8/22/24 Blog: Time Zone Suck and Polis Lied Through His Teeth

BECAUSE WE SUCK AT TIME ZONES And had to give our luggage up this morning early for storage I did not do a blog but now I'm gonna have an hour and so here we go.

I HAD ENOUGH LAST NIGHT I've been diligently to make this week about listening and learning about what Democrats have to say about the election but last night's speech, including the one from our Governor, were so chock full of lies and BS I could not stand it anymore. Read this fact check by Channel 7 of the crap he spewed about the Bogeyman of the Democrats, Project 2025. I am so SICK of hearing the crap spewed about that plan because Democrats KNOW most people are NEVER going to read all 900 pages. They ALSO know what they are saying is a lie. Note that when I asked Polis what he was going to talk about he sure didn't mention Project 2025. Of course he didn't.

BILL CLINTON LOOKED REALLY OLD And gave a speech that was just okay in my view. He spent a lot of time attacking Trump, but that was the main theme of this election. Look at this.

THE PROTESTERS DIDN'T SHOW UP And I find this very telling unless they flood the city today because there are HUGE Palestinian communities right outside Chicago in the burbs. This story says that more protests are expected tonight but I'm not gonna be here so I don't care. We'll see how disruptive any of this really is.

THINGS I TOOK AWAY FROM LAST NIGHT The convention has been set up to do the following things:

  • Democrats wanted to show us they are JUST like us! Unfortunately having the uber wealthy Michelle Obama telling us that her parents didn't trust people who "took more than they needed" didn't fly. And Oprah? Oprah to talk about oppression? My bad, I though she was a billionaire. But thankfully JB Pritker, Governor and also Billionaire, reminded us that Trump was born into money. He forgot to mention his silver spoon outshines Trump's by a mile.
  • We are now going to rehash Bill Clinton's "I feel your pain" and Obama's HOPE campaigns. We heard a lot of that crap even though Kamala Harris is essentially running against herself as the incumbent.
  • Democrats know they have nothing to run on so they've glommed onto Project 2025 and are now lying about what's in it EVERY DAY because they know voters won't actually read it. It doesn't ban gay marriage, doesn't demand women stay home, doesn't fill the bureaucracy with political appointees, or create a federal ban on abortion. And most of all it ISN'T Trump's plan. And THEY KNOW IT.
  • Democrats have decided to try and run on positions that have consistently been talked about by Republicans. Freedom? Are you kidding me? How free did you feel under Democrat rule during the pandemic? They already SHOWED you they are unafraid to wield absolute power along with police powers to back it up if you disobeyed. When someone shows you who they are, pay attention.

I'm ready to come home, I've had enough listening the learning. I know what I need to know.

THE OTHER REASON I DIDN'T DO A BLOG THIS MORNING. FRED. we went to a skeevy neighborhood dive bar with the whitest of white people karaoke until Arod showed up. This is Fred. He ran the karaoke and he is a LEGEND.

WE WENT SIGHT SEEING THIS MORNING While the Rockies played. Join us by opening this X thread to see them all.

HOW LONG CAN KAMALA AVOID THE PRESS? That question is asked here by the Free Press.

WHY ARE DENVER TEACHERS CALLING IN SICK SO MUCH? the increases are pretty staggering in this report that shows how many absentee days are being used by teachers in this last three years. No one seems to know why but I bet it has to do more with burnout dealing with out of control kids. Read more here.

THIS WILL TOTALLY GET ME TO TAKE THEIR SIDE Protesters dropped maggots in the breakfast buffet to prove...uh...something...or stuff. I'm sure they convinced a bunch of people of whatever their side was with that.

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