5/9/24 Blog: House Minority Leader Rose Pugliese On the Session

HOUSE MINORITY LEADER ROSE PUGLIESE IS THE SHOW TODAY We shall chat right out of the chute because the show only goes to 12:30. I'll ask her how many ways the Legislature voted to make things more expensive for Coloradans this year. I bet she can't answer off the top of her head because there are so many. To be clear, I don't blame Republicans, who are hopelessly outnumbered under the Gold Dome and neither should you. Here is an article about what both parties think about the session.

THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD And Chris Parente and Katie Orth discuss some sort of madness involving Dr. Pepper with pickles in it.

BIDEN CATERS TO THE DEATH TO AMERICA CROWD And turns his back on Israel. Now Biden wants to direct how Israel runs its war with Hamas and Hezbollah and any other Iran backed terror group that wants to destroy is. In an interview where he talked out of both sides of his mouth he said that if Israel launched a full scale invasion of Rafah, which is believed to be the last stronghold of Hamas, he would refuse to send the weapons Congress just approved to send. From CNN.com:

“We’re not walking away from Israel’s security. We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas,” Biden said.
Biden said while the US would continue to provide defensive weapons to Israel, including for its Iron Dome air defense system, other shipments would end should a major ground invasion of Rafah begin.
“We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks that came out of the Middle East recently,” he said. “But it’s, it’s just wrong. We’re not going to – we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells.”

Let me fix that for him:

We're not walking away from Israel's security, we're making sure that they will have to worry every day about another massacre by Hamas, which we are now protecting from Israel. He is caving to the protesters chanting Death to America and burning the US flag. He would rather be re elected by those scumbags than protect one of our oldest and strongest allies. This is a dark day for sure.

BIDEN DESERVES CONDEMNATION FOR THIS And John Podhoretz does so brilliantly in this column.

IS STARBUCKS OVER? Don't get me wrong, if I'm in an airport and Starbucks is my only option I'm there for it. But I rarely if ever darken the doorstep of an actual Starbucks store. Why? Because I'm cheap. Now other Americans are joining me in realizing you can make great coffee at home without paying five bucks and getting a bunch of empty calories or by shopping a locally owned coffee shop instead. Added to the woes in this article is the perception by Gen Z that Starbucks is "for old people" now. Yikes.

THE DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATURE HAS CRAPPED ALL OVER THE LAW And this editorial in the Denver Gazette explains how.

LISTEN TO GRANT'S INTERVIEW WITH DAVE LOGAN TODAY If baseball isn't your thing. Find it and all his great episodes here.

NPR'S CEO DUCKS CONGRESS And I think this is a bad choice but whatever. Instead of appearing before a committee as requested, she submitted written answers to their questions instead. This will not suffice. Read more here.

CONGRATS TO THE JOKER He won the NBA's MVP award again. Now let's see if he can get the Nuggets through round 2.

YES, YOUNG PEOPLE OWN HOMES IN COLORADO At a rate far above the national average, which is interesting considering how much houses cost here. Read it here.

HERE ARE 101 BILLS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT This is a really well done story by the Colorado Sun that outlines a bunch of bills that are important and will impact our way of life. Read them all here.

YES, LIBERALS ARE UNHAPPIER THAN CONSERVATIVES And this column says it's because of their dogged fixation on identity politics and social justice.




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