WANT TO BE FANCY FOR THE HOLIDAY? THE WINE YOGI CAN HELP! My friend and fellow podcaster Kristal Alfonso is on today to talk bubbly and fortified wine and fancy truffles and pastry. Best. Day. Of. The. Year. Listen to Kristal's podcast here! Here are some photos of what The French Kitchen has to offer. Find The French Kitchen by clicking here. And thank you to The Wine Gallery for helping us out with the tasting.
THERE ARE ENTREPRENEURS READY TO HELP ASPIRING ENTREPRENEURS There is an organization called SCORE, or Service Corps Of Retired Executives, which exists for the sole purpose of helping other aspiring entrepreneurs with business questions and advice. And it's FREE! I'll talk to David Garner about it here, but find out more by clicking here.
THIS MAKES ME FEEL BETTER ABOUT LEAVING MY NEW CELL PHONE ON A PLANE Someone really screwed up when they left a small package in the cargo hold of a Southwest airlines flight instead of making sure it got transferred to it's flight to Seattle. What was in the package? Heart valves for transplant. Good news though, they managed to get the valves to the right place and the recipient got the needed surgery.
HERE'S WHY WE ARE NOT JUST FAT, BUT BROKE TOO We eat out too much. WAY, WAY too much. Guilty as charged. It makes us all fatter (restaurant portions are roughly double what we need to eat) and costing us big.
THE WEEKLY STANDARD IS DONE-ZO After publishing the magazine with an unabashedly conservative view point for 23 years, The Weekly Standard is publishing it's last issue this month. Did their anti-Trump stance do them in? That definitely had something to do with it. My theory is conservatives who used to read The Weekly Standard don't want to be reminded of how far off the high horse Donald Trump has dragged them.
DONALD TRUMP IS THE RESULT OF FDR'S POWER GRAB This column really set things off on my Facebook page, but mostly because people read the mean part of Trump and decided they hated the rest of the underlying and entirely correct message of the rest. The Presidency was supposed by merely a cog in the wheel. Another stop gap measure to hedge against populism in the Congress. FDR changed that by making the Presidency, and himself, bigger than the office ever was before. And it's only gotten worse. I'm going to make the case for this column today.