online here and in person in the Central Park neighborhood (formerly Stapleton) at 5665 Beeler St #110, Denver, CO 80238. She's on at 2 to talk about supply chain issues and cool stuff she has on hand for the holidays!

HERE IS DAVE'S CHEESECAKE RECIPE! I made it it's own blog post which you can find here without a photo so it never gets erased. You're welcome!

WE MISSED OUR HISTORIC FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT As Kamala Harris was acting President when Joe Biden got a colonoscopy. No, they did NOT find his brain up there. Jen Psaki said little girls will remember this moment as if it matters, which it doesn't.

YOU NEED TO WATCH VIRGINIA LT. GOV WINSOME SEARS ON CNN For two reasons. One, she's such a wonderful spokesperson for liberty and freedom and the conservative viewpoint that we should all strive to be like her. Plus, watch Dana Bash's face. It's worth your time.

HEY LOOK, A BUNCH OF GOVERNOR POLIS' FRIENDS TOOK OUR MONEY DURING COVID When covid struck our Governor reached out to a LOT of his friends to help. Some, like the 26 year old who made a bad covid test that didn't work at all, didn't help at all and made money. Some, like a group who said they could help with contact tracing ON A VOLUNTEER BASIS THROUGH A NON-PROFIT stuck us with a $1.6 million dollar bill for their "free" services on this no-bid contract. But I'm sure it's fine.

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS IS 5.7% MORE EXPENSIVE THIS YEAR And this is compared to 2019 because 2020 was Covid. Read about how much the gold rings and lords a leapin' will cost here.

THE HOLIDAY SIX IS A REAL THING As we gain an average of SIX pounds during the very short holiday season. What used to be a one day gorge fest has now turned into a multi day gorge fest as people do Friendsgiving and things of that nature.

THE FDA HAS APPROVED A DRUG TO TREAT DWARFISM And it's not all about being taller. The condition that causes dwarfism can also cause serious health issues later down the road, which is why a drug that helps people with achondroplasia grow about a centimeter and a half a year, which means they could be as tall as many of their peers at adulthood. No word on if this can prevent the hearing loss, sleep apnea, and life-threatening skeletal problems that can result from achondroplasia, complications that take years to develop. Some people with achondroplasia are not happy about this at all.

AN ITALIAN COVID PARTY KILLED ONE AND PUT OTHERS ON RESPIRATORS In northern Italy near the Austrian border there are covid parties where people hang out with, drink after, hug and kiss someone with covid to try and get the illness. Why? Because Italy is not insane and allows people with proof of recovery to move about freely without a vaccine. So some who don't want the shot are getting together to get covid, only it killed one of them and put others on respirators.

THIS AS AUSTRIA FINES UNVACCINATED PEOPLE And it's not a no-big-deal fine, it's $4000!! Austria is the first European nation making vaccines mandatory and they are about to start levying fines because they have already locked down the country AGAIN as cases are rising.


PEOPLE ARE WORKING TO STOP US ALL FROM DYING FROM A KILLER ASTEROID At least NASA is by doing things like crashing a spaceship into an asteroid to see if they can change it's trajectory. Read more here, but I have to say I feel like some kind of world ending movie starts with scientists blowing an asteroid off course.

WHY WOULD ANY RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT REMAIN IN SAN FRANCISCO? Or any other city that uses the same kind of "criminal justice reform" that simply lets thieves and scumbags know that no one is going to stop them from looting Nordstrom and Louis Vuitton and Walgreens or wherever else they decide to rob. Flash mob robberies are now a regular thing. Where is the DA? Oh, my bad, he's too busy letting criminals out of jail to care.

A UNIVERSITY IN MASSACHUSETTS PROVES THEY KNOW NOTHING AS THEY SET UP SEGREGATED SPACES FOR STUDENTS The spaces were allegedly so students could "process" the Rittenburg verdict, even as the SCHOOL sent out an email full of factual inaccuracies about what happened in the case before adding this bit of claptrap:

The email went on to say that Fitchburg State University would be providing "virtual and in-person physical spaces" where students and staff will get the chance to "discuss your thoughts, emotions, and reflections."
The four "processing" spaces include a "Students of Color Processing Space," "White Student Ally Processing Space," "Faculty and Staff of Color Processing Space" and a "White Faculty and Staff Ally Processing Space."

They need to rename themselves Bitchburg after this, because they are acting like one. Notice there is not a "All Students Who Don't Need Their Hands Held Like Children Space" which is where I would be.

JOE BIDEN IS JUST MAKING UP MORE STUFF About his life. Now he says his house burned down with his wife inside but it was really just a small kitchen fire but it's just Joe being Joe, amiright?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ORIGINAL GERBER BABY! She is turning 95! And she is still lovely. Read more here.

STOP BUYING GIFTS. JUST STOP IT. I'm sending this to all my kids.

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