6/4/24 Blog: Jam Packed Last Show Before Vacation!

TODAY'S SHOW IS GONNA BE ALL OVER THE PLACE But the cavalcade of guests brings a little bit of something for everyone.

DAVID HEITZ HAS STRUGGLED WITH HOMELESSNESS And he's been living in Fusion Studios, operated by the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. After having some mental health issues that led to homelessness, David returned to his work as a journalist, publishing articles on Newsbreak.com. He has written about issues before but today we're talking about the internet issues that are making it hard for him to continue earning a livelihood, along with some pest and rodent issues as well. You should read his work, it's very good. Find a great column on the current situation here, and another unrelated story about just how much shiny police badges are going to cost the city in the next three years. I'm in the wrong business apparently. David joins me at 12:30 to discuss things.

WHAT SHOULD THE FUTURE OF LAWS LOOK LIKE? Our futurist Thomas Frey thinks about a lot of stuff and now he's thought about what the future of laws should look like. He's outlined it in this column called Four Laws for Managing Laws and I think he's on to something here. He joins me at 1 to discuss. Find Thomas to speak to your organization by clicking here!

OFRI REINER IS A SURVIVOR OF THE OCTOBER 7TH ATTACKS And she is in town with a film about those horrific events. She will be appearing after a screening of the film SuperNova: The Truth About Oct 7th to tell her story and she joins me at today at 2pm to share a bit of it with us today. Find the film by clicking here, unfortunately the event is sold out. From what I can tell this film is not yet available for widespread release. This is the trailer of the film. She will be in Fort Collins June 6th, buy tickets here!

OUR LAST GUESTS ARE MAGIC! Did you know we have a groovy little theater in Castle Rock that specialized in magic? The Theater of Dreams is tucked away in a shopping center and yet it is full of magic. Owners Carol Massie and Joe Givan have made magic their lives and they are in today to talk about the theater and upcoming shows. Find out more by clicking here!

BIDEN TAKES A STAB AT BORDER ENFORCEMENT By halting all new asylum claims until crossing drop by 2/3. This means that all the illegal immigrants currently making their way up South America will be stuck in Mexico until they can find a way over that doesn't involve Border Patrol. This is an obvious attempt to bring the numbers down before the election and I fully expect him to just drop it if he gets re elected. You can read more here but it's just a political move by a purely political President.

MAYOR MIKE IS GOING TO END VETERAN HOMELESSNESS And it seems that with grant from the VA they may be able to get these men (overwhelmingly homeless veterans are men) off the streets permanently. Read about it here, and let's hope this isn't another "round em up and warehouse em" scheme.

NO FREE RIDES ON RTD THIS SUMMER In a budget that soared over $40 BILLION this year the Colorado Legislature couldn't manage to find the money to give out free rides on RTD this summer to save us from Ozone. This is why I don't pay attention to dire warnings about ozone or global warming because when it comes time to put our money where their mouths are government falls short. From what I can see it costs a lousy $11 million per year.

YOUR BALLOT IS ON THE WAY! They should be hitting your mailbox in the next couple of days, read more here.

DON'T BE A GOOFY AMERICAN WHEN YOU TRAVEL OVERSEAS And this column points out the many ways we announce to the world that "We are AMERICANS!" and I do some of these if I'm honest. I'm not going to stop being friendly just because they aren't over there. Oh, and Chuck already packed his Hawaiian shirt.

THE NINE BEST COLORADO ADVENTURES FOR DAD! Some of these are pricey but awesome and some are free and awesome. Choose wisely, Father's Day is right around the corner.

XCEL SMART METER CUSTOMERS, GET READY TO PONY UP Because they are going to charge you more during peak usage hours now. How much more? Almost three times what you're paying now. In a comical statement, Xcel says this is about SAVING people money. Mmkay.

THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN SAYS THEY HAVE RAISED 200 MILLION SINCE THE VERDICT And 70 million was in small donor donations. I'm sure the Democrats were not expecting this. Someone asked if maybe they were lying about this, but they have to file FEC reports so I don't know what that would get them. Eric Trump says 30% of those donors have never donated to a political campaign before, which is kind of significant.

THE MAN WHO BUILT A CASTLE IN COLORADO If you've not been to Bishop Castle this story will inspire a visit!

WHEN CART RETURNING CREATES A KERFUFFLE I think all decent humans share the belief that if you don't return your shopping cart to the cart barn you are part of The Problem. Now one woman who claims to be an LA based clinical and forensic psychologist has set the internet aflame by admitting that she doesn't return her cart. Why? This is her reasoning:

"I'm not returning my shopping cart and you can judge me all you want. I'm not getting my groceries into the car, getting my children into the car and then leaving them in the car to go return the cart. So if you're going to give me a dirty look, f— off," 

Amazingly, the entire time my kid was little I could manage to load up my groceries and kid, lock the door to my car for the 50 steps to the cart barn and back again and be a helpful member of society AND a good mom. The internet WENT OFF on this lady, as well it should have.

VALDAMAR ARCHULETA HAS DECLINED THE COLORADO GOP'S ENDORSEMENT And as an openly gay man he took special exception to the hateful and allegedly Christian email sent out by the Colorado GOP yesterday. See his statement here.

Dave Williams is going to drive everyone out of this party.

DAVE WILLIAMS TRIES TO USE TRUMP And Jimmy Sengenberger (who will be filling in for me this week) wrote a great column about it here.

DUMBASS TOURIST GORED BY BISON Stay away from the big fuzzy cows, people. An 83 year old woman was gored after she got too close to a bison and it defended its space by tossing her into the air. I hope she recovers and let this be a lesson to others about staying the hell away from wild animals.

THE HOUSE HEARINGS WITH DR. FAUCI WAS A DEMOCRAT SOFTBALL GAME But this is what passes for serious inquiry on The Hill. Whatever team is in charge will go after the witnesses while the team not in charge lobs softballs. Dr. Tony Fauci was on the stand and continued to lie about what he did during Covid. He's an unrepentant egotistical monster if you ask me. Watch Fauci Vs. Fauci to see him lie in real time.

Read this column for more egregious examples of his pathological lying.

AMERICANS NEED LESS STRESS AND MORE SLEEP And not by just a little. The kicker here is that more stress robs us of quality sleep which creates more stress and so on. Read this for more.

ROBOT DOES WHAT I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO And that is solve a Rubik's Cube. The robot did it ten times faster than a human can. I hate this robot

COLIN COWHERD DOESN'T LOVE TRUMP And he has a point here, though if you see how our justice system has been rigged against one side you will take this with a grain of salt. Watch it here.

CASTRATION MAY BE THE PUNISHMENT FOR PEOPLE WHO MOLEST KIDS At least in Louisiana where chemical castration has been a thing for years. Now they are adding surgical castration as a potential punishment for certain sex crimes against kids. I hate child molesters but we have to give them a chance to rehabilitate and never do it again. However, for repeat offenders I could be convinced.

TOO MUCH ABBREVES This made me laugh today.

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