8/21/24 Blog: Barack And Michelle Come Out Rhetorical Guns Blazing

LOOKING FORWARD TO SENATORS MICHAEL BENNET AND JOHN HICKENLOOPER TODAY As they are the only two Democrats who readily agreed to come on the show and didn't cancel. Unlike others. More on them later.

DAY TWO WAS ABOUT ATTACKING TRUMP Funny how the Democrats all spoke last night about stopping hate before they then piled on Donald Trump like they were jumping him into a gang. Michelle Obama was downright vicious and the crowd LOVED it.

Of course the internet pointed out that all her talk about "people who took more than they needed" when she and her husband are SUPER rich now and spend their time between their multimillion dollar homes and Oprah's yacht.

Barack was not to be outdone though, and made an actual penis size joke.

I'm just going to say it, if you spend your time attacking your opponent please don't expect me to believe you are somehow on any moral high ground. You have none. I get that Trump is a lot, but you can't have it both ways. If you want to make a joke at the expense of an opponent, use Ronald Reagan as a guide. Watch below or click here.

DOUG EMHOFF IS THE SECRET WEAPON FOR HARRIS the country's potential First Gentleman took the stage last night and he will likely be unleashed by the campaign because he is very, very likeable and a great surrogate for his wife. I know about the affair with the nanny, but his ex-wife was there last night to support him and Kamala so it seems the family has recovered. And as a Jew, he gave a full throated condemnation of anti-Semitism that even protesters outside could hear.

Tonight Bill Clinton is in the lineup and Arod and I are going to get a steak instead of watching. I make no apologies.

THE MESSAGE IS THAT DEMS ARE JUST LIKE US, BUT ARE THEY? Lots of talk this week about working people as the Democrats try to win back that base that has been really hurt by the inflation they helped create (I refuse to give Republicans a pass on this inflation, they helped set the table for it) and it showed, but is the "we're like you" message accurate? Nope.

But that truth doesn't matter, and neither does the line we heard from a LOT of delegates yesterday about why Kamala Harris should be President:

Do they not realize that Donald Trump as actually BEEN President already? Seems like a stupid argument to me, just saying.

WHY DID BARACK AND MICHELLE SPEAK TUESDAY NIGHT? I had a theory that the Harris campaign wanted to give a little space between the wildly popular Obamas and her speech, but there is more to it than that and it involves not hurting Joe Biden's feelings anymore than they already have.

You can take that with a grain of salt but it makes sense in the grand scheme of things. If I were setting things up I would have put the Obamas TONIGHT leading up to tomorrow. Old man Bill Clinton is just going to seem old. But Clinton appearing does seem to lean into what I'm beginning to see is the Dem strategy of reaching back into past campaigns. Last night we heard a lot of "I feel your pain" and "HOPE" sort of talk. Hey, it worked before. But not when those two dudes were running against their own record.

WHY HARRIS NEEDS TO BE PRESSED BY THE PRESS It's not just about access, but about testing the candidate who wants to be the leader of the free world. This column lays it out well.

ECONOMISTS ARE PANNING HARRIS'S ECONOMIC PLANS Especially when it comes to a federal anti-gouging ban aimed at convincing consumers that inflation is the fault of grocery stores and not government. It's simply a gimmick that is utterly unworkable and economists are saying so here.

ABOUT WOKENESS This is really astute from the PM of Singapore.

DEMOCRATS MAY TANK THE PROPERTY TAX COMPROMISE And they would do so at their peril because when everyone's mortgage payments and rent goes up because of the property tax increase they will 100% vote to cap it going forward. Democrats instead want to take away our right to lower our own property taxes. Emphasis mine there, but that is exactly what they want to do.

SOCIAL STUDIES AIN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE Social Studies replaced Civics a long time ago in a move to undermine civic responsibility in my view. Now Social Studies has injected a bunch of gay history into the curriculum in Colorado schools, starting with teaching first graders about San Francisco Mayor Harvey Milk and as a parent who may not want to talk about a six year old about who is attracted to whom you can't opt out. Read more here.

WE HAVE THE FRAMEWORK FOR MAGIC MUSHROOMS In place and I'm not convinced we aren't going to see kids getting their hands on these hallucinogenics even though they are supposed to be consumed onsite at a "healing center". I've got a question about those healing centers, because a mushroom trip lasts hours. Are people going to spend eight hours in a healing center? I'm genuinely curious about how that works in terms of turnover at the centers.

WE WON'T HAVE CENTRAL TITTY ANYTIME SOON as Central City has struck down a proposal to put strippers in the middle of town. That doesn't mean that Rick's Cabaret won't open, just that the women dancing will be in g-strings and pasties. Read more here. *As it's been pointed out that I may not be able to say "titty" on the radio stay tuned to see how I clean up my own headline.*

FORD SCALES BACK THEIR EV PLANS And I wonder how the unions feel about the Biden Admin's edicts that have caused a rush to EVs that no one wants to buy?

MARRIAGE IS THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH FOR AGING MEN And I'm just going to say it, it's because wives want husband's to stay alive so they nag them into good health. Read more here.

PFF IS YOUR BFF And Michelle Zellner always says Protein, Fat, and Fiber are your Best Friends Forever and now this study proves it.

I WONDER IF RAY GUN WILL BE THERE? Denver is set to host a huge breakdancing competition and I'm sort of hoping they invite Ray Gun to do a set.

WHAT PERCENTAGE OF DENVER HOMES ARE OVER A MILLION BUCKS? Quite a few with over 10% of our inventory going over that number. This is not good. We are number 16 nationwide for the number of homes over a million, with California cities making up the bulk of the list. The Californication of Colorado is moving along nicely and that is not good.

ONE OF OUR WINE REGIONS IS IN THE TOP TEN! And this is exciting for the wine producers and grape growers in Grand Valley have to be thrilled to be getting recognition as a top wine producing region in the country. A vast majority of the other ones are on the Pacific Coast. Give Colorado wine a try if you haven't in years, it's come a long, long way.

THE DAIRY BLOCK GOT A REFRESH AND BIKER JIMS FINDS A HOME Good to hear that Biker Jim as a new pop up at the Dairy Block, who also opened a pop up called Bikers and Bakers which will have more than just his famous hot dogs:

His new restaurant running out of the Lou’s Hot & Naked outpost will serve elk jalapeno cheddar sausage, wild boar sausage and bacon cheddar brat. On weekends, the menu will feature one of Pittenger’s breakfast favorites: pancakes.
The menu includes lemon ricotta pancakes, mochi pancakes and sour cream waffles. Pittenger also said he hopes to dabble more in selling cheesecakes.

Check it out and hopefully this will become a permanent thing.


WHY DOES THE BIDEN ADMIN HATE MAKING SURE ONLY CITIZENS CAN VOTE? That is a rhetorical question of course we know why they are fighting a voter law in Arizona that asks people to prove they are citizens to vote. But they are.

IS THE ECONOMY AS GOOD AS DEMS WANT US TO THINK? The Biden-Harris Admin says the Bureau of Labor Statistics is having technical issues that are delaying what is supposed to be a significant downward revision of the jobs numbers of the last year. Read more here.

UPDATE: And here is the revision and it's a WHOPPER. Almost a MILLION jobs disappeared in this revision. A total of 818,000 jobs just went poof and honestly call the methodology of the BLS into question if you ask me. That does create questions about the overall health of the economy big time.

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