6/18/24 Blog: When Not To Shoot An Intruder, + Randy Travis Sings Again

AI GIVES RANDY TRAVIS HIS VOICE BACK I saw this great story on Randy Travis on CBS Sunday Morning a few weeks ago.

James Dupre is the man who helped create the new Randy Travis song and he joins me today at 1 to discuss it. Find out more about James Dupre and his original music by clicking here. The official music video is below.

JOHN CARSON WANTS TO BE A DOUGCO COMMISSIONER And I'm gonna ask him at 2:30 why he wants to join the soap opera and I'm going to vote for him. Find out more about him here.


WAIT BEFORE YOU SHOOT AN INTRUDER Until they are in your actual residence. That is the lesson doled out by the Colorado Supreme Court after a man charged with attempted murder tried to use Colorado's Castle Doctrine as a defense after he shot a man who was standing on the concrete patio outside the apartment shared by him and his mother. There was a closed door between then and the justices decided the patio was NOT part of the residence because it had no walls and a door. So wait until the intruder is actually INSIDE to shoot, or you will have to face charges as this man surely will now.

JACK PHILLIPS IS FACING HIS NUISANCE ACCUSER IN COURT TODAY This time the baker, who already won a religious freedom case at the Supreme Court, is having to respond to a trans lawyer who sought him out to further harass him over his religious beliefs. Autumn Sardino asked him to make a cake celebrating Sardino's gender transition and he refused. To be clear, Sardino KNEW he would refuse which is precisely why Sardino antagonistically asked for it in the first place. The Colorado Supreme Court got this wrong last time, let's see if they do any better this time. I doubt it.

UTAH'S GOVERNOR IS SUPER MAD WE'RE SHIPPING ILLEGAL ALIENS THERE But is he really or is this just trying to show voters how tough he is? That's the implication of this story but it doesn't change the fact that Denver, which issues an open invitation to illegal aliens by being a sanctuary city in a sanctuary state, is shipping these people to places that are neither of those things. You can read it here.

THE DENVER CITY COUNCIL WANTS MORE OF YOUR MONEY In the form of even higher sales taxes. The voted last night to put the measure on the ballot, while also continuing to fund the Mayor's homeless initiatives with non-recurring funds. There was some pushback on both issues, but not enough to stop them both from passing.

A MAJORITY OF HISPANIC AMERICANS FAVOR MASS DEPORTATION And I'm sure the Democrats were not expecting this when they just allowed millions of people to flow over the border unchecked. A new poll shows that 62% of registered voters would favor a mass deportation of people in the country illegally, but the real news is that 53% of Hispanic voters agree. Mass deportation is a great talking point but the practicality of it is far more cumbersome than many would believe. We'll see what happens but can we just start with STOPPING the flow?

THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT OUR DEBT John Stossel breaks it down.

WE'RE ALL SOVIETS NOW And after you watch that video, read this column by historian Niall Ferguson from The Free Press. He argues that we are essentially in late stage USSR times and before you scoff, read it. I'm going to share it today.

ARE THE PALESTINIANS REALLY WORSE THAN THE NAZIS? That's the case made by Dennis Prager in this column. It is a good reminder of the series of attacks that Israel has lived with for decades while still allowing Palestinians to come into Israel and work to support their families. Palestinians who helped Hamas murder Jews, by the way.

A REPORTER FOR A US PAPER HELD THE HOSTAGES IN GAZA An organization on which the vile Noam Chomsky sits on the board has a newspaper spreading Hamas propaganda. One of their contributors was writing about how war was bad while simultaneously holding Jewish hostages in his apartment. He is now dead, as he should be, and a demand for investigations in the organization for their support of terrorism are now being made.

TATTERED COVER IS INDEPENDENT NO MORE As they have accepted a bid from Barnes and Nobles to buy them. They will remain branded as Tattered Cover and I hope they keep the same sort of content and author visits that have made them so special. Read about the deal here.

COLORADO IS THE SIXTH MOST PATRIOTIC STATE using a metric created by WalletHub that measures things like military service, Americorps and Peace Corps participation and more. We came in at #6 because of our high percentage of Peace Corps and Americorp volunteers along with our large military community. I find if funny that they weighted voting and volunteering as more important than military service.

DO ANIMALS HAVE CONSCIOUSNESS? The answer used to be a hard no but lately scientists are having to rethink that. Animal behaviorists have now documented many, many instances of animals seeming to experience emotions and learning based on past events. This is super interesting, read it here.

HIGH FAT DIETS COULD RAISE ANXIETY Another example of how all health begins in the gut (thanks, Hippocrates) and even mental health. A study on mice showed that feeding them a high fat diet lead to an increase in the kind of serotonin that can drive up anxiety. It altered the gut microbiome and in turn, affected brain health. Read it here and then work on your diet!

DON'T BE AN AHOLE AT A RESTAURANT Here is a handy list of ten things NOT TO DO if you want to be a decent patron at a restaurant. From our friends at Fox 31:

  1. Say they won’t pay for a dish they didn’t like but ate (90%)
  2. Allow their children to roam freely (90%)
  3. Debate menu prices with the staff (84%)
  4. Stay past the restaurant’s closing time (83%)
  5. Snap their fingers to get the waiter’s attention (81%)
  6. Bring outside food or drinks into the restaurant (71%)
  7. Show up 15 minutes late to a reservation (66%)
  8. Leave a mess at the table, such as spilled drinks or food crumbs (60%)
  9. Occupy a table for an extended period during busy hours (58%)
  10. Flirt with the staff (57%)

All of these should be common sense, but they aren't, trust me.

UNIONIZE THEY SAID, IT'LL BE FUN THEY SAID Thirty workers at a Philly area coffee shop chain are out of a job a week after voting to unionize. The owners said they simply couldn't afford to stay open and manage the new fees and demands of unionization. So now they will have to find another coffee shop to ruin.

MILLIONAIRES ARE DITCHING THE UK In droves and the number is expected to be even higher next year. This is what happens when the government decides to fund all their social programs by taxing the rich. The rich just leaves. They can easily afford to do it and they are. From CNBC:

The projections mark a stark turnaround for Britain, once viewed as a prime location for the world’s super-rich. Henley, a consultancy that tracks migration trends, noted that between the 1950s and the early 2000s, the country saw swathes of rich families relocate to its shores from across mainland Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. 
“However, this trend began to reverse around a decade ago as more millionaires began to leave the country and fewer came in,” it said in its report.
“Notably, during the six-year period from 2017 to 2023 post-Brexit, the U.K. lost a total of 16,500 millionaires to migration. Provisional estimates for 2024 are even more concerning,” the research added.

Let this be a warning to the US Democrats who want to soak the rich for everything.

IS THE EV CAMINO THE PERFECT MOM CAR? This is hilarious. Watch below or click here.

KANSAS IS SUING PFIZER OVER THE VACCINE The state is suing Pfizer for violating the Kansas Consumer Protection Act by lying about benefits and hiding potential side effects. Texas already has a case pending and more states are expected to file similar suits. Pfizer said they suits have no merit so we'll see what happens next.

DEMOCRATS ARE HOPING BIDEN STEPS DOWN And I think they are living in a fantasy world because I think Biden believes all the stuff they say about him in public, like he's sharper than he's ever been (which is beyond laughable) and his ego is such that he won't step down voluntarily. But this guy says maybe but don't count on it. Watch below or click here.

MAGIC EXPLAINED These are the kind of videos I can get behind.

HOW BAD IS SODA FOR YOU REALLY? Spoiler alert: very bad.

THIS EXPLAINS AROD'S WIFE EATING MAYO ON HOT DOGS Because God wanted him with someone different. Mission accomplished, God!

YES, OBAMA LED BIDEN OFFSTAGE Even as Democrats try to tell us this is fake news, watch for yourself.

That being said, I don't think Biden "froze". I think he was just basking in the adoration of the idiots who want to re elect him. But Obama most certainly led him offstage.

CHUCK SCHUMER EVEN FAKES BEING A REAL HUMAN As you can clearly see by this badly staged photo of him being JUST LIKE US! Except I don't put cheese on a raw, frozen hamburger, do you?

THE WORLD'S MOST VALUABLE STAMP HAS SOLD And as it is one of only two of this particular stamp that still exists this is a big deal. A deal worth $4.4 million bucks. The other stamp is on loan to the Smithsonian and can never be sold so this is it.

TEAM USA IS GONNA LOOK SHARP In their official Opening and Closing ceremony outfits by Ralph Lauren. I'd buy one of these jackets.

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