A Simple Device Could Save You From Getting a DUI

CDOT held a breathalyzer brunch at Spanky's Roadhouse on Evans Avenue on Tuesday. The goal, to show people how quickly they can become impaired just sitting down with friends for few Mimosas or Bloody Mary's. Volunteers used small breathalyzers that connected to their smart phones to measure their blood alcohol levels.. They were asked to guess what they though their BAC would be and most were surprised when the numbers came back much higher.

You can purchase these small devices for about $50 online or at big box stores. CDOT says carrying one of these can help you make the wise choice not to drive if you are under the influence. Not only do these small devices tell you your blood alcohol level, they also tell you how long you need to wait to be 100-percent sober.

The old rule used to be one drink per hour. But Denver police says that's not the case with some of the craft beers out there. Some have a high volume of alcohol. So one beer today may be the equivalent of three beers from yesterday.

Small Breathalyzer

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