6/28/24 Blog: So Just Who Is Running the Country Right Now?

HE SPENT FIVE DAYS HOLED UP AT CAMP DAVID PREPARING If you missed last night's debate HOLY COW did you miss the saddest most alarming performance by any President in the history of the Presidency. Joe Biden is old, he seemed old, he sounded old and confused and I want to know who is running the United States of America right now. Certainly not him. The headlines all over the place here and here and here and here are about the Democrats panicking and trying to figure out how to replace him with ANYONE with a pulse.

THE DEMOCRATS WHO HAVE BEEN COVERING FOR JOE HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO There have been Democrats on every talk show talking about how brilliant and sharp Joe Biden is when any moron can see and has been able to see that is a lie. Who is running the country? Who is in charge? China and Russia must have been rolling on the ground in laughter. Israel must be mortified. This guy is supposed to be the leader of the free world and he doesn't even know where he is. What a disaster. Let me guess, that was just a cheap fake last night, amiright?

JOE SAYS HE'LL BE BACK FOR A SECOND DEBATE And I can't see why Trump would even do a second debate after this dumpster fire. Sources in the Biden camp say not only will he be ready for a second debate, he is NOT going to drop out of the race and will continue to run. This is what the Democrats get for elevating him the first place. The next month and a half before the convention is gonna be dicey and a lot of fun to watch from a political perspective.

IF THEY CAN GET HIM TO QUIT, HOW DO DEMS REPLACE HIM? The Democrats have done this to themselves by elevating Joe Biden to the Presidency in 2020 and now the chickens have come home to roost as his age and infirmity were on full display last night. Now they are panicking and trying to figure out how to replace him at the top of the ticket but how do they do it without disenfranchising every Democrat who already cast their votes for the man they were told was capable of running the country? There is no easy way to do this and I wonder what the legal way to do this really is.


EVEN MORNING JOE CAN'T PROP UP BIDEN ANYMORE I did laugh out loud when Joe Scarborough said that Joe can lead but is he able to run. That is absurd and he has to know it. I don't normally embed this trash show, but if you want to understand the level of panic on the left this shows it clearly. Mica looks like someone shoved a whole lemon in her mouth the entire time.

WHO COULD THEY REPLACE BIDEN WITH? First off, he's said he won't step down and we all know Dr. Jill will stand behind him with her hand up her shirt if she has to to remain First Lady. But who is in the on deck circle for the Dems? The one I'm most concerned about is Whitmer.

HOW THEY COULD REPLACE BIDEN this article lays out the ways the Democrats could replace Biden, assuming he would step down, which I don't believe he would.

WILL RANKED CHOICE VOTING BRING UP VOTER PARTICIPATION? Nick Troiano from Unite America joins me at 12:30 to talk about how few of us decided so many races in the primaries and how ranked choice voting would change that. Find out more about it by clicking here.

YOUR STOLEN BIKE IS PROBABLY IN MEXICO A guy in Portland, Oregon tracked a bunch of stolen bikes from there and Denver to a city in Mexico, where an apparent ring of bike thieves is making bank from our stolen bikes. Read about it here and if you are the sort to own an expensive bike you may want to register it with the Bike Index.

NO IS THE TIME TO BUY IN FLORIDA But you better be ready for insane homeowner's insurance rates if you can find a carrier. The pandemic rush to the free states of Florida and Texas distorted their real estate markets greatly and now they are falling back down to earth. Prices are cratering in Austin, Texas and multiple spots in Florida and people realize living in Florida is like living on the sun and far more expensive than they imagined.

THE SUPREME COURT JUST ENFORCED CAMPING BANS And this is a game changer for how municipalities can deal with people living on the streets. It overturned a lower court ruling out of Idaho that said a shelter bed must be available before banning camping outside. In a 6-3 ruling the Court ruled that it is not a cruel and unusual punishment to ticket someone or even jail them for repeated violations. This could allow cities like Aurora to use punishment to shepherd people into taking help. We MUST make sure that we have help available.

YOU COULD BE PROFILED FOR BEING AMERICAN This is a good article on what happens when you travel as an American. We stick out. We're loud, we're white, we're friendly and we are all assumed to have gobs and gobs of money. This article talks about the ways you need to watch out for yourself while abroad.

THE SUPREME COURT REINS IN THE BUREAUCRACY By essentially overturning the Chevron Doctrine. In a 6-2 ruling, the Court's decision reels in what’s known as the Chevron doctrine — a legal theory established in the 1980s that says if a federal regulation is challenged, the courts should defer to the agency’s interpretation of whether Congress granted them authority to issue the rule, as long as the agency's interpretation is reasonable and Congress did not address the question directly. The Justices cited multiple cases of average people who had no control over agencies being harmed by that deference as they shot it down. This is great news for Americans and bad news for bureaucrats.

THE MIDDLE CLASS IS SHRINKING BUT It's getting smaller because more people are moving UPWARD to the upper class. The middle class has shrunk by roughly 10% while the upper class GREW by 8% while the lower class grew by 3%. And even though the income of the upper class has grown faster than the middle or lower classes they have both seen dramatic growth as well. Don't believe the panic about a shrinking middle class.

CHRIS CUOMO WASN'T HAPPY LAST NIGHT And he's not wrong. Watch below or click here.

AREN'T THEY SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE BASKET? This is not something I aspire to do. Watch below or click here.

NO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BALLOONS CAn hold up this guy's weight. That's a thing you know now. Watch below or click here.

TWENTY FOUR MINUTES OF ELECTION DENIAL Just to remind you how Democrats were the OG Election Deniers.


JUST LET FIX IT 24/7 CLEAN IT This is a great video but what about the air handler INSIDE the house? Get it cleaned by Fix It 24/7 for $39 instead. Watch below or click here.

BIDEN DEBATE PREP Must have looked like this.

AN EASY WAY TO INCREASE YOUR HAPPINESS This is a great idea. Watch below or click here.

CUP OF SOUP IS RUINING A SOUTH KOREAN MOUNTAIN And you read that right. Read it here.

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