THE VEGAS BOMBER WASN'T WRONG In what he said in his "minifestos" as they've been labelled in the press. Don't read news articles about them, read them here. They aren't long, they are very sad to me, but he's not entirely wrong. I disagree that we need to block the roads to the Capitol and that militias need to cleanse DC and the military of Dems, but read this:
We are the United States of America, the best country people to ever exist! But right now we are terminally ill and headed toward collapse. We are crumbling because of a lack of self respect, morales, and respect for others. Greed and gluttony has consumed us. The top 1% decided long ago they weren’t going to bring everyone else with them. You are cattle to them. We have strayed from family values and corrupted our minds and I am a prime example of having it all but it never being enough. A lot of us are just sitting around waiting to die. No sunlight, no steps, no fresh air, no hope. Our children are addicted to screens by the age of two. We are filling our bodies with processed foods. Our population is too fat to join the military yet we are facing a war with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran before 2030.
I mean, is he wrong? What's super sad about this to me is this part:
This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake up call. Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives? Why did I personally do it now? I needed to cleanse my mind of the brothers I’ve lost and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took.
I'm heartbroken for this man. I'm glad he didn't take any other lives so I can simply feel desperately sad for him instead of angry that he hurt someone else. I will no longer refer to this as a terror attack and this explains why a Green Beret didn't make a bigger bomb, which he most certainly could have. Pray for his family and his little baby who will never know the man who sacrificed his own mental health to protect our nation. I wonder how many other soldiers are feeling this same way?
THIS IS WHY WE DON'T TRUST GOVERNMENT It's almost like government doesn't understand that there is a whole new wave of empowered citizen journalists who are working daily to hold them accountable. What else could explain JeffCo Public Schools laissez faire response to the firing, investigation, and subsequent suicide of their Chief of Schools? Why weren't they honest with parents from the beginning that David Weiss was being investigated for possession of child porn? Jimmy Sengenberger writes about the latest kerfuffle here and new demands to do away with the Trusted Adult designation championed by the guy being investigated for possessing child porn. Jimmy may be joining us at 1 to discuss.
IT'S MAYOR V MAYOR OVER ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS And Mayor Mike Coffman is SUPER SALTY about the way Mayor Mike Johnston has been lying to him about placing illegal immigrants from Venezuela in Aurora. You've got to read this where Coffman lays out all the ways Johnston has lied or covered up that he's been supporting NGOs who have been putting immigrants into Aurora without telling Aurora it was happening. Coffman pulls no punches and Johnston has quite a bit of explaining to do. I'm sure he won't come here to talk about it but I hope someone pins him down on this sort of duplicity.
THE CASE AGAINST BIKE LANES From an avid cyclist, no less. He makes the case that all the good things that people think bike lanes are going to do are mostly pie in the sky thinking and that bicyclist education would be a far greater way to help keep bicyclists safe. Read it here.
WELP, WE'VE STOPPED THE INFLUX OF NEW PEOPLE TO COLORADO Blame all the government policies that have made everything prohibitively expensive for this massive drop. Uhaul releases it's report each year about who is moving where and for over a decade we've been near the top for inflows of new people. Not anymore. We dropped a dramatic 39 spots from #9 to #40! This has all happened under Democratic leadership, and most of the "credit" belongs to our Governor who want to be President. They have successfully made Colorado an unattractive place to move to. Well done. Well done. Check here to see the top and bottom five and then think about which party is in control of the bottom five.
THE BRONCOS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS! But we have to go to Buffalo to play the scorching hot Bills next weekend. For a rebuilding year this team has overdelivered and I am grateful for that. Dave Logan planted the flag this weekend and it was awesome.
WHAT AIRLINES ARE ON TIME THE MOST? Aeromexico took the lead with 87% of their flights arriving within 15 minutes of their scheduled time. United came in second at 81% and then
A STUPID NEW LAW CREATES CONFUSION AT SCHOOL And this is the absurd new law in Colorado that says schools MUST call a student by whatever name they decide they want to go by. This is so ripe for abuse and I'm hoping that some students will abuse it. This article talks about how the muddled nature of the law has lead various districts to wrestle with how to meet the law and not abuse the First Amendment rights of the teachers in their district. D-49 in the Springs just adopted a policy, but not before some comments that are spot on.
Ahead of the vote, board director Deb Schmidt said HB-1039 doesn’t consider the First Amendment rights of teachers and staff with personal or religious objections to these requests and mentioned the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution that gives it precedence over state laws that conflict with it.
“Mandating against conscience based, First Amendment protections sounds, to me, like a conflict,” she said.
Of course it seems like a conflict, one that should never be forced in the first place.
LET'S END THE AID OF ADDICTION This editorial is spot on. Handing out needles to addicts (and not just needles, they hand out pipes to smoke drugs too!) does not help the drug problem. It doesn't get people into treatment. All needle exchange programs do is ruin neighborhoods and now three Denver City Council women want to shove them down more people's throats. I'd argue that these setbacks of needle exchange programs are more necessary than setbacks for oil and gas development, as all they do is make a problem worse and "normalize" addicts in neighborhoods full of children.
SHOULD CHURCHES WORK TO HOUSE THE HOMELESS? This editorial says yes, and I think it's a good idea. We've given churches tax exempt status in part because of the good works they do in their community. Aid given directly from church to person often leads to better outcomes than aid given by a nameless faceless government entity because there are real people connecting with real people. It is in every churches mission to help people who need help, so let's make it easier for them to do just that.
ANOTHER UNELECTED PERSON JOINS THE LEGISLATURE And my goodness this vacancy committee crap has got to end, even if I'm satisfied with the appointment of John Carson to take the Senate seat vacated by Kevin Van Winkle. Far too many of our "representatives" have been placed into that position without a single vote, and that is entirely undemocratic. We have to do better.
GOOD LUCK, BOULDER RESTAURANTS As Boulder tries to out Boulder Denver when it comes to jacking up minimum wage to a point where small businesses will not be able to keep up. Read more here.
DEMOCRATS ARE COMING FOR YOUR DETACHABLE MAGAZINES Until we vote Democrats out of the majority you can expect new gun laws to be proposed and passed every legislative session. Single issue legislators like Tom Sullivan (and yes, I know the tragic reason he is a single issue legislator) will not rest until they find a way to limit or eliminate as many of your gun rights as they can. Now there will be a bill to ban any weapon with a detachable magazine, which is ridiculous. Read more here and hope the GOP can stop this again.
MORE WAYS THE DEMS WANT TO MAKE COLORADO UNLIVABLE Are lined up for this legislative session. From making it easier for unions to steal dues from non-members to allowing hospitals to skim of pharmaceuticals they get at a discount, there are tons of ways our lives could be made worse this year. Read them all here.
THE GOLDEN GLOBES WERE LAST NIGHT And here are lists of best and worst dressed and winners.
TRUDEAU IS ON HIS WAY OUT IN CANADA And I say good riddance to totalitarian rubbish. He's expected to make the announcement today.
MULTI TASKING IS A LIE Our brains CAN'T focus properly on more than one thing at a time, so when you are flying through multiple projects at the same time you aren't multi tasking, you're just moving from one to the next in what one researcher calls "continuous partial attention". You'd be better off working diligently on ONE thing to finish it rather than switching all the time. Read more here.