07/12/23 Blog: Weather Wednesday and DPS Is In Contempt

ROSS IS BACK TODAY! And I'm happy to have him.

WEATHER WEDNESDAY IS BACK TOO! As Fox 31's Dave Fraser pops in at 12:35 to answer your weather questions.

TODAY IS NATIONAL CANCEL CULTURE AWARENESS DAY And I'm talking to Crisis PR expert Evan Nierman about what to do if YOU'RE being canceled! He's on at 1:30. Evan's new book The Cancel Culture Curse: From Rage to Redemption In a World Gone Mad and you can buy it here.

DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS IS IGNORING A JUDGE'S ORDER And that order is to release the audio of the five hour long "executive session" that a judge decided covered far more than is allowed by executive session rules. The session happened after the second shooting at East High and resulted in School Resource Officers being put back in schools without public comment. Executive session is supposed to be invoked for very limited discussions, mostly about legal and personnel issues, and the judge listened to the tapes and found that far more than that was discussed. A media consortium has now filed a motion for contempt charges against DPS, as they had until Tuesday to release the tapes unless they got a stay, which they did not. This is the most ridiculous stall of all time, and I think they are going to be able to stall until people aren't paying attention anymore but they are so, so wrong. People are paying attention very closely.

WANT TO WATCH THE SUNRISE FROM PIKES PEAK? I wish any of these dates were on a weekend because I would do this for sure, but during the week it's just impossible for me. Find out when you can drive up to catch sunrise here.

ARE WE HEADED FOR CIVIL WAR? A new book says the rhetoric in politics is the nastiest it's been since the Civil War. What I find interesting is that in the author's polling, voters said they did NOT like nasty politics and worried it could lead to violence but nasty politics WORKS so what gives? Are people lying to pollsters so they don't seem uncivil? I think so. I think secretly voters do love it. And that's a shame.

ANOTHER HOLLYWOOD CELEB GETS CALLED OUT FOR BAD BEHAVIOR And this time it's Jonah Hill. First his ex released a bunch of texts messages and claimed Hill abused her verbally and physically during their relationship, and now an actress who met him at a party when she was 16 says he pushed her up against the wall and shoved his tongue down her throat before she ran away. Parents, you need to tell your sons that this kind of behavior will now follow them for years and could pop back up at any time in their future so they need to act like gentlemen always and forever. As a side note, I don't know why any parent would ever let their children go to Hollywood. If you do, you're a bad parent.

DO YOU SLEEP IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOUR PARTNER? Chuck and I were just talking about this because we found out several of our friends have gone through a "sleep divorce" where they sleep in separate bedrooms so they can get good sleep. Now I see this article that says a third of couples occasionally or always sleep in separate rooms to get better sleep. There are occasion when I will go the guest room, like if I'm in a bad insomnia bout or one of us is sick, but I hate not sleeping in the same room as Chuck and he's a very loud and active sleeper. Read more here.

BEER FESTIVALS ARE GOING FLAT This as we gear up for one of the OG beer festivals in the country, The Great American Beer Festival. Tickets go on sale this Wednesday and in prior years you had to get your tickets in the first hour or you didn't get them at all. We'll see how sales go this year as many other festivals have pulled the plug amid rising costs and declining attendance. I think beer festivals just oversaturated the market and the smaller ones need to go. The Great American Beer Festival capped it's tickets sales at a lower number but also reduced the number of breweries, while allowing breweries to serve non-beer products like ciders and kombuchas for the first time, which I think is smart. Find out more here.

DON'T FALL FOR THE GAS STOVE FEARMONGERING Ari Armstrong responds to the alarmist reporting about a Stanford study on gas stoves in homes that showed a vast majority of homes with gas stoves are perfectly fine if you have any sort of ventilation. He actually read the study and is calling the alarmist reporting on the study out nicely. Use your gas stoves, people, you're fine.

A DAILY WALK CAN REDUCE DEPRESSION I have found that in order to properly manage stress I must take a walk daily. Outside, as on the treadmill doesn't have the same effect on my brain. So every morning I get up and drag fat puppy on a walk with me (she's too fat and I'm trying to get some weight off of her too) and it makes a huge difference in my everyday outlook. Now a study shows this:

This research, conducted in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin, reports that a “dose” equal to just 20 minutes per day (for five days a week) of moderate-intensity physical activity (brisk walking, for example) displayed an association to less risk of depressive symptoms and chances of major depression.

So get up and go for a walk. You'll be shocked at how much it helps your mental health.

ELECTRIC VEHICLES ARE SITTING ON CAR LOTS As Americans are just not ready to commit to the huge price tags and uncertainty that comes with electric vehicles. EVs that are priced above the threshold for subsidies are being hit especially hard with some luxury brands having over a years supply just sitting on the lot. What happens to the batteries while they sit? Real question. Toyota seems to have the right idea and is sticking with hybrids and plug in hybrids for now. This as Ford loses over $60,000 on every EV it's sold so far. This is not sustainable.

THE PANDEMIC OF CRUELTY TOWARDS PARENTS This column caught my eye because I know parents who have been cut out of their children's lives because of political differences. And I know people who continue to maintain a relationship with parents even though it is difficult sometimes. In this column by Dennis Prager, he blames therapy culture for the shift away from honoring our mothers and fathers and I get it. I think it's especially sad when someone cuts off their parents because of something stupid like politics, as politics is just so dumb. And as a parent, I know it's especially cruel for someone to cut a parent out of their life because there is nothing like the love one has for your kids.


EXPLAINING GENDER TO AN ALIEN NOW Watch below or click here.

WANT A DRINK THAT LOOKS LIKE A SMURF MADE IT? I've got it for you here. Watch below or click here.

WHEN SAYING DON'T PANIC DOESN'T WORK I'm not one to panic but if you are, here is a handy tip to help you stop panicking.

ARE YOU A LAWBREAKER? MAYBE. Reddit users shared relatively harmless crimes they have committed because some silly things are against the law. I'm not counting the person who said "breaking out of prison" that seems pretty harsh.

HOW TO STAY SAFE IN THE HEAT These are good tips on how to avoid heat stroke and other heat related problems during our 90 degree + days.

THE SIX WORST FOODS FOR YOUR TEETH And I'm just going to say it, I'm not giving up coffee. The others I don't really eat or drink that much so my choppers are good. Read what rots your teeth here, but you won't be surprised.

A MEMBER OF THE MANSON CULT IS LET OUT OF PRISON Leslie Van Houten, who took part in the vicious Manson Family murders, has been paroled and is moving a halfway house to get job training, even though she is now in her 70s. The families of the victims are understandably not happy about this, but she's done her time. Read more here.

THE LATEST BEZOS ROCKET EXPLODED And this isn't good for Blue Origin as they compete with fellow billionaire Elon Musk's Space X to become a functioning option to launch things into space. This rocket was supposed to launch a Vulcan rocket at the end of July and obviously that isn't happening now.

THIS DOG SEEMS HAPPY ENOUGH WITH ITS NEW DYE JOB But I don't love the dye job for dogs trend overall. I guess it doesn't hurt them, but it does seems a bit silly. That being said, if her disabled girl owner loves it than I'm glad they did it. Watch below or click here.

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