6/27/24 Blog: Tonight's the Big Debate Night!

TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT! At 6pm tonight you need to tune in for our CNN Presidential Debate preview show, followed by the debate on KOA and a KOA Cast on Facebook with me, Ross and Ben Allbright of Broncos Country Tonight. It's gonna be a humdinger to be sure. There will be popcorn!

WE'VE GOT A BINGO CARD FOR TONIGHT'S DEBATE And you can find it here, but we may make our own before this evening too.

IF YOU MISSED YACHTLEY CREW LAST NIGHT Make sure to never miss them again, what a riot that was! I'm still exhausted.

YOUNG PEOPLE DIDN'T VOTE IN THE PRIMARY And if this article is accurate I don't know why a politician would even bother to campaign to anyone under 45 years old. Older folks decided the winners by far. From the Rocky Mountain Voice:

Residents ages 65-74 cast 270,061 ballots to rank highest among all ages, followed by those ages 75-plus at 208,974 and ages 55-64 with 194,134 ballots cast. Considering the 119,641 ballots cast by those ages 45-54, those ages 45-plus cast 79.1% of all ballots statewide. Residents ages 18 to 34 cast only 7.0% of all statewide ballots.

JEFF CRANK BEATS THE BRAKES OFF DAVE WILLIAMS And he checks in at 12:30 to talk about it and what he expects in the General Election. I'm guessing he's not expecting much support from the state party.

IT'S TIME TO FIGHT FOR THE SOUL OF THE COLORADO GOP And I've got Kelly Maher on to talk about the earth shaking results from this primary election and what it means for the current "leadership" of the party. Find out more about her PAC organization fighting to bring sanity back to politics here and her 504 here.

THIS AS A PETITION DEMANDS DAVE WILLIAMS STEP DOWN And party officials seem to be saying they are going to ignore it. The petition is signed by enough members of the Central Committee that a meeting must be called in 30 days at a time when people can make it to take up the issue of removing Williams. Party officials don't seem to want to follow the bylaws, which is pretty standard for them. VP Hope Scheppelman, who supports Williams, told this to the Denver Gazette:

"Yes, there’s a special meeting called for Aug. 31, and the signatures will first need to be verified and adjudicated with the State Executive Committee before their request will be added to the special meeting agenda," Scheppelman said in a text message.

That's NOT what the bylaws say. This could be a very dramatic turn of events as Williams, who apparently doesn't have any other source of income other than grifting party funds, does not want to go. I wrote yesterday in my mini blog that the crazies lost on both sides, and the Gazette has an editorial that effect here.

ONE SCHOOL GOES AFTER CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM This is an interesting column on how one Denver school has been working to get kids in school as often as possible as DPS struggles with chronic absenteeism as high as 41%. That's kids missing 10% of their schooling days and more, and it's impossible to keep up if you're missing that much school. Read here what the school is doing to get kids back in the classroom and wonder why traditional schools aren't doing it.

TAY TAY HAS FOUND A NEW RACE GRIFT And you knew he'd be back and here he is, causing a ruckus at the Aurora City Council meeting over the death of Kilyn Lewis while SWAT was trying to arrest him on an attempted murder charge. After ignoring orders by SWAT to get on the ground Mr. Lewis reached behind his back and grabbed his cell phone, which he had in his hand when he was shot by and killed by an officer. I watched the body cam footage and though it is unfortunate that Mr. Lewis is dead an unable to stand trial for shooting a 65 year old man multiple times, this could have been entirely avoided if he's just laid on the ground. Tay and his friends showed up to raise hell and demand the cop who shot Lewis be fired. They yelled and carried on and acted the fool, of course.

AURORA HAS FINALIZED A 225 CAMPING BAN As part of their tough love approach designed to cajole people into help and treatment. They have entirely banned camping around the I-225 corridor and there will be no warnings before those camps are swept. This is good news for the Parker Road-225 area, trust me.

IF YOU'VE DREAMED OF BEING THE NUGGETS MASCOT Now is your chance, as the position is open and the Nuggets are ready to hire. You better be able to keep up the tradition of being a super athletic mascot though, and the pay is considerably lower than it used to be. Read more here.

FIREWORKS HAVE ALREADY SPARKED TWO FIRES THIS WEEK So could we not? Can we just leave the fireworks displays to the professionals? Because I'd hate for your stupid fireworks to set my house of fire so I'd have to sue you for everything you've got because I most certainly will. Investigators in DougCo are asking people to refrain this year as they've already been busy because of them.

ONE PART OF THE 16TH STREET MALL IS OPEN But there are still a bunch of construction fences up. But hey, at least part of it is open, amiright? Read more here.

FORT COLLIN IS A HOTBED OF ALIEN ACTIVITY Or someone with a cheeky sense of humor if you believe Reddit. A mysterious monolith has appeared in a privately owned field and no one is taking credit for it though Reddit says it was put there to tweak an alien believing neighbor. If that is true, I have questions, like where did they get this thing? Did I miss the open of Monoliths RUs? You can read about it here but if you know who did this I'd love to have them on the show.

NOW WE'VE GOT TO WORRY ABOUT DENGUE FEVER One of the downsides of a warming planet is that mosquitos love the heat and are moving further north bringing their mosquito-born illnesses with them. One such disease is dengue fever and it's on the rise, though numbers are very low. And don't forget about West Nile Virus which nearly took a friend of mine out last year. Know what the symptoms are and try to avoid getting bitten!

TUCKER CARLSON BROUGHT THE WOOD TO A REPORTER An Australian journalist decided to come at Tucker Carlson but accused him of something he did not say to try and paint him as a racist. He did not appreciate it.

THAT'S PROBABLY WHY PEOPLE DON'T TRUST THE MEDIA And they have no one to blame but themselves as too many in the mainstream simply decided to hang up their own intellectual curiosity in order to protect Democrats and we all know it. Now a new poll says 7 in 10 Americans say they don't trust the media and I'm not at all surprised. The tough thing is how you earn that trust back and I think it starts by admitting your failures first, but that will never happen.

KIDS CAN BECOME ADDICTED TO ULTRAPROCESSED FOODS And this is bad, bad news as we continue to battle obesity in this country. I find this stuff so interesting though I'm guessing some will dismiss the notion that foods can be "addicting". Foods loaded with sugar and fat hit our dopamine sensors hard by design and are actually meant to be addictive so you keep coming back to them.

THE PARIS GAMES ARE BUILT ON CARDBOARD This long article about what Paris is doing to make the Olympic Games "the most sustainable games ever" shows beds and stools in athlete apartments made out of cardboard so they can be easily recycled, no air conditioning in those dorms, and the entire thing is supposed to run on renewable energy. This could be great or a disaster, but we already know many athletes are bringing their own ACs so we'll see how the grid holds up.

IS IT TIME TO BAN 21 YEAR OLDS FROM RESTAURANTS? I've been to bars that ban newly minted drinkers before and I find them pleasant and appealing to a more upscale dignified sort of drinker. Now restaurants are banning twenty somethings and people are salty about it. First off, an owner can ban whoever he or she wants to as long as they aren't banning a protected class of citizen. Second, I do not want to hang around a bunch of drunk woo girls so shouldn't I have the option? Read about a restaurant who made news by telling younger adults to stay away.

TACO BELL HAS ENTERED THE FAST FOOD VALUE MEAL WAR With a pretty significant offering if you're looking for cheap food that will give you heartburn. It is delicious though.

JAMES CLAPPER IS THE DEEP STATE This article is what you could call a smoking gun when it comes to the existence of the Deep State that exists to help Democrats in DC. It stars the villain James Clapper who has abused his position in the intelligence community multiple times to help Democrats. Read how he released "information" that he KNEW to be a lie in order to help Hillary and Biden right before the debates. This guy is a scumbag whose lies make him a Kingmaker. I do not like James Clapper.

BEWARE OF ECONOMISTS TOUTING BIDEN'S ECONOMIC PLANS As they were spectacularly wrong in 2021 and are wrong now. A group of Ivy League economists who are all Dem supporters is urging voters, as they did in 2021, to support the endless spending plans of Joe Biden. Except this article shows just how wrong they were last time. From City Journal:
The economists also claimed that Biden’s agenda includes “a broader conception of infrastructure” that went beyond spending on roads, bridges, and the like to include investments in human capital, research, public education, and health care. This is a familiar Democratic Party talking point: expenditures on various social causes are really “investments.”
How did it all work out? The expert economists were badly mistaken on inflation. They said that Biden’s spending packages would “ease inflationary pressures,” but everyone understands today that those same policies stoked inflation. When they signed their 2021 letter, the consumer price index stood at 273; since then, it has surged by at least 15 percent, to its recent level of 313. This is called “being wrong.”

The message here is don't get fooled again.


NOW THERE IS A FATNESS SPECTRUM I guess so fat people can aspire to be a bigger victim (see what I did there?) than they already are?

FORGOT TO FEED YOUR CAT? This drone can help! Watch below or click here.

A ILLEGAL ALIEN TRANS WOMAN CHARGED AT OFFICERS And there is a LOT to unpack in this thread.

FINDING RACISM IN A FRIENDLY GREETING This is so stupid. So, so incredibly stupid. If she read a book written by anyone before 1700 she'd know how stupid this is.

HOW WILL TONIGHT'S DEBATE WORK? CNN released this video showing us how. Watch below or click here.


OF COURSE IT WAS ACCIDENTALLY Just before the first debate, Instagram "accidentally" throttled political content. I'm sure it was an honest mistake. I'm sure.

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