Denver Wants Safer Sidewalks

 In an effort to make Denver a more walkable, the city plans to inspect sidewalks all across the city in a program that may take a decade or longer to complete.

The Neighborhood Sidewalk Repair Program will begin next month with inspections of sidewalks in a section of Denver bordered by Broadway, 20th Avenue, Downing and Alameda.  Next week, people who own property in that area, will get a letter explaining the program. A public meeting will be held August 11th., between 10 a.m. and noon, at the Botanic Gardens.

Under the program city inspectors will examine sidewalks and inform property owners about needed repairs. They will also give owners a cost estimate of repairs that must be completed within 45 days. People can use the city contractor to get the job done or they can hire their own contractor or even do repairs themselves. 

Many repairs will fall well short of full replacement. Simple patching, mud jacking slabs and grinding will be allowed.

Denver conducted a sampling of 100 properties and determined that 42-percent of residential sidewalks would not need any work. Another 40-percent would need repairs costing a thousand dollars or less.

The city will provide financial assistance to people who qualify. 

Uneven Sidewalk

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