9/4/24 Blog: The Aurora Gang Story is Exploding, And Gabe Evans Pops In

WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING IN AURORA RIGHT NOW? The story of Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes (or not taking over apartment complexes depending on who you ask) has become a big deal as some members of the political class *coughJaredPoliscough* try to downplay it rather than handling it head on. First off, watch this citizen journalist go the apartment complex in question and it certainly seems like things are not good there. Unlike paid journalists this guy does NOT take out the bad language so be ready for that.

But then there's this story from the Denver Gazette that says two Venezuelan men, one of them a known Tren De Aragua gang member, are in ICE custody after a shootout at the now boarded up Aspen Grove Apartments on Nome Street. This was the first complex that Danielle Jurinsky sounded the alarm about and it's now been condemned. The owners of that complex also own the complex in the news story above and there is no doubt they are slumlords who need to be held to account. However, that does not mean these places haven't been taken over by gangs. BOTH of those things can exist at the same time. You really need to read the part about the track record of one of those brothers. He was not supposed to be allowed to enter the US but was and began committing serious crimes almost IMMEDIATELY. What an indictment of the Biden-Harris Administration's border policies. Mayor Mike Coffman has now admitted the issue at the three apartment complexes but is quick to point out that these are very isolated incidents in Aurora and he's not wrong. Aurora doesn't need this kind of black eye (because it already has so many) but this is why you handle things head on instead of trying to pretend it's not happening. Fox 31 talked to residents of the Edge at Lowry apartments where the recent video of armed men going into one of the units was put on the internet, and they say gangs are not the issue, but the slumlords are. They have a point as they stand in front of giant piles of trash that hasn't been picked up. Oh, and one man from the shootout on August 18th has died so there's that.Oh, and the landlords have sent letters to Attorney General Phil Weiser and Aurora City Manager John Batchelor about the apartments being taken over by gangs in June of this year. Read this bit:

“The Attorney General’s Office advised the attorneys to contact local law enforcement with concerns about criminal activity on the property,” Pacheco said in an email.
Having already done that, the owners of CBZ Management, through its law firm, then reached out to Aurora City Manager Jason Batchelor.
On July 3, the landlords’ attorney wrote a similarly worded letter to Batchelor, describing a dire situation, and stated that the owners “no longer have control” of the properties, with residents being subjected “to threats of physical violence and tyranny from the gangs.”

So what's really happening here? I think some from Column A (gangs) and more from Column B (slumlords) and both need to be taken care of. All this being said, can we stop with the idiocy of spreading that the Hell's Angels were coming to Aurora to handle things? It's just stupid. Aurora has actually seen a DECREASE in crime this year overall. From the Denver Post:

While some claim the Venezuelan gang is bringing danger to the city, crime in Aurora has declined in 2024 compared to 2023, statistics published by the city show. Overall reported crime dropped 20% in the first eight months of the year when compared to the first eight months of 2023, the statistics show. The city saw declines in homicides, robberies and aggravated assaults.

So let's all just calm down a bit and let Aurora meet with the slumlords Thursday to decide what to do here.

GABE EVANS WANTS TO REPRESENT THE EIGHTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT And I'm a fan of Gabe's and think he would do a really good job. He joins me today for a chat at 1 and you can find out more about him or donate your money you're not giving the Colorado GOP by clicking here.

WEATHER WEDNESDAY TODAY With Fox 31's Dave Fraser at 12:30 so get your weather questions ready!

LET'S TALK ABOUT THE REAL ESTATE MARKET FOR A HOT MINUTE With my friend Ed Prather. If you need to buy or sell a home you need Ed and his team and you can find him here.

YOU'LL HAVE FOURTEEN BALLOT INITIATIVES TO CONSIDER THIS YEAR And I'm already working on my Voter Guide because there are a LOT of things you need to understand and you can see them here. Denver residents have even MORE which you can find here.

THE END RESULT OF MOMMY WINE CULTURE This story really bugged me the other day.

This woman was BEYOND wasted at 3 o'clock in the afternoon as was driving around with her CHILDREN in the BACKSEAT. Women are dying from alcohol related issues at almost the same rate as men now and we've got to stop with the "Mommy Drinks because of You" funny t-shirts because this is NOT funny. I hope this woman gets the help she needs and her children aren't traumatized for life by their mom being handcuffed while hammered and driving. What a horrible story.

WHERE ARE THE FEMINISTS AGAINST HAMAS? This is a great column by Christian Toto about the deafening silence from feminists about the women who were raped and murdered and those who are STILL being held by Hamas. Hats off to Gwyneth Paltrow who called them out over their silence.

ARE REPUBLICANS SECRETLY HOPING TRUMP LOSES? That's the case that this column makes that it will be good for the GOP if Trump loses spectacularly so the GOP can move on from Trump and his brand of incoherent economic policies and drama. It ignores the damage that Kamala Harris's incoherent economic policies would do to America so even as someone who desperately wanted a different candidate I'm voting for the least of the bad choices here, and that's Trump. I just don't think the world and the economy can take much more of Bidenomics based in policies of envy and greed.

COURAGE IN THE FACE OF ABSURDITY This is a column about the parents of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, the American-Israeli man who was among the hostages murdered just before they could be rescued from Hamas. It's worth your time.

NO, GREEN ENERGY SUBSIDIES DON'T WORK And they never have even though we have piled billions into the notion that somehow the sun will always shine and the wind will always blow. Read it here.

NO, MELATONIN DOESN'T WORK EITHER AT least as a way to manage long term sleep issues. Read this bit:

“Melatonin is almost never an appropriate supplement to treat insomnia,” said Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona. “In clinical studies, it’s generally not better than a placebo.”

GEN Z LOVES BOTOX AND THEY NEED TO STOP There is a big difference between having a good skin care routine in your 20s and injecting your young, lineless face with Botox JUST IN CASE. That is what seems to be happening with Gen Z and franky, it's making them look weird and old. Repeat after me, you do NOT need Botox in your 20s. Period.

CURIOUS ABOUT THE REDO OF CASA BONITA? You can see if all up close and personal in a new movie about it's rebirth under the tutelage of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Read more about it here, and it's playing starting this weekend at the Alamo Drafthouse.

THE TOP TEN PLACES TO RETIRE And I've already lived in #1 and I'll pass. Check out the list here.

YOGA AND BUTTERFLIES If this sounds like heaven to you find out more here.


MEN SHARE THE HARD PARTS OF DATING And these are very relatable. Compare your experience here.

WHAT IT'S LIKE SCROLLING SOCIAL MEDIA IN 2024. This is very accurate. Watch below or click here.

IT'S TIME FOR THE MANNING CAST PRODUCTION NUMBER and this is wildly entertaining.

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