5/13/24 Blog: When Parents Rise Up Against A Principal

STEFFAN TUBBS NEW MOVIE PREMIERES THIS WEEKEND And I'm very sad to tell you that all the premieres throughout the metro area are sold out! That being said we can find out if there is any larger distribution in the works. Find out more about the film and watch the documentary trailer by clicking here.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A PRINCIPAL ISN'T LOVED BY THE PARENTS? What's happening at Powderhorn Elementary in JeffCo goes beyond parents not liking the principal. They say he is destroying the culture of a once beloved elementary school and driving away good teachers. There is a Change.org petition circulating asking for his removal and I've got parent Zack Loffert on at 1:30 to talk about why parents think he needs to go.

OUR PROPERTY TAX HIKE ISN'T A CUT No matter how much I like the Republicans who worked on this bill. The fact of the matter is that after slaughtering us with a massive property tax hike this year we are being told an INCREASE that isn't AS LARGE as the increase we might have faced is a cut. It is not. This column has more.

EXPOSING DENVER'S HOMELESS INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX If you missed the Denver Gazette's investigative piece on how much we spend and what we get for it on when it comes to homelessness read it here. If you'd like to read a great interview with the reporters who wrote it read that here. Both are worth your time. This as former employee's of The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless are sounding the alarm about conditions at their facilities. The CEO's statement seems like weak sauce considering the magnitude of the accusations being made.

THE VA IS CANCELLING SURGERIES Because "residue" was found on some reusable surgical equipment before a recent surgery. Surgeries using only single use equipment can continue while they try to figure out who dropped the ball when it comes to cleaning this stuff for reuse. That hospital was too expensive for this to become a thing.

HOW LONG SHOULD THE LEGISLATURE BE IN SESSION? I'm inclined to agree with Jon Caldara who writes here that we need to ratchet them back to 90 days a year. He's right when he says it won't matter because they wait until the end of the session to do the big, unpopular work so constituents can't weigh in anyway.

RFK, JR SEARCHES FOR HIS MESSAGE ON ABORTION And it's almost comical and shows a complete lack of any sort of principle on the issue. First he said he was against any restrictions up to the moment of birth, which we have in Colorado. Then he said he was for reasonable restrictions after a certain period of time and now he says "viability" is the target. He has no clue what he's doing here.

DPS IS TAKING THREATS AT EAST HIGH SERIOUSLY And though it's likely it was some kid spouting off at the end of the school year expect to see an increased law enforcement presence at the school as a precaution. I am fine with this, though I'm sure Tay Tay is steaming mad that the popo is on site. Screw that guy, keep kids safe.

THE LYING LIAR WHO LIES And today I'm not talking about Donald Trump, but Joe Biden. The New York Post Editorial team decided to fact check Good Ol' Joe during a recent sit down with CNN's Erin Burnett and they found he lied 15 times in the 17 minute interview. Nearly a lie a minute. What did he lie about? Pretty much everything from job creation to Trump wanting to cut Medicare to where inflation was when he took office. Though Burnett pushed back on some of it, she let too much slide though I don't blame her, I'm sure her bosses warned her to not do anything to affect access to the President. I just include this story because I'm sick of sanctimonious Democrats acting like "their guy" has any moral high ground to stand on.

WHEN POPULISM MAKES A COMEBACK This is very interesting. A former member of the band Mumford and Sons took to the podium to defend the concept of "populism" and he goes pretty scorched earth on the Democratic elite. Nancy Pelosi was in the audience and he spoke directly to her several times.

INSTAGRAM IS SELLING KIDS TO CREEPY ASS MEN VIA ADS This story is crazy but I'm sure it's accurate. A woman selling jewelry using a 5 year old child in the photo was shocked to see her ad was shown to mostly grown ass men, not the women she was targeting. It got worse when sex offenders reached out trying to contact THE CHILD. The New York Times then ran a sting where they used the same photo without copy and whole bunch of sex offenders showed up. Gross. Don't put your kid on the internet.

THERE AREN'T ENOUGH BABIES IN THE WORLD And this is a very, very serious issue. Birth rates are poised to fall below what's called replacement rates that keep the world's population stable. We are already below the replacement rate in the US and this does not bode well for the future of things like Medicare and Social Security which rely on younger workers to pay the freight. Read more here. I think we are going to need to push some seriously birth rate positive policies in the US to get that rate back up.

THE UN DROPS THE NUMBER OF DEAD IN GAZA While essentially saying without saying that Hamas is lying to inflate the numbers. From the article:

The UN attributed its original, higher figures to the Hamas-controlled Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza, whose figures OCHA has cited continually for the past two months. The UN gave no source for the lower figures in its May 8 update, but the figures precisely match those in a May 2 report from a different Hamas-controlled organization, the Gaza Ministry of Health.
In early April, the Gaza Ministry of Health admitted it had “incomplete data” to document more than 10,000 of the deaths it had previously reported. Subsequently, the ministry indicated that it did not have names for more than 10,000 of the individuals it claimed to be deceased. As of April 1, the ministry also stopped repeating the claim it made since the first weeks of the war that 70 percent of the dead were women and children, even suggesting the media invented this number. Meanwhile, the GMO continues to promote the 70 percent figure while revising its own numbers upwards, to remain consistent with that claim.

Any civilian death is tragic but this does blow a hole in the "genocide" narrative being used by Anti-Semites.

90% OF US ARE AT RISK FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Because we're fat and don't exercise. Read it here.

SLEEP DOESN'T CLEAN YOUR BRAIN, EXERCISE DOES This is super interesting. For a long time it was thought we need sleep to allow our body time to clean our brains of toxins and whatnot but a new study clearly shows the opposite. It's during exercise that our brains get a deep cleaning. So get up and move around and clean your brain!

LIFT WEIGHTS TO CLEAN YOUR BRAIN Or take care of any other physical issue according to a different study. Weight lifting has been shown to be beneficial to brain health, heart health, and pretty much every sort of health. And the more you do it, the less you will need to worry about those issues. It is ESPECIALLY effective in the elderly!

WHY DO SO MANY WOMEN SUPPORT HAMAS? City Journal's Heather MacDonald explains here that the  "the victim ideology that drives much of academia today, with its explicit enmity to objectivity and reason as white male constructs, has a female character." Why is this?

It was not too long ago when administrators started bringing in therapy dogs to campus libraries and dining halls to help a female-heavy student body cope with psychic distress, especially after the election of Donald Trump. “Trigger warnings” were implemented to protect female students from Ovid’s Metamorphoses and other great works of literature. Campus discourse and its media echo chamber rang with accounts of the mental-health crisis on campus, whose alleged sufferers were overwhelmingly female.
Par for the course, then, when the editors at the Columbia Law Review (majority female) adopted the rhetoric of trauma in demanding that Columbia Law School hand out a universal pass for Spring 2024 coursework. A May 1 action by the New York Police Department to evict violent trespassers from an administration building had left them, they wrote, “highly emotional,” “irrevocably shaken,” “unwell,” and “unable to focus”—in other words, displaying all the symptoms of Victorian neurasthenia.

The weaker sex has brought weakness to the forefront. That's my take on it anyway.

HOW CAN NETANYAHU MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY ENOUGH? This is a good column on the needle being threaded diplomatically by Benjamin Netanyahu and he continues to work to dismantle Hamas entirely while dealing with international pressures from allies and others. It's complicated to say the least, and you should read it here.

WE ARE NOW SPENDING MORE ON INTEREST THAN MEDICARE AND DEFENSE Spending on interest is also more than all the money spent this year on veterans, education, and transportation combined. We cannot stay a great nation like this. This is the beginning of our end.

BILL MAHER TAKES ON THE MEDIA And he's 100% right.


IS TIME TRAVEL THE REASON? Or maybe the oral tradition that has existed since man could communicate? But I'm sure it's time travel.


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