7/29/24 Blog: Why Did the Olympics Have to Go THERE, Plus Weird Instruments

UNUSUAL INSTRUMENTS DAY IS COMING UP And I've got Sophie Lichens, the General Manager of Aurora's Neighborhood Music School on at 1 to talk about it. She carves her own instruments out of elk bones to create this historically folk hand percussion instrument. The sound is absolutely catchy and not what you’d expect! She’s very involved in the Rhythm Bones Society and works to increase awareness in Colorado, teaching lessons at the school. Other teachers are playing the concertina, similar to the accordion, the electric harp and more. Find out more about the school or sign your kids up here.

I LOVE THE OLYMPIC BUT WHY? Not "why do I love the Olympics" because that should be obvious, but WHY did they have to put ONE MOMENT in the otherwise very cool and very French Opening Ceremonies that made a reference to Christianity in any way? And why are they trying to lie about it now? The Olympic Committee issued a half apology for the scene on French bridge where a group of drag queens and a butch DJ seemed to re enacting the Last Supper. The Opening Ceremonies were already full of drag queens and honestly who cares about that, but this was a bridge too far for a crap ton of Christians who now say they are boycotting the games because of the insensitive moment. First off, don't boycott the support of our athletes, they don't deserve that. Second, why not just pray that these misguided souls find their way to God to understand why people are so angry? And I get it, they would have NEVER put a group of drag queens on a bridge to pay homage to something in the Koran because they would have been murdered for it. Honestly, this is why Christianity is the better way because turn the other cheek and forgiveness are a huge part of it. The Daily Caller's Kay Smythe wrote about it here and she joins me at 2pm to discuss.

CAN WE TALK ABOUT SNOOP DOGG AT THE GAMES FOR A MINUTE? I was honestly confused when NBC announced Snoop Dogg was going to be a huge part of their Olympic coverage. Don't get me wrong, I love Snoop but I couldn't figure out what he was going to be doing there. I now know. He's US. Me and you and every other fan that can't go but wants to cheer on athletes and wonder at the spectacle of it all. Watch him watching swimming with Caleb Dressel's wife.

Snoop story is the American Dream. He was born in Long Beach, got into some trouble in his teen years and did some time in jail before being discovered by Dr. Dre and becoming a rap star. He's won an American Music Award, a Primetime Emmy, and been nominated for a crap ton of Grammys. He's done a show with Martha Stewart, been in movies and more, and yet, he's just like us, yelling his head off at an American swimmer to win the gold. I am LOVING this.

QUESTIONS FOR JEFFCO COMMISSIONERS ON POLITICAL SPENDING The only real issue here is that three Jefferson County Commissioners used taxpayer money for a political campaign issue. Mainly to figure out a way to trick convince JeffCo voters into letting them keep any TABOR refunds. And to top it all off, they gave it to a hyper partisan organization run by hyper partisan Ian Silverii. Now people are asking questions (as they should) about the appropriateness of this. Taxpayer money should NOT be used to hire a firm to figure out messaging for a ballot initiative. Period. Read more here.

DAVE WILLIAMS IS THE JOE BIDEN OF THE COLORADO GOP Because he is absolutely toast as the "leader" of the Colorado GOP but he refuses to step down. Unfortunately we can't threaten him with the 25th Amendment. Dick Wadhams writes about the "official" meeting under a bridge in Bayfield (yes, it was actually UNDER A BRIDGE, as if the Colorado GOP is run by trolls or something) but the column was submitted before Saturday's meeting turned rally after a judge issued a temporary restraining order against the group trying to bounce Williams and the "bridge leadership" team. By the way, he couldn't even bother to make the trip to Bayfield for his own fake meeting. This is beyond parody at this point.

REAL PROPERTY TAX REFORM IS ON THE BALLOT And it's our chance to shove our massive tax increases back down the throats of the greedy politicians who did NOTHING to rein in this year's massive hike. Amendment 50 and Prop 108 are what need a YES VOTE to make this happen. Read more here. Expect to hear how this will lead to the firing of cops and teachers if it passes. That's what they do.

YOU WILL SOON BE ABLE TO KILL YOUR BABY FOR FREE IN COLORADO As Colorado Democrats are now forcing insurers to provide the service to women at no charge to them.. Of course it will still cost money but insurance companies will have to pick up the bill entirely. How nice. I'm being sarcastic.

THESE SCAMMERS ARE REVOLTING A woman who has not been seen since she left her Weld County home in January allegedly messaged her young son, only it was a horrible scammer trying to steal money from the family. I try not to let hate rule my heart but I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THIS. These scammers have no soul to do something like this. Luckily the woman's mother realized quickly it was a scam.

ISRAEL'S WAR IS ABOUT TO GET BIGGER As they will be responding to a Hezbollah rocket attack that killed 12 children playing soccer on a field near the border with Lebanon. Unlike Hamas, Israel doesn't hide military targets in playgrounds so Hezbollah just bombed a bunch of kids playing soccer in a Druze village. This puts them very sideways with the Druze, who are fierce fighters if you mess with them and extremely loyal to those who don't. Hezbollah, after realizing they hit a bunch of children, is denying the attack, but it was launched from the same place a bunch of OTHER rockets were fired from so they are lying. Read this:

After all, Majdal Shams is a Druze village. It is occupied primarily by an offshoot of Shi’ite Islam. Suddenly Jews are out of the equation, and Hezbollah blatantly denies the attack, completely contradicting its previous actions.
What this tells us is exactly what Israelis have known all along: that Hezbollah uses anti-Zionism as an excuse to eliminate Jews.
Eliminating young children of Golan Heights Druze, the vast majority of whom do not accept Israeli citizenship (despite US recognition in 2017 of Israeli annexation) was clearly a very big mistake. We have every evidence needed to know the attack was conducted by Hezbollah. There is no reason for them to deny it unless the thing they actually take pride in is the killing of Jews, not of Zionists.

The history of the Druze people is very interesting, and they are an important part of Israel, where they live without issue from the Israeli government.

HOW DID FLAVA FLAV END UP SPONSORING THE WOMEN'S WATER POLO TEAM? Talk about strange bedfellows, this may be the strangest yet but it's very heartwarming. Flav a Flav, the rapper who is almost as famous for the giant clock necklaces he wears, saw an Instagram story by the Women's Water Polo Team's Maggie Steffens. In it she talked about having to work a second or third job to be able to pursue their Olympic dreams. He not only donated to become a sponsor, he's been named the official "hype man" for the team and he is crushing it. A tragedy struck when Steffens 26 year old sister in law died after coming to Paris to watch the games. She had made all the women clock necklaces and even made one for Flav. Watch this.

I love the Olympics!

A TERRIBLE GOTCHA FROM JD VANCE'S TEXT MESSAGES And by "terrible" I mean not that the messages were terrible, but that they are not a good "gotcha" if that was what was intended. In the text message exchanges between Vance and a transgender colleague from college, he comes off as downright nice and sympathetic to the feelings of his trans friend. We already knew he used to hate Trump, so even those messages don't really land. Read them here.

THERE IS A NEW BLOODTEST FOR COLON CANCER And if you are of "average risk" you can ask for this instead of a colonoscopy. It works pretty well for most, though it it is not 100%.

EARLY ONSET DEMENTIA MAY BE MORE COMMON THAN THOUGHT This is a bit unnerving but I guess good to know. A new Danish study shows that people may be getting dementia earlier than we thought, but it may be misdiagnosed as depression or stress. Read it here.

OUR NEWEST MUSIC VENUE IS GONNA BE READY IN A WEEK! And this is the new Ford Amphitheater in Colorado Springs and I can't wait to see a show there. It's probably closer to my house than Red Rocks. Read it here.

YES, KAMALA WILL GIVE AMNESTY TO ALL THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS She said it before and now Senator Liz Warren said it out loud.


My wife passed away from cancer 4 months ago. A year ago, she purchased a home gym workout product called Total Gym Power Platinum but never had a chance to use it. It's still in the carton, never been opened. I want to give it away to someone or some organization, not sell it. I thought of you and your exercise program, maybe the KOA sports guys, a youth athletic program or a high school athletic dept. The carton is L4'x8" W1'x6" H10" and very heavy. Good Will and the Vietnam Veterans of America can't take it because it is too heavy to move easily. I'm closing in on 80 and I can barely lift it.  
It's totally free but if someone wants it, they will need to come by and pick it up.
 Total Gym Power Platinum with Crunch Attachment & Squat Stand. item F0550.
 Thank you

Is there somewhere that can use this the way Rick wants?

THE BEST PART OF THE OLYMPIC CEREMONY Celine Dion hasn't sung in public in years as she battles Stiff-Person disease that freezes muscles and is eventually fatal. She was magnificent. NBC won't let me embed it so click here to watch.

I JUST DISCOVERED TEDDY SWIMS And if you knew about him and didn't tell me shame on you. Here you go it if you aren't familiar.


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