IF YOU'VE BEEN NEGATIVELY AFFECTED BY THE HOMELESS SITUATION You need to plan on attending on of these upcoming meetings that will be taking place around the city. I've seen a lot of coverage of Mayor Mike Johnston meeting with homeless people demanding more housing, but I've not seen nearly as much coverage of him meeting with the taxpayers who have been negatively affected by the out of control homeless addicts that seem to be running some areas of the city. There are town hall meetings starting this week starting tomorrow and you can find out when he will be in your district here. It's time for people to make their voices heard loud and clear here.
DPS BOARD MEMBER SCOTT BALDERMANN HAS APOLOGIZED He's the only board member so far to say the board owes the public an apology for their clearly illegal executive session meeting where they made big policy decisions out of the public eye. He says the board should apologize and he's 100% right. I figured since I put the whole board on blast last week for this I should give him credit for doing the right thing.
WE ARE NOT BUYING ELECTRIC CARS LIKE OUR OVERLORDS WANT US TOO Electric car sales have stayed flat at 13% just as auto makers are being told they MUST sell more electric cars or else. But what if we don't WANT electric cars? It seems most people prefer the security of a hybrid vehicle, as those are selling at a healthy pace even without the generous subsidies that rich people are getting on far more expensive vehicles. I'm curious as to what it would take to get you into a fully electric vehicle. For me, I want to know for sure that children in the Congo are not working barefoot to provide the rare earth minerals that go into making these cars.
BIDEN IS TRYING A ROPE-A-DOPE ON STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS And he's doing it by creating an income based student loan forgiveness program. This isn't exactly a ringing endorsement of college when you have someone with a ton of college debt and they are making $15 an hour but here we are. I'm trying to get a college President on the phone to talk about how he is actually cutting costs for students at his school. Stay tuned for more on that.
HE'S JUST SIGNALING TO HIS PEOPLE WHERE TO LAND Elon Musk put a giant illuminated X on top of Twitter headquarters in San Fran and everyone hates it but him. I think it's just to let his alien friends know where to land.
An aerial view shows a newly constructed X sign on the roof of the headquarters of the social media platform previously known as Twitter, in San Francisco, on July 29, 2023. Elon Musk killed off the Twitter logo on July 24, 2023, replacing the world-recognized blue bird with a white X as the tycoon accelerates his efforts to transform the floundering social media giant. Musk and the company's new chief executive Linda Yaccarino announced the rebranding on July 23, 2023, scrapping one of technology's most iconic brands in the latest shock move since the tycoon took over Twitter nine months ago. (Photo by JOSH EDELSON / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)Photo: JOSH EDELSON / AFP / Getty Images
COLORADO IS SLEEP DEPRIVED At least according to this story that showed which states search sleep related questions. We are 16 out of 50, which isn't good. Sleep has always been a problem for me but I make it a priority in my life now because I'm miserable and kind of stupid without it.
WHY HIGH SCHOOL BOYS ARE LEANING CONSERVATIVE The short answer to why high school boys are leaning conservative or even VERY conservative in recent surveys is become the left is openly hostile to boy and men. That's my view anyway. Why would you want to associate with a movement that blames your gender for EVERYTHING and has made natural boy behavior into "toxic masculinity"? For real.
HERE ARE THE WINES WE BLIND TASTED LAST FRIDAY FOR AROD Kristal added the names to the blog here.
THE DOJ CONTINUES TO TRY TO COVER FOR THE BIDENS And this is such an egregious abuse of power on top of so many egregious abuses of power it's borderline absurd. The NYPost's Miranda Devine has a column about how the Department of Justice sent a letter to ajudge overseeing the case of Hunter Biden's business partner Devon Archer, who was convicted in a bond fraud case in 2018. The letter demanded the judge set a date for Archer to begin serving his time IMMEDIATELY, though Archer is scheduled to testify TODAY about Joe Biden's involvement in his crack addict son's shady business dealings. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. I'm sure. Here is a list of five questions that should be asked of Devon Archer when he testifies and I sure hope someone in Congress reads this.
THAT TIME FARA LAWS WERE USED AGAINST TRUMP Which has created a very sticky situation for First Son Hunter Biden who CLEARLY violated the laws used by Robert Mueller to jail Trump associates. It sure would be weird if the Department of Justice didn't pursue charges against Hunter now, wouldn't it?
IS THE NOOSE TIGHTENING AROUND JOE BIDEN? I can't figure out why else he and Jill, who have been ignoring their seventh grandchild for four years now, decided to send a statement to People magazine about the girl. Look at this bit of nonsense:
“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward. This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter. Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”
At least he knows her name. I truly hope for that child's sake they welcome her into their lives for real, and not just because it made them look bad. And as for his "it's not a political issue" he loves to tout his family man credentials ALL THE TIME as a political tool. He created this mess.
TRUMP MAY RUN OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY TO FOOT HIS LEGAL BILLS As the Super PAC he's been using to pay his legal bills has now requested a $60 MILLION refund from another group supporting Trump that they gave money to. The Save America PAC was the beneficiary of a whole bunch of small money donations from average people across the country, and he's bleeding it dry paying legal bills he should be responsible for. While he's having brunch at Mar-A-Lago, the private club he owns, he's asking old people on fixed incomes to foot his legal bills. How this man is still idolized is beyond me.
GEN X IS NOT READY FOR RETIREMENT Because of course we're the first generation that won't be able to count on pensions while no one was telling us at 21 to start a Roth IRA. The numbers are bleak and you can see them here. We better be nice to our kids because we may be living with them.
YES, YOU CAN STOP A PEANUT ALLERGY FROM EVEN GETTING STARTED If you want to avoid an incredibly dangerous and annoying peanut allergy in your kid, give them peanut butter starting at about four months old. That's the new advice from doctors and please spread the word because not being able to send a peanut butter and jelly for lunch because of peanut allergies sucks.
IT'S TIME TO BRING CRIME FIGHTING BACK TO THE DA's OFFICE Now that progressive, soft on crime DA Beth McCann has announced she is not running again (and thank God for that) we have a chance to bring sanity back to the District Attorney's Office by electing someone who actually prosecutes crime instead of letting violent offenders out on PR bonds. She is a big part of the crime issue in Denver and this editorial lays out just how bad she's been for Denver.
THE SILLY TRUTH ABOUT STAR WARS PROPS This is fantastic because I just watched the Star Wars movies yesterday.
ANOTHER WEIRD WEDDING TREND And I've been to a wedding with this and the potatoes were totally cold and it was gross. Watch below or click here.
HOW MUCH IT COSTS TO HAVE A BABY And if more people knew this they would choose a home birth. Watch below or click here.
THINGS PEOPLE WORRY ABOUT NEEDLESSLY When I see stories like this on Buzzfeed it makes me sad that people apparently spend a TREMENDOUS amount of time worrying about what other people think of them. Trust me people, if they don't like your music they will still like you. And if they don't they suck anyway and have done you a favor. Read the sad list here.
FLORIDA APPROVES PRAGERU's SCHOOL CURRICULUM And this GREAT news as PragerU does an amazing job of explaining complex issues in a very simple way. This shouldn't even be a story if schools are using the garbage 1619 Project curriculum but it will be used as another sign that DeSantis is a fascist by those who don't like him.
I LOVE THIS STORY ABOUT LUKE BRYAN Because it has two wonderful parts. First a little girl fighting terminal brain cancer had a suite donated by someone so she could go to the show even as she is severely immunocompromised. Second, she got to meet Luke Bryan too. What a lovely story with a sad edge. When you've only got a short life ahead of you I'm glad so many people are working to make it very, very special.
BARBIE IS KILLING IT AT THE BOX OFFICE And I've decided I may have to go see it to what all the kerfuffle is about. It's very close to making a billion dollars.
DUMBASS DIES DOING DUMBASS THING A daredevil known for doing dumbass things died after falling from the 68th floor of a building. I'm sorry for his family and those who loved him but this is a dumbass move. He's a Darwin Award winner for sure.
WHEN BEING FAT IS AN ADVANTAGE This guy used his girth to sneak booze into a concert. Watch below or click here.
AHH, THE OLD DRUNK GOAT TRICK Watch below or click here.
WHY MILLENNIALS WELCOME ALIENS Watch below or click here.
A CANADIAN TRANS WOMAN WANTS TO DIE BECAUSE OF GENDER AFFIRMING CARE And in Canada she will likely be allowed to take advantage of their Medical Assistance in Dying laws to get the state to euthanize her after they sterilized her. This story is one tragedy piled on top of another tragedy.
OH, OH, OH NO OZEMPIC Ozempic is currently under investigation in the UK after users experiences suicidal thoughts. This isn't surprising to me as many people use food to soothe all their emotions and Ozempic pretty much makes you indifferent to food. I'm not saying that no one should use Ozempic, but if you are overweight because you are an emotional eater you need to get proper counseling to learn healthy ways to process emotions instead while you are on Ozempic. I may be totally wrong in my supposition here however and it may be that the drug causes depression. It has also been connected to stomach paralysis in some people, which causes non stop vomiting which sounds horrible. Just an fyi.