5/7/24 Blog: The Future, and Protecting Women's Sports and Parental Rights

THOMAS FREY ALWAYS LOOKS FORWARD And as our resident futurist, he's on today at 1 to discuss the Seven Deadly Sins of the Future, which he has written about here. If you need Thomas to analyze your industry's future you can find him here.

TWO BALLOT INITIATIVES TO PROTECT WOMEN AND KIDS The first initiative is  #160. Public Athletic Programs for Minors and it limits girls and womens sports to JUST girls and women born female. You can read it here. This goes against the new Title IX rules which let any male decide he is female and then compete against girls and women and I'm all for it. Girls and women deserve to have spaces they can compete against their biological equals. The second one is #142 Parental Notification of Gender Incongruence and I can't believe we need this but here we are. This one very simply states that parents MUST be informed if their child is experiencing and gender incongruence as school. And they must be informed within 48 hours. Gone will be the days of teachers deciding parents are too dangerous to parent their kids. Read it here. Rich Guggenheim from Gays Against Groomers is on at 12:30 to discuss.

REPRESENTATIVE LISA FRIZELL TODAY AT 2:30 The long awaited property tax relief bill was released yesterday and a huge part of Frizell's district gets nothing from it from what I can see but she's part of the group that worked on this compromise so I'm interested to hear whether or not I get any property tax relief in my neighborhood. Read about it here.

DID THE DENVER GAZETTE ARTICLE ON HOMELESSNESS SPARK THIS DELAY? This is a long investigative piece on the failure of Denver's homelessness industry to actually get people off the streets permanently. It was in Sunday's paper and you should read it here. It is highly critical of both the Salvation Army and the Denver Rescue Mission for their inability to get people out of shelter beds and into some sort of permanent housing that isn't a hotel room. At last night's Denver City Council meeting Sarah Parady asked for a delay in awarding $8 million more to the Salvation Army without explanation. Is there a connection? And has the city even put forth a roadmap for these agencies to get people into permanent housing or are they just hoping for the best? All I know is that we've spent an obscene amount of money that isn't getting people the help they were promised in a timely fashion.

TAY TAY ANDERSON LOSES AGAIN This time in a case against two community members who dared to call out his creepy ass behavior with female students when he was on the Board of Education. Jimmy Sengenberger writes about his latest legal victimhood attempt here.

INCREASED PENALTIES LEAD TO LOWER CAR THEFTS And I want you to remember those idiot activists who said things like "we can't arrest our way out of this" and other such garbage. Car thefts are down a whopping 25% this year after legislators finally stiffened penalties for stealing a car. From the Denver Gazette article on the decrease:

Last year, critics of the legislation argued that charging thieves with harsher offenses would not deter theft if the criminals are not getting arrested in the first place. Sen. Julie Gonzales and Sen. Robert Rodriguez, for example, raised concerns about the proposal's effectiveness in curbing crime and pointed to an estimated $12 million in additional cost over five years, the result of increasing prison sentences of auto thieves.

They were wrong apparently. Making crime suck does to seem a positive effect on how often it occurs.

THE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN IS DEAD Killed in committee before Fake Libertarian Governor Jared Polis had to figure out a way to split the baby. Read about it here but this is a huge win for Polis who now doesn't have to risk exposing himself as a Fake Libertarian or enraging the gun grabbers in his party. Read it here.

AN ATTACK ON HUNTING WILL BE ON THE BALLOT And it is masquerading as a bill against "trophy hunting" mountain lions but the language can easily be broadly interpreted to mean a ban on ANY hunting. Read more here, I'll try to get someone on to talk about what this means. I'm afraid it will pass because of the same idiot front range voters who brought us wolves.

A FORMER LIGHT RAIL ADVOCATE JUST SAYS NO the author of this column admits he was actively involved in getting the light rail boondoggle passed here, and now he's warning taxpayers not to fall for any more nonsense about the so-called "promise" of light rail. He's urging voters to vote down an increase in sales tax to pay for a new line that goes to Boulder, THEN Longmont and I agree. No more good money after bad for light rail is needed. We've got enough and no one rides it anyway.

DEMOCRATS JUST GAVE XCEL UNLIMITED POWER TO RAISE YOUR BILL Without asking permission from the Public Utilities Commission first! Democrat Steve Fenberg got a bill passed that forces Xcel to spend a crap ton of money upgrading our electric grid (something they should be doing anyway) while passing those costs directly onto rate payers in the form of a brand new "rider" to your bill that the PUC has no authority over. Amy Oliver Cooke, who has been writing about this for over a decade while correctly predicting the increased energy costs we've seen in that time, writes about the latest way to screw Coloradans being forced down our throats by Democrats here.

DONALD TRUMP DIDN'T DRAIN THE SWAMP? WHY NOT? John Stossel looks into it. And according to RINO Watch this makes him a liar and a RINO.

ANOTHER ENDORSEMENT FOR JEFF CRANK IN CD-5 Not only did Doug Lamborn endorse Jeff Crank, but former Congressman Joel Hefley has endorsed him too.

DENVER CRACKS DOWN ON UNLICENSED WEINERS And other food vendors outside of sporting events. They are concerned that you are going to get sick from bad food safety practices and they may be right. But if you buy a hot dog from a shady table outside Ball Arena you should already know you're playing with fire and bacteria.

MARKED SAFE FROM A MET GALA OUTFIT I don't understand the Met Gala. Yes, I know it is to raise money for the vaunted Metropolitan Museum of Art. What I don't get is how it became the chance for everyone to wear the most outrageous and ridiculous outfit the event in the effort to be THE THING everyone talked about today. A bunch of women showed up pretty much nekkid and someone came dressed as an umbrella/shower curtain.

You can see all the looks here and I have to say many of them look like a five year old played cut and paste on an outfit. I do not understand fashion.

THE TIDE IS TURNING ON FORCED DEI MIT has announced they will drop the "diversity statement" part of the hiring process for faculty hiring, making it the first elite university the first to ditch this nonsense. From the Unherd story:

On Saturday, an MIT spokesperson confirmed in an email to me that “requests for a statement on diversity will no longer be part of applications for any faculty positions at MIT”, adding that the decision was made by embattled MIT President Sally Kornbluth “with the support of the Provost, Chancellor, and all six academic deans”.
The decision marks an inflection point in the battle over diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education. Since at least the late 2010s, diversity statements have been ubiquitous in faculty hiring, sometimes carrying serious weight in the selection process. As one dean at Emory University put it while describing her approach to hiring, “Diversity statement, then dossier.”

Maybe sanity can return to the university system. We'll see if anyone else follows.

HOW WOKE BROKE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN The once vaunted science magazine that reported on all the cool stuff happening in the world of science is now a shell of its former self. This long story from City Journal outlines the fall and inevitable death of a once proud magazine. This makes me sad to be honest.

HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU NEED TO SPEND EXERCISING? Now that I've turned you on the Huberman Labs podcast I'm moving on to Peter Attia's podcast on longevity which is also really, really good.

DUDE The world's fastest gun disarmer is a guy I want to hang out with.

HAVE WE MADE RACIAL PROGRESS? This interview seems worth seeking out the longer form of. There is some bad language but it's so worth it.


ISRAEL CALLS OUT AMERICAN HYPOCRISY ON CIVILIAN DEATHS And this column is not wrong, unfortunately.

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