07/26/23 Blog: The Biden Family Grift Timeline is a Rabbit Hole For Sure

ALIENS ARE A REAL THING! And I've added the videos at the bottom of the blog.

BK SITS IN WITH ME TODAY FOR A SHORTER SHOW I am still not quite ready to do this by myself without hurting my voice so BK will be in when the show starts after baseball!

THIS BIDEN FAMILY GRIFT TIMELINE IS INSANE The House Committee released this super long timeline of all the money from all the sources that has flowed into the Biden's pockets for...well we don't know what because the Biden family has been quiet about exactly what Hunter Biden brought the table when he was on the board of a corrupt oil company in Ukraine. You should check it out here because you shouldn't expect the networks to talk about it.

WHO CARES IF THERE IS A IN GOD WE TRUST LICENSE PLATE IN COLORADO? Colorado has a crap ton of specialty license plates that are OPTIONAL for anyone to get when they get their car tags. Now there is one that says In God We Trust and Ari Armstrong is super salty about it. His argument that we would not be okay is there was an In Allah We Trust plate is just wrong. I don't care as long as it's just an option, not a requirement. If Muslims or Wiccans or whoever wants to go through the process to get a license plate honoring their God, go for it.

AURORANS WILL VOTE TO GIVE THE MAYOR MORE POWER As a ballot initiative to create a Strong Mayor form of governance has gathered enough petitions. This is what it would do:

Most of the language of the amendment pertains to eliminating the position of city manager and folding that person’s authority over city staffers into the position of mayor, who would also be able to veto City Council legislation.
Other parts of the proposal would add an at-large council member and reduce term limits for mayors and council members from three four-year terms to two, among other changes.

Mayor Mike Coffman has come out in support of the initiative and says Aurora has grown and it's government should adjust to that growth.

DID YOU GUYS KNOW WE HAVE THE 9TH HIGHEST GAS PRICES IN THE COUNTRY? Blame Jared Polis and the Democrats for this. In 2019 they were lower than 42 other states. The next time Democrats run on saving you money you know they are lying.

Y'ALL, THIS NEW YORK POST COVER IS MAGIC I laughed so hard when I saw this last night.

DESANTIS'S REAL RECORD ON COVID As the left tirelessly works to make sure Trump is the nominee they are lying about Florida's record on Covid. The Wall Street Journal sorts out the truth:

News stories attribute Florida’s higher death rate during the summer 2021 Delta wave to Mr. DeSantis’s refusal to embrace vaccine mandates. But they leave out that Florida also suffered a much smaller Covid wave in the previous winter than most states. As we’ve learned, infections build population-level protection that extends many months.
Florida experienced a lower Covid death rate than most states in late 2021 and early 2022. The press likes to cherry-pick data and focus on discrete periods to present Mr. DeSantis as a grim-reaper. But Florida’s overall age-adjusted Covid death rate during the pandemic is 13% lower than the U.S. average and about the same as California’s.
Florida’s vaccination rate among seniors is 94.4%, similar to most Democratic-run states. About 79.6% of Floridians age 18 and over have received two doses, which is higher than most states, including many with Democratic Governors such as Michigan (71.6%), North Carolina (77.1%), and Wisconsin (77.7%).
Progressives and Mr. Trump also won’t concede that Mr. DeSantis’s Covid strategy proved to be an economic boon. Between April 2020 and July 2022, 622,476 people moved to Florida from other states, including families who wanted children in school. Employment in Florida has grown by 7.4% since January 2020 versus 2.5% in California and a 1.2% decline in New York.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU EAT AN ULTRA PROCESSED FOOD DIET This is really interesting because a doctor with a health diet swapped out a big portion of that diet for ultra processed foods that make up a majority of the average American diet to see what would happen. Read the results here, but you should already guess they weren't good.

ANOTHER DETRANSITIONER IS SUING THE DOCS WHO OPERATED ON HER And if enough of these lawsuits are filed, and many have already been filed, this may be the thing that stops the butchering of children suffering from mental health issues. Read about the lastest woman with regrets for the transition she says she was pushed into here.

NBC NEWS JUST NOTICED BIDEN IS OLD AS HELL And they shockingly did a story on the myriad ways the campaign is propping him up like Bernie on the trail to make him look less old and incompetent. They can try, but he's still old and incompetent.

THINGS FOREIGNERS ASSOCIATE WITH AMERICANS And these are not wrong. Some of them are not nice, but they are not wrong.

CAN'T GET OUT OF BED? THERE'S A NAME FOR THAT And it's called dysania and could indicate a bigger issue that needs to be addressed. This isn't the occasional late morning sort of thing, this is the true inability to get up and moving in a timely fashion.

I WANT TO DO THIS TO MY CAR'S EXHAUST NOW I have no idea why this is so funny but it is. Watch below or click here.


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