(Photo: Monarch Mountain)
Elevation Beer Company and Monarch Mountain are continuing an ongoing partnership that includes the naming of Elevation as the Official Brewery of Monarch Mountain and vice versa— Monarch Mountain as the Official Ski Area of Elevation Beer Co.
Elevation and Monarch Mountain have collaborated on promotions since the brewery opened in 2012 and this season will be no exception. Monarch will place Elevation’s logo on its trail maps; Elevation will don the Monarch logo on 12 oz. cans of Little Mo’—a porter named after a milk run of the same name at Monarch Mountain— and grant 15% off to Monarch season pass holders in their tasting room.
Elevation will kickoff Monarch Mountain’s opening with Ullrvation on Friday, November 23, at the Elevation tasting room. In folklore, this party is meant to please Ullr (the Norse god of snow, archery, and skiing) with ceremonial burning of skis and tempt the other snow gods (and Murphy’s Law). This celebration will include snow dances, car washing, and earning good snow karma by raising money for the Friends of CAIC.
“Monarch is still all natural snow, no snow making guns,” explains Elevation’s Andy Astor. “We are dependent on Mother Nature and the snow gods for good winters, and we really really need one down here this season.”
The celebration will include beer, bonfires, and a shuttle service to Salida from the brewery if you pay honor to the snow gods a little too hard. The party will also host a raffle to benefit the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) and the Friends of CIAC with chances to win a season pass to Monarch Mountain, Elevation Beer Co. skis, GrassStick bamboo ski poles, and more.
“The ski industry and beer industry have some common threads, and are culturally pretty similar (lots of beards and general awesomeness),” explains Astor. “Both industries are seeing increased consolidation, which can affect consumers. Elevation is locally and independently owned and operated, as is Monarch. There is also a nice vibe of authenticity and inclusivity at both Monarch and in our taproom. We are proud to be the official brewery of Monarch Mountain.”