12/16/24 Blog: Vets Helping Vets, How To Train Your Muscles, and More!

REAL ESTATE PRO VETERANS ARE HELPING OTHER VETERANS I love it when someone remembers those who haven't been able to shake their military service and VAREP is just that. I'm talking with Jeff Zoerb about Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals which not only helps veterans navigate their way into housing, they help the families get settled with the items they may be lacking once they get a new place. Their big Christmas party is tonight, where they will give gifts to the children of veterans they've been serving. Find out more about VAREP by clicking here. Jeff joins me at 12:30.

WHAT IS THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO WEIGHT TRAIN? We talk about this stuff a lot and today I've got Charlie Hale from the Shred App on at 1pm to talk about training to failure when you're weight training, what that is and the different ways to do it. Find out more about the Shred app here.

NATALIE TENNANT WANTS HER SIDE OF THE DRAMA OUT The stupid kerfuffle (the LATEST stupid kerfuffle anyway) involves a podcaster who made Dave Williams feel scared with his threatening text messages, but instead of keeping the attention on the person who actually did something the Colorado GOP made it about completely different people, including Natalie Tennant. They have been smearing her in the process and she wants to come on and set the record straight. She's on at 2:30 to defend herself from the lies.

WANT TO GO BIG FOR CHRISTMAS? HOW ABOUT JAPAN? Then give the gift of the Mandy Connell Adventure to Japan! This trip is going to be EPIC and I am so excited to explore Korean and Japanese culture with listeners and my family. Find out all the details here!

WANT TO GO SMALL FOR CHRISTMAS? HOW ABOUT CAMEO FROM ME? Yes, I feel like a bit of a tool for doing this, but as I'm in a no guarantees industry I figured I'd monetize whatever I could so now I'm on Cameo. For the low price of just $25 which will go directly into The Q's College Fund, you can have me record a message for the Mandy Connell Fan in your life. Do so by clicking here.

THE HYPOCRISY OF THE DENVER CITY COUNCIL Jon Caldara writes about how stupid the Denver City Council moving to pass a flavored tobacco ban really is considering you can by cannabis that tastes like bananas. He's 100% right and the only thing these bans do is hurt small businesses who sell them. They have ZERO impact on usage and even prevent people from using smokeless tobacco to give up smoking altogether.

YES, DEMOCRATS ARE OVERREGULATING US TO DEATH Another editorial about how our beautiful and free state of Colorado is being micromanaged by a Democratic Legislature and killing our vibrant economy. Check this out:

The Colorado General Assembly passed a whopping 527 bills during this year’s spring legislative session — fully 33% more than the annual average between 2012 and 2018.
The bills passed this year were, on average, 51% more complex than those from 2012-2018. That’s based on the word count for each bill’s legislative summary.
The rate growth of Colorado’s legislative output since 2012 has been an astounding 69%. That’s the third highest of any state.

Do you feel like life has improved here underneath this blanket of new laws and regulations? I sure don't. At least this year we have slightly more Republicans to slow some of this mess down. Especially because the Governor is running for POTUS now with garbage tweets like this:

Does anyone IN Colorado believe this claptrap from the guy who has overseen a massive government EXPANSION on his watch? What a blatant liar he is, but he isn't playing to us anymore, he's playing to the National Media for his run for POTUS.

IT WAS THE BEST OF GAMES, IT WAS THE WORST OF GAMES Yesterday's Broncos game was both and Bo Nix had an awful day but this column by Mark Kiszla gets it right. We saw grit and determination out of a rookie quarterback who didn't let his massive missteps in the first half determine the day and the Broncos playoff hopes. Unlike Kiszla, I'm ready anoint Nix the Quarterback of the Future right now. I'm a huge fan and a true BOLIEVER.

OUR SOCIETY IS SICK How can one otherwise explain why a person would shoot and kill a one year old BABY???? This story has been haunting me all weekend and I don't know what to say. I know stuff like this happens but I'll never understand why. The shooter killed himself saving taxpayers the trouble of keeping him in prison. Domestic violence is such a horrible, horrible thing.

YOU CAN'T RENT AN AIRBNB FOR A NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY and the company is using some pretty sophisticated technology to keep people from doing just that. Read it here, but know that you should party at your own house this year.

THIS CLIMBER WAS EITHER REALLY SMART OR REALLY DUMB A guy tells his dad that if he doesn't return from his mountain hike up Mount Bierstadt by 8pm to call 911. That probably saved his life as rescuers found him on the mountain later that night with frozen shoes. But why the blank was this guy hiking up the mountain with no supplies in the first place? Seems he knew he was ill-prepared or he wouldn't have told his dad that, don't you think? People amaze me sometimes, and not in the good way.

A GINORMOUS ICEBERG IS ON THE MOVE I find this fascinating. Iceberg A23a broke off from the Antarctic shelf in 1986 but it was first stuck on the seafloor before becoming stuck in a vortex of water that kept is still for 30 years. Now it's on the move and headed to the Atlantic. How big is A23a? It's more than a TRILLION tons of ice.

HARVARD STRIKES A CONCILIATORY TONE And the President of Harvard told faculty that they need to "change their messaging" after the election results. At least this man understands the anti-elite message sent by voters. Harvard is worried about funding being tied to on campus free speech, which would be a huge issue for them as they came in at #251 for campus speech freedom according to FIRE. Read it here.

MY FAVORITE STORY OF 2024 Is that ABC News and George Stephanopolous were forced to APOLOGIZE and PAY Donald Trump for lying about being found liable of rape. In an interview with Nancy Mace last spring, Stephanopolous said Trump was found "liable for rape" which was NOT what he was found liable for. He sued and ABC is paying $15 million to the Trump Presidential Library Fund to make it go away. Heh.

IS THE BIDEN ADMIN LYING ABOUT DRONES? this weekend outgoing (thank God) DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas gave a weak sauce answer for why there are so many drones flying around New Jersey at night right now. He says it's because they just changed the rules to make drone flying at night legal. Apparently we're supposed to believe that ONLY New Jersey got the memo. Could it be a classified operation by the government? Perhaps, but a lot of people are not buying what the government is selling. This columnist says it's the perfect end to the "You Don't Need To Know" Presidency. I do find it interesting that this is happening in a state where a bunch of people don't own guns. In my hometown they would have shot them out of the sky by now.

WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH SEED OILS ANYWAY? If you try to eat healthy and have replaced animal fats with seed oils you've been sold a bill of goods that may be killing your health and creating a ton of inflammation in your body. I say MAY because we don't have good studies on the effects of these oils on your overall health, something that could change with the confirmation of RFK Jr to lead Health and Human services. Read about the controversy here and switch to olive or avocado oil or even butter instead!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! Arod made this and it's so good!

BEST WHITE ELEPHANT GIFT EVER Watch below or click here.

MORE ABSOLUTE GARBAGE FROM JARED POLIS'S PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN This stuff makes me feel absolute rage. Did you property taxes go down? Mine sure as hell didn't.

THE DIRTY TRUTH ABOUT THE SANTA CLAUSE How did I not catch ANY OF THIS??? Watch below to blow your mind. Click here if it doesn't load.

THIS LADY IS RIGHT ABOUT THE DRONES Watch below or click here to understand how the government is lying to us. Again.


THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND Because friendship over 50 is critical to happily aging. And not just critical to happy aging, it could be a life or death situation for those struggling with mental health or physical issues. Read it here and then reach out to a friend!

SOME COOL COLORADO WINTER THINGS TO PUT ON YOUR CALENDER I've not done most of these but just told Chuck this is the year to do at least a few of them! Make your list here.

WHAT HOLIDAY MOVIES WERE FILMED IN COLORADO? You can find the list here but some of these are decidedly NOT Christmas movies.

OH, CNN...BLESS YOUR HEARTS In the most CNN story of the year CNN helped free a prisoner from one of Assad's prisons, only to find out later he is a notorious torturer Salama Mohammad Salama — a first lieutenant in Syrian air force intelligence with a long history of alleged war crimes. Of course they did. Of course.

CONGRATS TO TRAVIS HUNTER! for being the second CU Buff to ever win the Heisman Trophy. Hard to see how this kid doesn't go in the top 3, if not #1 in the draft. He's that kind of talent.

WHO REALLY SUPPORTS POLITICAL VIOLENCE? Remember when the DHS Secretary targeted Catholics as a threat to America? I do. It was absurd. If you want to know who we really need to look out for, just read this. Spoiler alert: it isn't Catholics.

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